899 research outputs found

    Studies on an antifibrinolytic agent trans-AMCHA

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    Lysis of fibrin was first recognized by MORGAGNI in 1769, observing a liquid blood in a patient of acute death, and the phenomenon was named as fibrinolysis by DASTRE in 1893. In 1937, MACFARLANE recognized in a patient after cholecystectomy that the blood clot was lysed completely in the following morning. Since then, much attention has been paid clinically on fibrinolysis and it has been said to occur in case receiving a large amount of blood transfusion, shock, cancer, obstetric diseases, hemophilia, various drug poisonings, allergic diseases, after irradiation and after the operations of lung, pancreas and prostate. In our department, also, the similar phenomenon was recognized often in association with cardiac surgery using the artificial heart-lung machine, and a difficulty in hemostasis was encountered postoperatively. We have been studying, therefore, on fibrinolysis in open heart surgery.</p

    Association Analysis Identifies Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease When Temperature Increases

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    The increase of mortality from ischemic heart disease has been considered to accompany falling temperature. The effects of temperature rise have been mostly neglected. The aim of this paper is to provide new insights into risk of ischemic heart disease when temperature increases. Many researchers used Poisson regression model to assess this sort of problems. Then, the cases of temperature rise were ignored as a random term in regression equations. In this article, we adopted association analysis, which highlighted the patterns of occurrence of ischemic heart disease when temperature increased. Association rule mining was performed using both daily data of emergency medical transport usage at Nagoya City in Japan and the data of weather information. The use of association analysis identified typical patterns among risky incidence of ischemic heart disease even when the weather became warmer in both winter and summer. The association rule method discovered also the importance of the weather pattern of the preceding day. These findings will suggest the existence of a mechanism, underlying the association of ischemic heart disease with a temperature rise and will contribute to better understanding for incidence of ischemic heart disease during both winter and summer


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora

    Study on Links between Cerebral Infarction and Climate Change Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    Several studies have shown that variability in weather has been linked to stroke occurrence. However, the association has not been clear. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the change of weather pattern on stroke onset using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). The daily data of emergency transport from 2002 to 2005 in Nagoya City in Japan were used. As "weather patterns", we used 11-classes classified by Japan Weather Association (JWA), including "East high pressure and West Low pressure", "Two centers of Low pressure" and so on. We proposed a new type of application of HMMs. Normally, HMMs were used to predict a hidden state from observed data. In this paper, HMMs were applied to show the existence of influence of weather variability on stroke occurrence. Our HMM was compared with the stochastic process which ignores the influence of weather states. A statistical test leaded to conclude that weather influenced the occurrence of stroke. These findings suggest that further research is possible to give more detailed study of the relation between weather states and stroke occurrence, if we use more specified data of weather elements such as daily temperature, sea level pressure and so on