17 research outputs found

    Hippo signaling dysfunction induces cancer cell addiction to YAP.

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    Over the past decades, the Hippo has been established as a crucial pathway involved in organ size control and cancer suppression. Dysregulation of Hippo signaling and hyperactivation of its downstream effector YAP are frequently associated with various human cancers. However, the underlying significance of such YAP activation in cancer development and therapy has not been fully characterized. In this study, we reported that the Hippo signaling deficiency can lead to a YAP-dependent oncogene addiction for cancer cells. Through a clinical compound library screen, we identified histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors as putative inhibitors to suppress YAP expression. Importantly, HDAC inhibitors specifically targeted the viability and xenograft tumor growth for the cancer cells in which YAP is constitutively active. Taken together, our results not only establish an active YAP-induced oncogene addiction in cancer cells, but also lay the foundation to develop targeted therapies for the cancers with Hippo dysfunction and YAP activation

    Primary and metastatic tumors exhibit systems-level differences in dependence on mitochondrial respiratory function.

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    The Warburg effect, aerobic glycolysis, is a hallmark feature of cancer cells grown in culture. However, the relative roles of glycolysis and respiratory metabolism in supporting in vivo tumor growth and processes such as tumor dissemination and metastatic growth remain poorly understood, particularly on a systems level. Using a CRISPRi mini-library enriched for mitochondrial ribosomal protein and respiratory chain genes in multiple human lung cancer cell lines, we analyzed in vivo metabolic requirements in xenograft tumors grown in distinct anatomic contexts. While knockdown of mitochondrial ribosomal protein and respiratory chain genes (mito-respiratory genes) has little impact on growth in vitro, tumor cells depend heavily on these genes when grown in vivo as either flank or primary orthotopic lung tumor xenografts. In contrast, respiratory function is comparatively dispensable for metastatic tumor growth. RNA-Seq and metabolomics analysis of tumor cells expressing individual sgRNAs against mito-respiratory genes indicate overexpression of glycolytic genes and increased sensitivity of glycolytic inhibition compared to control when grown in vitro, but when grown in vivo as primary tumors these cells down-regulate glycolytic mechanisms. These studies demonstrate that discrete perturbations of mitochondrial respiratory chain function impact in vivo tumor growth in a context-specific manner with differential impacts on primary and metastatic tumors

    Primary and metastatic tumors exhibit systems-level differences in dependence on mitochondrial respiratory function.

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    The Warburg effect, aerobic glycolysis, is a hallmark feature of cancer cells grown in culture. However, the relative roles of glycolysis and respiratory metabolism in supporting in vivo tumor growth and processes such as tumor dissemination and metastatic growth remain poorly understood, particularly on a systems level. Using a CRISPRi mini-library enriched for mitochondrial ribosomal protein and respiratory chain genes in multiple human lung cancer cell lines, we analyzed in vivo metabolic requirements in xenograft tumors grown in distinct anatomic contexts. While knockdown of mitochondrial ribosomal protein and respiratory chain genes (mito-respiratory genes) has little impact on growth in vitro, tumor cells depend heavily on these genes when grown in vivo as either flank or primary orthotopic lung tumor xenografts. In contrast, respiratory function is comparatively dispensable for metastatic tumor growth. RNA-Seq and metabolomics analysis of tumor cells expressing individual sgRNAs against mito-respiratory genes indicate overexpression of glycolytic genes and increased sensitivity of glycolytic inhibition compared to control when grown in vitro, but when grown in vivo as primary tumors these cells down-regulate glycolytic mechanisms. These studies demonstrate that discrete perturbations of mitochondrial respiratory chain function impact in vivo tumor growth in a context-specific manner with differential impacts on primary and metastatic tumors

    Defining the ATPome reveals cross-optimization of metabolic pathways.

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    Disrupted energy metabolism drives cell dysfunction and disease, but approaches to increase or preserve ATP are lacking. To generate a comprehensive metabolic map of genes and pathways that regulate cellular ATP-the ATPome-we conducted a genome-wide CRISPR interference/activation screen integrated with an ATP biosensor. We show that ATP level is modulated by distinct mechanisms that promote energy production or inhibit consumption. In our system HK2 is the greatest ATP consumer, indicating energy failure may not be a general deficiency in producing ATP, but rather failure to recoup the ATP cost of glycolysis and diversion of glucose metabolites to the pentose phosphate pathway. We identify systems-level reciprocal inhibition between the HIF1 pathway and mitochondria; glycolysis-promoting enzymes inhibit respiration even when there is no glycolytic ATP production, and vice versa. Consequently, suppressing alternative metabolism modes paradoxically increases energy levels under substrate restriction. This work reveals mechanisms of metabolic control, and identifies therapeutic targets to correct energy failure

    Defining the ATPome reveals cross-optimization of metabolic pathways

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    Energy metabolism and ATP levels are controlled by an interlocking network of pathways. Here, the authors apply a genome-wide CRISPR screen to define genes that increase or decrease ATP levels to define the “ATPome”, a map of pathways that contribute to cellular ATP regulation