6 research outputs found

    Development of Exchange Activities with the International Students for Nurturing Global Human Resources: Focusing on Communication Skills, Cooperativity and Flexibility

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    This research project developed and practiced some exchange activities with international university students to nurture global human resources at the kindergarten level. The project was constructed with four strategic approaches to focus on developing communication skills, cooperativity and flexibility in children. The studies concluded that children's amical feeling toward international students have acted as a springboard to seek active interaction and to provide support when needed. Developmental level of children should also be considered to promote communication and flexibility. Further research on flexibility is necessary both in literature and in practice

    Developing Trans-Curriculum Learning of Japanese Language Arts in a K-9 integrated school II: For nurturing students with the zest for living and with capabilities to solving their own tasks for themselves

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    本研究は,昨年度に引き続き,幼小中一貫校としての特色を生かして,通教科的能力を位置づけた国語科の学習開発を行うことによって,新領域「希望(のぞみ)」との関連を明らかにすることを目的としている。本年度は,幼小中各学校段階において,「物語で作者が伝えたいこと」をどのようにとらえているのかを比較・検討することによって,幼小中12年間を見通した通教科的能力の育成につなげていった。幼稚園年長児・小学校1年生・中学校3年生では「おおきなかぶ」を,小学校4年生と中学校1年生では「世界でいちばんやかましい音」を教材として,その読みを比較・検討した。結果として,読みの系統性を踏まえた課題設定を通して上位学年の読みに近づく学習活動により,通教科的能力の育成に資することができた。The purpose of this study is intended to clarify the relationship with “NOZOMI” and our developing literature units for nurturing students’ learning abilities beyond each school subject. In this paper, by examining how students make out “what authors convey through stories” in each grade levels of elementary and secondary classes, the teaching objectives for lessons for nurturing students’ abilities adapting any situations were settled. Based on the outcomes of the lessons about A BIG TURNIP(a Russian folk tale) in the eldest class in kindergarten, Grade1 and Grade9 classes, and THE LOUDEST NOISE IN THE WORLD(by Benjamin Elkin) in Grade4 and Grade7 classes, any features of students’ responses were revealed through comparing and examining reader responses to each texts in each grades. For developing “NOZOMI” related learnings, it would be important to implement learning activities with the task settings following the ladders for reading development so much

    越境ある学びをつくるカリキュラム・デザイン : 「光輝(かがやき)」の実践研究を通して

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    The purpose of this research is to develop the abilities required to adapt to a highly competitive and globalized diverse society. The educational curriculum for this purpose has been organized into three dimensions. The three dimensions are dynamic sensitivity, resilience, and cross-sectional knowledge. By organizing the curriculum around the abilities that make up the three dimensions, it is possible to transcend the boundaries of disciplines and subjects. In addition, we aim to develop abilities through a 12-year integrated curriculum that transcends the types of schools, kindergarten, elementary and junior high schools

    Fostering the ability to configure teaching materials in teacher training for home economics : Analysis of material conception that associates goods-making using the bandana with the contents related to family

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    家庭科教員免許取得を目指している大学3年生を対象に,内容「A家族・家庭と子どもの成長(1)(2)(3)」と内容「C衣生活・住生活と自立(3)ア布を用いた物の製作,生活を豊かにするための工夫」を関連づけて学習するための題材を構想させ,大学での教職および教科関連科目の学びや教育実習での体験に基づいて適切な教材の選択やそれを用いた題材構想がどの程度可能になっているのかをとらえた。さらにその構想を教材構成力の下位能力からとらえ分析することを試み,学生自身による自己評価と,教科教育,教科内容(保育学,被服学)及び教育実習担当者の三者4名による客観的評価から教材構成力の実態を明らかにすることを目的とした。その結果,題材目標や構想の表現の未熟さや,取り上げる教材の偏り,すなわち教材構成の視点の狭さは感じられたが,15名の学生は,何らかの形で内容Aと内容C(3)を関連づけた題材の流れを構想できていた。教材構成力の向上を図るカリキュラムの改善に向けて,教科目標を意識した専門科学の内容の再構造化の必要性があることが示唆された。This study verifies the ability of junior students in home economics education to select and devise appropriate teaching materials in configuring the class. To evaluate the ability of using the teaching materials and to relate the fields of clothing life and family, home, and child development, students had to configure the fictive class. Teaching plans configured by the students were assessed by teachers of academic subjects, curriculum, and teacher training. The results noted unskillfulness in the usage of the teaching materials, deviations of selected materials, and narrowness of perspectives. However, all 15 students could configure the teaching plans by relating the subjects of the fields of clothing life and family, home, and child development. Analysis suggested a need for reconstruction of the contents of the related sciences to improve the curriculum to expand students' capability to configure the teaching materials