8 research outputs found

    Representative PET images illustrating distribution of [<sup>11</sup>C] WAY-100635 in rat brains at baseline and after oral administration of E2110.

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    <p>PET images were generated by averaging dynamic data at 60-90 min after intravenous radiotracer injection, and were overlaid on the MRI template shown in the far left column. Coronal brain sections shown here were obtained at 1.0 mm (top row), -7.8 mm (middle row) and -12.5 mm (bottom row) from the bregma. ROIs (dotted lines) were defined on the MPFC (top row), DRN (middle row) and cerebellum (CER; bottom row). The radiotracer retention was presented as a percentage of the injected dose per unit tissue volume (%ID/mL).</p

    Time course data of rat 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> RO in MPFC (â—Ź) and DRN (â—‡), and plasma E2110 concentration (thick dashed line) (A), and plot of RO against plasma E2110 concentration at individual time points (B).

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    <p>5-HT<sub>1A</sub> RO was determined at assigned time points after oral administration of E2110 at a dose of 1 mg/kg. Symbols represent mean ± S.E.M at indicated time points (n = 4/time point). Lines indicate the predicted occupancy versus plasma concentration in MPFC (solid line) and DRN (dashed line).</p

    Schematic illustration of a model for description of E2110 PK/PD.

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    <p>C<sub>p</sub>, E2110 concentration in the central compartment; C<sub>e</sub>, E2110 concentration in the effect compartment; k<sub>a</sub>, absorption rate constant; k<sub>e0</sub>, equilibrium rate constant; V<sub>1</sub>, central volume of distribution; V<sub>2</sub>, peripheral volume of distribution.</p

    Relationship between rat 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> RO (MPFC: â—Ź, DRN: â—‡) and E2110 plasma concentration.

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    <p>5-HT<sub>1A</sub> RO was determined at 4 hours after oral administration of E2110 at a dose ranging from 0.3 to 10 mg/kg. Symbols represent individual data from all dose levels (n = 4/dose level).</p

    <i>In vitro</i> inhibition profiles of E2110 and WAY-100635 on 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> receptors.

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    <p>Inhibition of specific [<sup>3</sup>H] MPPF binding in rat hippocampal membrane homogenates was measured at various concentrations of E2110 (â—Ź) and WAY-100635 (â—‹).</p