28 research outputs found

    心拍数変動からみた Active Rest の基礎的研究

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    Rapid recovery is important to those who participate in sports activities or physical training. Although many recovery techniques have been tried and are currently being used all over the world, none have been adequately proven through controlled research how to give more effective recovery. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to clarify for means of assuring more effective Active Rest. Active Rest is a typical recovery technique that might give a way in speeding recovery from fatigue by doing light exercises, walking or jogging. The results were summarized as follows : 1) Rapid heart rate recovery was more obvious when Active Rest was taken 1-min. after exercise than when just after exercise. 2) Heart rate recovery was more effective when Active Rest was taken at 40% of experimental work load than 60%. 3) Heart rate recovery was more effective when the work load was decreased stepwise during Active Rest than when one was fixed


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    This study was conducted to determine the activity of the rectus femoris muscle during various daily physical activities and sport games. The subjects were four healthy men and one healthy female. Integrated electromyographs were obtained from an analysis of the results of rectified filtered electromyography performed on the rectus femoris. Integrated electromyographs were recorded for each subject during maximal isometric voluntary contraction in the position of maximal leg extension. The relative muscle activity level during various activities was then calculated. The relative muscle activity during daily physical activities was found to be 5 to 50%. The highest relative muscle activity was reached when standing from a sitting position on the floor. Among resistance training activities using only body weight, the highest relative muscle activity was reached when squatting with one leg. The relative muscle activity level at this time was 70% of the maximal muscle activity. While playing softball, the highest relative muscle activity level was 50% of maximal muscle activity. These results indicate that resistance training may be important in order to set the training intensity, based on the level during the daily physical activity or while playing sports


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    ウインドミル投法について, 筋電図・16mmシネカメラ・圧力盤そして標的板から熟練者と未熟練者の比較を行なった結果, 次のようなことが明らかとなった。1) ボールの初速度は熟練者において平均26.4m/secであり, 未熟練者においては平均16.7m/secであった。 この初速度の差は, 腕の回転速度, 腰のひねり, そして手関節のスナップの効果的な利用によるものであり, 軸脚の後方への蹴りによるものではないことが示唆された。2) 熟練者と未熟練者におけるコントロールの差は, 長いトレーニングによって培われた技術の差によるものと考えられた。 これについて本研究では, 投動作中のボールの軌跡の再現性や, 橈側手根屈筋の放電のピークとリリース時点との一致, また, 安定したリリース位置として観察された。The purpose of the present study was to compare well-trained pitchers and untrained pitchers in a windmill pitch of softball through two cine-cameras, electromyography and force-platform. The subjects were two pitchers of the best team among universities in Japan, and five untrained men. Photographs obtained were syncronized with EMG and force by using a pulse generator. The subjects were asked to perform 30 pitches, and the best five pitches of them were analyzed. Average ball velocity measured at release was 26.4m/sec for the well-trained and 16.7m/sec for the untrained. This difference might be affected by a rotary velocity of arm, a rotation of trunk and a snap of wrist, but not by a horizontal power. Higher ability of ball control for the well-trained pitchers might be due to excellent skill, which were observed in higher repeatability of movement pattern, lager amplitudes and syncronized discharges at release of ball, and the constant release point of a ball

    携帯用24時間心拍数記録装置 : その試作と応用

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    A portable heart rates (HR) memory system is very convenient for the field study. Such kinds of equipments are now put on the market. They are, however, highly expensive or of capacity of short recording time. Therefore, the authors participated in making a portable and low-priced equipment for recording a day\u27s HR on an experimental basis. This kind of portable equipment has to record HR with a high degree of accuracy however strenuous the exercise may be. The authors forced so hard exercise on the adult male subjects that HR reached to about 200 beats per minute. Then, they led HR from the subject with the above-mentioned equipment and with the polygraph (i.e. direct method) simultaneously. As a result, the discrepancy of HR between two methods was so small as to be negligible for practical use. It has been supposed that this equipment offers an effective means to the field work of health science


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    In order to predict the training intensity in long distance running, the percent of maximum oxygen uptake in daily training was estimated from heart rate response which was measured by means of telemetering. Four male distance runners participated in this experiment. These results were summarized as follows ; 1) In order to clarify the difference between directly measured VO_2 max and that predicted from heart rate, oxygen uptake and heart rate were measured simultaneously in treadmill running which produced the same pattern as the daily training program. The differences of % of VO_2 max predicted from heart rate and measured directly were about 10% 2) The training intensity was evaluated by % of VO_2max which was predicted from the variation of heart rate in long distance running. The training intensity in 6, 000m continuous running was equivalent to 70~85% of VO_2max. In intermittent run ning, which consisted of 1, 000m run seven times and 3, 000m run five times, it indicated 90~100% of VO_2max. 3) There were rectilinear relationships between running speed and percent of maximum oxygen uptake. The regretion equation was different for each athlete. At a given running speed the large difference of % of VO_2max btween individuals was observed

    ハンドボール競技におけるゲーム分析 : 平成3年度 全日本学生ハンドボール選手権大会より

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the factors to win a game by analyzing games in \u2791 All Japan Intercollege Handball Championships on men\u27s team over best 8. The main results were as follows : 1) For winning a game, it has been considered that a team must hold the opposing team under 20 points and score over 20 points. 2) For gaining more score, a team must not miss, and has to be linked with offense to shoot. Moreover, a team must improve in the rate of success in offense. 3) To improve in the rate of success in offense, a team must improve in proficiency in fast break. It has been considered that the score by fast break may form 30 percent of total score

    球技選手における脚の筋出力特性とジャンプパフォーマンス向上のためのトレーニング方法について : ハンドボール選手とバレーボール選手の比較から

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the leg muscle output in handball and volleyball players and to discuss the training methods to improve jump performance. 15 handball players and 15 volleyball players of undergraduate male students of Chukyo University participated in this study. The measurement items were isokinetic leg muscular strength and leg extension speed in squatting position, the jumping height in three types of vertical jump (squatting jump (SJ), counter movement jump (CMJ), maximum jump (MJ)). The results were as follows : 1) The isokinetic leg musculer strength in handball players was not different from that in volleyball players, however, leg extension speed in volleyball players was significantly larger than that in handball players (p<0.05). 2) The jumping height in SJ was not different in both of players, however, that in CMJ and MJ in volleyball players was significantly larger than that in handball players (p<0.01). 3) The ratio of SJ height to CMJ in volleyball players was significantly larger than that in handball players (p<0.05). 4) The coefficients of correlation between performances in whole players were : leg extension speed and SJ height, 0.353 (n. s.) ; leg extension speed and CMJ height, 0.474 (p<0.01). 5) From the results avobe, it has been suggested that elastic capacity of leg extensor muscles in volleyball players is more superior than handball players. 6) It is important to train the elastic and contractile components of muscles separately ; however, considering the practical application and the characteristics of each athletic item, it is necessary to develop new training methods for improving both components


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    Observations on the change of plasma volume were made in two young healthy males before, during and after submaximal and maximal exercise. In submaximal test the subjects exercised on the bicycle ergometer for 60 minutes at 30, 50, and 70% of VO_2 max. In maximal bicycle test the work intensity was stepwise increased till exhaution. Hematocrit (Hct) was increased during exercise, however percentage change in plasma volume (Δ%PV) was decrased during test. The highest Hct was obtained immediately after exercise test. When (Δ%PV) was observed in relation to work intensity (% of VO_2 max), it was gradually decreased and sudden decrease was observed above 50% of VO_2 max