644 research outputs found

    Spontaneous strain due to ferroquadrupolar ordering in UCu2_2Sn

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    The ternary uranium compound UCu2_2Sn with a hexagonal ZrPt2_2Al-type structure shows a phase transition at 16 K. We reported previously that huge lattice-softening is accompanied by the phase transition, which originates from ferroquadrupolar ordering of the ground state non-Kramers doublet Γ5\Gamma_5. A macroscopic strain, which is expected to emerge spontaneously, was not detected by powder X-ray diffraction in the temperature range between 4.2 and 300 K. To search the spontaneous strain, we have carried out thermal expansion measurements on a single-crystalline sample along the aa, bb and cc axes using a capacitance technique with the resolution of 10810^{-8}. In the present experiment, we found the spontaneous exxeyye_{xx} - e_{yy} strain which couples to the ground state doublet Γ5\Gamma_5. The effect of uniaxial pressure along the aa, bb and cc axes on the transition temperature is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Phase diagram of depleted Heisenberg model for CaV4O9

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    We have numerically investigated the 1/5-depleted Heisenberg square lattice representing CaV4O9 using the Quantum Monte Carlo loop algorithm. We have determined the phase diagram of the model as a function of the ratio of the two different couplings: bonds within a plaquette and dimer bonds between plaquettes. By calculating both the spin gap and the staggered magnetization we determine the range of stability of the long range ordered (LRO) phase. At isotropic coupling LRO survives the depletion. But the close vicinity of the isotropic point to the spin gap phase leads us to the conclusion that already a small frustrating next nearest neighbor interaction can drive the system into the quantum disordered phase and thus explain the spin gap behavior of CaV4O9

    Different membrane targeting of prostaglandin EP3 receptor isoforms dependent on their carboxy-terminal tail structures

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    AbstractMouse prostaglandin EP3 receptor consists of three isoforms, EP3α, β and γ, with different carboxy-terminal tails. To assess the role of their carboxy-terminal tails in membrane targeting, we examined subcellular localization of myc-tagged EP3 isoforms expressed in MDCK cells. Two isoforms, EP3α and EP3β, were localized in the intracellular compartment but not in the plasma membrane, while the EP3γ isoform was found in the lateral plasma membrane and in part in the intracellular compartment. Mutant EP3 receptor lacking the carboxy-terminal tail was localized in the intracellular compartment but not in the plasma membrane. Thus, EP3 isoforms differ in subcellular targeting, and the carboxy-terminal tails play an important role in determination of the membrane targeting of EP3 receptor

    Micro Scanning Laser Range Sensor for Planetary Exploration

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    This paper proposes a new type of scanning laser range sensor for planetary exploration. The proposed sensor has advantages of small size, light weight, and low power consumption with the help of micro electrical mechanical systems technology. We are in the process of developing a miniature two dimensional optical sensor which is driven by a piezoelectric actuator. In this paper, we present the mechanisms and system concept of a micro scanning laser range sensor


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    Synthesis of procyanidins C2 and C1 was achieved via a stereoselective intermolecular condensation of equimolar amount of dimeric catechin or epicatechin nucleophile and monomeric catechin or epicatechin electrophile using Lewis acid. In the case of synthesis of procyanidin C2, AgBF4 and AgOTf afforded condensed product in excellent yield. As to the synthesis of procyanidin C1, Yb(OTf)(3) was effective for equimolar condensation.ArticleHETEROCYCLES. 85(9):2241-2250 (2012)journal articl

    CXCR2-Expressing Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Are Essential to Promote Colitis-Associated Tumorigenesis

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    SummaryA large body of evidence indicates that chronic inflammation is one of several key risk factors for cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for the contribution of inflammation and inflammatory mediators to cancer remain elusive. Here, we present genetic evidence that loss of CXCR2 dramatically suppresses chronic colonic inflammation and colitis-associated tumorigenesis through inhibiting infiltration of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) into colonic mucosa and tumors in a mouse model of colitis-associated cancer. CXCR2 ligands were elevated in inflamed colonic mucosa and tumors and induced MDSC chemotaxis. Adoptive transfer of wild-type MDSCs into Cxcr2−/− mice restored AOM/DSS-induced tumor progression. MDSCs accelerated tumor growth by inhibiting CD8+ T cell cytotoxic activity

    Paleoenvironmental Analyses of the Buried Peat Deposit during the mid-Holocene at the Desaki Coast in Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture, Weatern Japan

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    The buried peat deposit was foud in the sand beach on the Desaki coast (Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture), the northeastern coast of Seto Inland Sea. In this study, we performed sulfur and diatom analyses of the deposit. The results were used along with 14C dates and the eruption age (7300 cal BP) of Kikai-Akahoya tephra (K-Ab) to derive sedimentary environments of the deposit. K-Ah was detected just below the peat deposit. At the culmination of the Jomon transgression, the peat deposit had been formed in brackish environments of salt marsh for about 300 years. In order to reconstruct local paleovegetation, we analyzed pollen, wood and plant fossils in the deposit. The results show vegetational transition from a deciduous broadleaved forest mainly of Ouercus subgen. Lepidobalanus to Pinus forest. In spite of the Holocene thermal optimum, the vegetation dominated by Ouercus subgen. Cyclobanopsis was not recognized at the Desaki site, as has been shown in many other regions of regions of western Japan. Ouercus sect. Prinus was replaced by Ouercus sect. Aegilops as the dominant section of Ouercus subgen. Lepidobalanus, suggesting early establishment of traditional rural vegetation of 'Satoyama' in Japan. However, no evidence for human agency has been obtained from the mid-Holocene archaeological sites around the Desaki site. Thus it is more likely that this vegetational transition resulted from the succession caused by natural forces such as ecological disturbance and climatic and/or endemic situations rather than by cultural deforestation

    Risk factors for lens opacification in Icelanders 50 years and older. Reykjavík Eye Study

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: To examine risk factors for cortical and nuclear lens opacification in older citizens of Reykjavík. Material and methods: 1045 persons, 583 females and 462 males age 50 years and older were randomly sampled and underwent detailed eye examination including slit-lamp and Scheimpflug photography of the lens and answered a questionnaire. The photographs were used for the diagnosis of lens opacification. The data was analysed using a logistic regression model. Results: An increased risk was found with ageing for developing both nuclear (OR=1.23: 95% CI 1.19-1.26: p<.001) and severe cortical lens opacification (OR=1.19: 95% CI 1.16-1.22: p<.001). Cigarette-smoking for more than 20 pack-years increased risk for nuclear lens opacification (OR=2.52: 95% CI 1.52-4.13: p<.001) as well as pipe- or cigar-smoking (OR=2.48: 95% CI 1.20-5.12: p<.05). Those who spent more than 4 hours/day outside on weekdays in their 20's - 30's and 40's and 50's were found to have increased risk of severe cortical lens opacification (OR=2.80: 95% CI 1.01-7.80: p<.05 and OR=2.91: 95% CI 1.13-9.62: p<.05, respectively). Systemic corticosteroid use was also found to be a significant risk factor for cortical lens opacification (OR=3.70: 95% CI 1.43-9.56: p<.05). Conclusion: In our study, ageing is the main risk factor for both cortical and nuclear lens opacification. Important modifiable risk factors are smoking for nuclear lens opacification and systemic corticosteroid use and outdoor exposure for cortical lens opacification.Tilgangur: Í rannsókninni voru skoðaðir áhættuþættir fyrir skýmyndun í kjarna og berki augasteins meðal Reykvíkinga 50 ára og eldri. Efniviður og aðferðir: Þátt tóku 583 konur og 462 karlar sem öll voru 50 ára eða eldri og höfðu verið valin með slembiúrtaki úr Þjóðskrá. Þátttakendur svöruðu spurningalista um heilsufar og lífsvenjur. Þeir gengust undir augnskoðun, meðal annars á augasteinum sem voru skoðaðir í raufarsmásjá og myndaðir með Scheimpflug-tækni. Í þessari rannsókn var sérstaklega litið á þá hópa sem höfðu væga byrjandi skýmyndun einskorðaða við börk (stig I), þá sem höfðu svæsnari skýmyndun í berki einvörðungu (stig II-III) og loks alla þá sem höfðu ský í kjarna augasteins. Gögnin voru greind með lógistískri aðhvarfsgreiningu. Niðurstöður: Hærri aldur reyndist vera áhættuþáttur fyrir bæði skýmyndun í kjarna og berki. Reykingar juku hættuna á skýmyndun í kjarna. Þeir sem voru að meðaltali meira en fjórar klukkustundir á dag úti við á virkum dögum var hættara við svæsnari skýmyndun í berki, sem og þeim sem höfðu almennt notað barkstera. Lithimnur af blönduðum lit, fjarsýni, neysla síldar, sardína og rækja auk jurtaolíu, reyndust allt vera verndandi þættir gegn skýmyndun í berki. Ályktanir: Aldur er afgerandi áhættuþáttur fyrir skýmyndun bæði í kjarna og berki. Reykingar auka áhættu á skýmyndun í kjarna en hafa ekki áhrif á skýmyndun í berki. Þessu er öfugt farið með almenna notkun barkstera, mikla útiveru, fjarsýni og neyslu ýmissa fæðutegunda. Ólíkir áhættuþættir hafa áhrif á skýmyndun mismunandi hluta augasteinsins