602 research outputs found


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    Scientific research is a process that generates new knowledge, which can be deployed in the industry to create innovation and become an engine of economic growth. In Japan, the Basic Law on Science and Technology was enacted in 1995, and the system was transformed to create an innovation policy with a view to everything from university research to industrialization.This paper outlines the policies for innovation creation from the 1995 Basic Law on Science and Technology to the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan, and analyzes the environment surrounding innovation in Japan from data from the NISTEP Science and Technology Indicators 2019 (NISTEP, 2019) and the White Paper on Science and Technology (MEXT, 2019). While there is an upward trend in the joint research budgets of universities and companies and also the number of university-launched ventures, the global share of the number of highly cited papers is on the decline. Improving the research environment and resources in universities was identified as a challenge.If industry-academia collaboration encourages only research that is useful for solving immediate problems with an awareness of practical application and commercialization, a variety of knowledge will not be accumulated in the long term, and this may be a factor that hinders the creation of innovation. The presentation of the Society 5.0 concept in the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan can be seen as an effort to change the policy stance on innovation by presenting a vision of the future and the direction of research and development rather than the immediate issues.科学研究は新たな知識を生み出すプロセスであり、産業に展開してイノベーションを創出することで経済成長のエンジンとなる。日本では1995年に科学技術基本法が成立し、大学での研究から産業化までを視野に入れたイノベーション政策を打ち出す体制へと変わった。本稿では、1995年の科学技術基本法から、第5期科学技術基本計画までのイノベーション創出に向けた政策を概観し、NISTEP科学技術指標2019(NISTEP,2019)や科学技術白書(MEXT,2019)のデータから日本のイノベーションを取り巻く環境の分析を行った。大学と企業の共同研究予算や大学発ベンチャーの創業数には増加傾向が見られる一方で、高被引用論文数の世界シェアは低下傾向にある。大学における研究環境・資源の改善が課題であることが明らかとなった。実用化・商品化を意識して直近の課題解決に役立つ研究だけを推奨する産学連携では、長期的に多様な知識が蓄積されなくなり、イノベーション創出を妨げる要因にもなりうる。第5期科学技術基本計画においてSociety 5.0の概念が示されたことは、直近の課題ではなく未来のビジョンと研究開発の方向性を示すことで、イノベーションに対する政策のスタンスを変える取組みと考えられる。This research was supported by the JST-RISTEX Science of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy "Star Scientists and Innovation in Japan". and KAKENHI (18H00840)

    Spatial variability in recruitment of benthos near drilling sites in the Iheya North hydrothermal field in the Okinawa Trough

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    Due to increasing anthropogenic impacts on deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems, it is essential to understand population structure and maintenance through larval recruitment and recovery of vent faunas after disturbances. In this study, we quantified vent animal recruitment in the Okinawa Trough, in the western Pacific Ocean. This is the first study to investigate recruitment patterns at a man-made hydrothermal vent. Colonization plates were deployed at three sites. Site 1 manifested new hydrothermal shimmering with small chimneys, white bacterial mats, and some alvinocaridid shrimp that arrived after drilling. Site 2 showed no evidence of newly arrived foundation species after drilling, and Site 3 had pre-existing animal communities in the vicinity of the new vent. Twenty-two months after deployment, colonization plates were retrieved and recruited animals were inventoried. Species composition and abundance differed among sites, but relatively high similarity in species composition was observed at Sites 1 and 3, though not at Site 2. Newly established communities on the plates at Sites 1 and 2 (no pre-existing fauna) showed lower species richness and abundance than at Site 3. Differences in abundance and size-frequency distributions of major recruits on the plates (i.e. Lepetodrilus mix, Bathymodiolus spp.) suggest the importance of reproductive and early life-history characteristics in spatial variability of recruitment. Lepetodrilus mix populations established on the plates at Site 1 showed high genetic connectivity. These results illustrate the importance of localized recruitment, which may have a significant impact on sustainability of vent faunal populations, despite the existence of regional metapopulations

    05 熊野と律僧と市女笠 -一遍聖絵を読む-

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    07 Ichimegasa as a Tool of Disguise

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    特集 若手研究者からのレポート Voices of Young Scholars

    10 Cherry Blossom in “Ippen-Hijirie”

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    27 Oi\u27s Elder Sister in Ippen-hijirie and Yugyo-Shonin-Engie.-A Study of the First Place of Ippen\u27s Odori Nenbutsu-

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    Involvement of oxidative stress and mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1) in inflammatory bowel disease

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    The pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease involves excessive immune effects of inflammatory cells against gut microbes. In genetically predisposed individuals, these effects are considered to contribute to the initiation and perpetuation of mucosal injury. Oxidative stress is a fundamental tissue-destructive mechanisms that can occur due to the reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen metabolites which are released in abundance from numerous inflammatory cells that have extravasated from lymphatics and blood vessels to the lamina propria. This extravasation is mediated by interactions between adhesion molecules including mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 on the surface of lymphocytes or neutrophils and their ligands on endothelial cells. Thus, reactive oxygen species and adhesion molecules play an important role in the development of inflammatory bowel disease. The present review focuses on the involvement of oxidative stress and adhesion molecules, in particular mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1, in inflammatory bowel disease