69 research outputs found

    Lohmannella dictyota Bartsch 1992

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    Lohmannella dictyota Bartsch, 1992 Diagnosis. Two corneae present. Glp-1 posterior to Ds-1. Ds-2 on membranous cuticle. Ds-3 on PD. Two dorsal setae on PE. Female with 43 Pgs and 4 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-?-?-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 3-3-?-3 setae; Tf I–IV with 10-7-?-4 setae; Gn I–IV with 7-6-?-3 setae, 2-0-?-0 Bp setae; Tb I–IV with 12-11-8-8 setae, (7,8)-3-1-1 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-4-3 dorsal setae, 2-2-4-4 Bp setae. Lc I smooth, without accessory process. Idiosoma length 375 in female. Idiosoma width 248 in female. Gnathosoma length 255 in female. Gnathosoma width 183 in female. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.68. Remarks. This species is distinguished from congeners by having dorsally fused right and left P-1. Female is known. Habitat. Littoral–Sublittoral zones: Algae and sponges covering dead corals, coarse sands, gravels, and rubbles at 0.5– 17 m depth. Distribution. South Pacific Ocean: Bora Bora (Society Is.) [France]. Elizabeth Reef, Myrmidon Reef, Loadstone Reef, Club 21 Reef, Great Palm I (Cannon Bay), Boulder Reef (Great Barrier Reef), Lihou Reef (Queensland Plateau) [Australia]. References. Bartsch (1992), Otto (2000b). Depository. SMF.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on pages 211-212, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Lohmannella abyssalis Bartsch 2005

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    Lohmannella abyssalis Bartsch, 2005 Diagnosis. Cornea absent. Glp-1 posterior to Ds-1. Ds-2 on AD. Ds-3 on membranous cuticle. Two dorsal setae on PE. Female with 17 Pgs and 6 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 2-3-3-3 setae; Tf I–IV with 4-5-3-3 setae; Gn I–IV with (7,8)-6-3-3 setae, 4-0-0-1 Bp setae; Tb I–IV with 9-8-5-5 setae, 5-1-1-2 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-4-3 dorsal setae, 3-2-1-1 Bp setae. Lc I smooth. Idiosoma length 385 (holotype) in female, 330 in DN. Idiosoma width 299 (holotype). Gnathosoma length 233 (holotype). Gnathosoma width 104 (holotype). Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.60 (holotype). Ratio of P-2 to P-1 4.20. Remarks. Most distinct characteristic is that palpi are situated dorsally, but distinctly separate each other. Other characteristics are that PE with 4 setae, 6 Sgs in female, Ds-2 situated on AD, P-2 with 1 spiniform ventral seta, and Gn I, Tb I, and Ta I with 4, 5, and 3 ventral Bp setae, respectively. Glps are small, although Lohmannella species of southern hemisphere generally have large Glps. Female and DN are known. Habitat. Bathyal zone (2893 m): Sediment at 0–10 cm depth from the surface. Distribution. Antarctic Ocean: Drake Passage and off the South Shetland Is. (60°38.464’S, 53°57.27’W) [Antarctica]. Reference. Bartsch (2005b). Depository. SMF.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 208, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Lohmannella kerguelensis Lohmann 1907

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    Lohmannella kerguelensis Lohmann, 1907 Diagnosis. One cornea present. Glp-1 anterior to Ds-1. Ds-2 on membranous cuticle. Ds-3 on margin of PD. Two dorsal setae on PE. Male with ca.56 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 3-3-3-3 setae; Tf I–IV with 8-7-(6,7)-4 setae; Gn I–IV with 8-9-4-4 setae, 4-4-1-1 Bp setae; Tb I–IV with 14-(12,13)-11-10 setae, 7- 6-6-5 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-4-3 dorsal setae, 2-2-(2,3)-(2,3) Bp setae. Lc I with unidentate accessory process. Idiosoma length 420–453 in male. Idiosoma width 322 (idiosoma length 453) in male. Gnathosoma length 310–320 in male. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.71–0.74. Ratio of P-2 to P-1 3.63. Remarks. This species was originally described under the name of L. gaussi var. kerguelensis. Thereafter, Newell (1984) regarded this variety as a distinct species. The specis resembles other two Antarctic species (L. fukushimai and L. gaussi) in having 7 pectinate setae on Tb I. However, L. kerguelensis is separated from the latter 2 species by its shorter gnathosoma, lacking of porose areolae, and the absence of the spinelet-replaced Glps. Female and male are known. Habitat. Littoral–Sublittoral zones: Crevices, colonial organisms, algal tufts, sediments at a depth of 49–58 m. Distribution. Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Is. [France]. Arctic Ocean: Palmer Archipelago [US]. References. Bartsch (1977b, 1993b), De Bovée et al. (1973), Chatterjee & Sarma (1991), Dalenius (1965), Imamura (1968), Lohmann (1907a, b), Newell (1984), Viets (1950a). Depository. MNHUB.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 215, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Xenohalacarus Otto 2000

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    Genus Xenohalacarus Otto, 2000 Type: Xenohalacarus longirostris Otto, 2000 Diagnosis. AD and PD large, OC small. Dorsum with 6 pairs of setae. OC and PD each with 2 pairs of Glps. AE with 3 pairs of setae. PE with 1 dorsal and 2 ventral setae. GA with Pgs. Sgs absent in female. Gnathosoma large, with slender, parallel-sided rostrum. Gnathosomal base with a pair of maxillary setae. Palpi 4-segmented, attached lateral to rostrum. Legs slender. Gn shorter than adjoining segments. Lc I with large strong tines. Lc II –IV crescentlike, with accessory process and minute tines on the shaft. Median claw present. Ta IV without parambulacral setae. The general structures of the genus is schematically shown in Fig. 8. Remarks. The genus resembles Lohmannella and Porolohmannella in general appearance, but can be discriminated from the latter genera by having Lc I with long heavy tines. A single species is recorded from coral sands in the Queensland Plateau in Australia. References. Bartsch (2006b), Otto (2000a).Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 237, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Lohmannella steueri Viets 1940

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    Lohmannella steueri Viets, 1940 Diagnosis. Two corneae present. Ds-2 on membranous cuticle. Ds-3 on membranous cuticle. One dorsal seta on PE. Female with 27 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Male with 42–53 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Tr I–IV with?-0-?-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 3-2-3-1 setae; Tf I–IV with 6-6-4-3 setae; Gn I–IV with 6-6-5-4 setae, 3-0-0-0 Bp setae; Tb I–IV with 10-9-5-5 setae, 5-3- 0-0 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-4-3 dorsal setae, 1-1-2-1 Bp setae. Lc I with unidentate accessory process. Idiosoma length 328–345 in female, 335 in male, 289 in nymph. Idiosoma width 260 in female, 240 in male. Gnathosoma length 165–178 in female, 159 in male, 123 in nymph. Gnathosoma width 75 in female. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.50–0.53 in female, 0.48 in male, 0.43 in nymph. Ratio of P-2 to P-1 3.40. Remarks. The species is characterized by smooth dorsal plates, Ds-4 and Ds-5 on membranous cuticle, Tb I with 5 Bp setae, and smooth Lc. Female, male, and nymphs (stages are unclear) are known. Holotype is deposited in the Viets Collection (No.5506) in ZIZMH. Habitat. Sublittoral zone: Sediment with bivalves (Arca noah), sponges (Geodia sp.), and algae: Peyssonnelia sp. (Rhodophyta), Udothea sp. (Chlorophyta) at 25–28 m depth. Distribution. Mediterranean: Val di Bora (Rovinj) [Croatia]. References. Bartsch (1977b, 1986b), Viets (1940, 1950a). Depository. ZIZMH.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 220, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Scaptognathides delicatulus Bartsch 2004

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    Scaptognathides delicatulus Bartsch 2004 Diagnosis. Ds-2 and Ds-3 on AD. OC with 2 Glps. Female with 4 Pgs and 2 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 2-2-2-2 setae; Tf I–IV with 4-4-2-2 setae; Gn I–IV with 4-4-3-3 setae; Tb I–IV with 5-5-5-5 setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-3-3 dorsal setae. Lc II–IV with either no or unidentate accessory process, without comb. Idiosoma length 155–174 in female (holotype 174), 140–141 in PN. Idiosoma width 86–107 in female (holotype 107), 83–94 in PN. Gnathosoma length 73–79 in female (holotype 77), 66–67 in PN. Gnathosoma width 43–45 in female (holotype 42), 32–36 in PN. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.44–0.51 in female (holotype 0.44). Remarks. The characteristics of this species are: pitted dorsal plates, OC with 2 Glps, Ta III with 3 dorsal setae, and 2 Sgs in female. Female and PN are known. Habitat. Upper–Mid littoral zones: Coarse sandy beach. Distribution. Indian Ocean:Al-Zour, Southern Kuwait (28°44’30.7”N, 48°22’40.8”E) [Kuwait]. South Atltantic Ocean: São Francisco Bay (Santa Catarina) [Brazil]. References. Bartsch (2004a), Pepato et al. (2011). Depository. BMNHL.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 224, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Scaptognathus oceanus Otto 2000

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    Scaptognathus oceanus Otto, 2000 Diagnosis. Glp-1 posterior to Ds-1. Ds-2 on membranous cuticle. PE with 1 dorsal seta. GA tripartite in female. Female with 6 Pgs and 4 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 2-2-2-1 setae; Tf I–IV with 5-4-2-2 setae, 2-0-0-0 Bp setae; Gn I–IV with 4-5-3-3 setae, 2-1-0-0 Bp setae; Tb I–IV with 9-6-7-7 setae, 6-3-4-4 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 1-1-0-0 Bp setae. Lc I with accessory process. Idiosoma length 190–202 in female. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.64. Remarks. This species is similar to S. kunzi, S. sabularius, and S. tereninus. S. oceanus differs from the latter species in the ornamentation of the AD, the arrangement of the dorsal plates, and the position of Ds-2. Female is known. Habitat. Sublittoral zone: Coarse sands at 5–15 m depth. Distribution. South Pacific Ocean: Herald Cays (16°57.171’S, 149°12.036’E), (Queensland Plateau) [Australia]. Reference. Otto (2000b). Depository. QMS, ANIC, ZIZMH.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on pages 232-233, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Lohmannella nudipes Bartsch 1977

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    Lohmannella nudipes Bartsch, 1977 Diagnosis. Two corneae present. Glp-1 posterior to Ds-1. Ds-2 on AD. Ds-3 on membranous cuticle. Two dorsal setae on PE. Female with 31 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Tr I –IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I –IV with 3-4-2-2 setae; Tf I –IV with 8-6-6-5 setae; Gn I–IV with 6-5-4-4 setae, 1-0-0-0(?) Bp setae; Tb I–IV with 10-9-7-7 setae, 5-5-3-3 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-4-3 dorsal setae, 0-0-0-0 Bp setae. Lc I smooth, without accessory process. Idiosoma length 390 in female. Idiosoma width 279 in female. Gnathosoma length 182 in female. Gnathosoma width 95 in female. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.47. Remarks. This species is distinguished from the congerners by the absence of ventral setae on all tarsi. This may be an euryhaline species (Bartsch 1977b). A single female is known. Habitat. Littoral zone: Intertidal sediment in estuary. Distribution. North Atlantic Ocean: Penzé River (Roscoff) [France]. References. Bartsch (1977b, 1979e). Depository. MNHNP.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on pages 217-218, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Porolohmannella Viets 1933

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    Genus Porolohmannella Viets, 1933 Type: Porolohmannella violacea (Kramer, 1879) Diagnosis. Idiosoma flattened. Idiosomal plates delicately reticulated. Dorsum with 6 pairs of setae and 4 pairs of Glps. Adanal setae absent. Female GA with Pgs. Sgs absent. GS furnished with external genital acetabula. Gnathosoma almost half length of idiosoma. Rostrum slender, parallel-sided, with a pair of maxillary setae on the base. Palpi slender, 4-segmented; both separated from each other by about width of P-1. P-2 with a single seta. Legs slender; the first and second legs similar in size. Ta I with a dorsal papillla. Lc crescent-like, with accessory process and fine comb. Median claw undeveloped. The general structures of the genus is schematically shown in Fig. 5. Remarks. The genus was established by Viets (1933) as P. violacea the type. At present, a single species is included in the genus. P. husmanni Teschner, 1969 and P. fortipalpis Teschner, 1988 are not regarded as halacarid mites. P. andrei Angelier, 1951, P. curvimandibulata Petrova, 1969, and P. vietkovi Petrova, 1965 were moved into the genus Lohmannella on the basis of the similarities in the number of setae on PE and genital sclerite, and chaetotaxy of palpi and legs (Bartsch 1996a). The genus inhabits freshwater and rarely brackishwater and is widely distributed in Holarctic region. References. Bartsch (1989c, 1996a, 2006a, 2007b), Viets (1933).Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 222, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886

    Lohmannella multisetosa Bartsch 1986

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    Lohmannella multisetosa Bartsch, 1986 Diagnosis. One or 2 corneae present. Ds-2 on membranous cuticle. Ds-3 on membranous cuticle. Glps indistinct. Two dorsal seta on PE. Female with 51–74 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 3-3-3-3 setae; Tf I–IV with 7-7-5-5 setae; Gn I–IV with 7-6-5-5 setae, 2-0-0-0 Bp setae; Tb I–IV with 9-7-7-7 setae, 6-3-(2,3)- 2 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-4-3 dorsal setae, 1-1-2-1 Bp setae. Lc I with unidentate accessory process. Idiosoma length 340–447 in female, 310–366 in DN, 240–253 in PN. Idiosoma width 245–312 in female. Gnathosoma length 217–260 in female, 167–183 in DN, 127 in PN. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.61–0.66 in female, 0.52–0.59 in DN, 0.50 in PN. Ratio of P-2 to P-1 3.10. Remarks. The species is distinguished from congeners by having Ds-2–Ds-4 on membranous cuticle, large genital opening and genital acetabula, and large number of (51–74) Pgs in females. Female, DN, and PN are known. Habitat. Sublittoral zone: Sediment at 11–45 m depth. Distribution. North Atlantic Ocean: Bonden Is., Skagerrak, Kristineberg [Sweden]. Roscoff [France]. Mediterranean: Île If, Île Ratonneau, Île Riou, Île Jarre, Pierre de Joseph, Plateau des Chevres, Morgiou, l’Oule, Envau, Port-Pin, Port-Miou (Golfe du Lion) [France]. References. Bartsch (1986b, 1991b, 2020). Depository. ZIZMH.Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 216, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/488886
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