136 research outputs found

    Knowledge acquisition technique from the observation data with rough set theory.

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    In this studies, I describe about a fundamental general idea of rough set that attracted attention as foundations technology to treat the knowledge that can\u27t be distinguished in observation data, and possibility of application of rough set in acquisition of experienced knowledge in observation data. And, I extract very small decision algorithm in observation data of collapse danger degree diagnosis of nature slope, and suggest a method to guide a rules using the result. At the same time, observation data include the case that contradiction is contained, and it is necessary to expel these observation data which contradicted when take down judgment. So, I show it using real observation data about a method to extract these contradiction

    Teachers' interactions developing children's germs of morality

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    本研究の目的は,道徳性の芽生えを育むための有効的な教師のかかわりとは何かを検討し,明らかにすることである。この研究では,道徳性の芽生えが育まれていると思われる子どもの姿のエピソードを記録し,子どもの姿と教師のかかわりを中心に,道徳性の芽生えを育むための有効的な教師のかかわりを検証していく。 今回の研究では,次の4つの教師のかかわりが大切だということが明らかになった。 ①子どもの心の動きに寄り添った教師のかかわり②目に見えないものの大切さを伝える教師のかかわり③子どものありのままの思いを受け止める教師のかかわり④自分の思いと向き合った姿を認める教師のかかわりである。 また,これらを通して子どもへの直接的な教師のかかわり以外にも道徳性を育むために,“教師の価値観”も大きく関係してくるのだと考えた。今後は,さらに教師と子どもの直接的なかかわりだけでなく広い視点をもって,子どもたちの道徳性の芽生えを育むために重要な教師の役割について明らかにしていきたい。The purpose of this study is to discuss and clarify what effective teachers' interaction are in order to develop children's germs of morality. It mainly focuses on interactions between teachers and children and examines effective teachers' interactions to develop children's germs of morality by recording episodes of children whose germs of morality seemed to be developed. This study clarified that four types of teachers' interactions were important: 1. teachers' interactions closing to changes of children’s minds, 2. teachers' interactions conveying the importance of what the children cannot directly see, 3. teachers' interactions receiving what children really think, 4. teachers' interactions recognizing the children facing what they think. In addition, the researcher considered that not only teachers' direct interactions with them but also "teachers' senses of values" would have a lot to do with developing children's germs of morality. In further research, the researcher clarifies teachers' roles which are important for raising children's germs of morality with wider perspectives

    大正後期の体操科における「体育ダンス」の研究 : フォークダンス教材とナチュラルダンス教材からの考察

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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(教育学)Philosophy in Educationdoctora

    A Study of Interaction between Junior High School Students and Infants in “FUREAI” Experience Learning through “Childcare Experience” and “Playing Experience”.

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    This study attempts to clarify what kind of effect the contact experience learning will bring to junior high school students and infants and consider how we can make meaningful exchanges with junior high school students and infants if we do the contents of infants’ ages and contact experiences learning. Furthermore, we will create an experienced contact experience model. In this study, we use word that “FUREAI” experience learning. As a reason, when using “touching” or “contact”, contact with a simple body is emphasized. However, it is thought that ”FUREAI” experience learning is not only simple body contact, but also exchange between middle school students and babies including distance and mind

    Development of Exchange Activities with the International Students for Nurturing Global Human Resources: Focusing on Communication Skills, Cooperativity and Flexibility

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    This research project developed and practiced some exchange activities with international university students to nurture global human resources at the kindergarten level. The project was constructed with four strategic approaches to focus on developing communication skills, cooperativity and flexibility in children. The studies concluded that children's amical feeling toward international students have acted as a springboard to seek active interaction and to provide support when needed. Developmental level of children should also be considered to promote communication and flexibility. Further research on flexibility is necessary both in literature and in practice

    A Study of Cooperation of a Kindergarten and an Elementary School for Through Practice Teaching Guidance In Kindergarten : Attention to the Relation of a Teacher Bringing up Will to Learn by Voluntarily

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    本研究は,初等教育教員養成コースに所属している学生による幼稚園教育実習生が,幼小連携という観点から実習を行うことによる効果を考察することを目的とする。特に,今年度は幼稚園・小学校共通に求められる“自ら学ぶ意欲を育む”教師の支援のあり方に着目し,指導教員の指導のあり方を追究する。研究の方法としては,大学4年生の教育実習生と幼稚園指導教員を対象に質問紙調査を実施し,比較検討を行った。結果としては次の2点である。1点目の幼小の共通点としては,自ら学ぶ意欲を育むために,子どもに対する肯定的な声かけや,子どもの思いを丁寧に見取ろうとする真摯な姿勢などが大切であることが分かった。2点目の幼小の差異点としては,自ら学ぶ意欲を育むために,子どもの興味・関心を生かすことが大切だが,その生かし方に関しては,生かす場面やタイミングの違いなどがあるということが分かった。今後も子どもの興味を引き出す学習スタイルや指導方法に関しての研究を進めていくことが期待される。This study investigated changes of kindergarten teacher student teachers during teaching practice at the affiliated kindergarten. This report focused on the teachers’ support, which fostered children’s motivation to learn by themselves. Self-learning motivation is required even at elementary schools. Fourth grade university student answered some open-ended questions. The main findings are as follows: (1) It is important to observe and understand carefully what a child feels and thinks; (2) There are differences between kindergartens and elementary schools in the situation and timing of intervention for fostering children’s motivation to do something by themselves

    Developing Trans-Curriculum Learning of Japanese Language Arts in a K-9 integrated school II: For nurturing students with the zest for living and with capabilities to solving their own tasks for themselves

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    本研究は,昨年度に引き続き,幼小中一貫校としての特色を生かして,通教科的能力を位置づけた国語科の学習開発を行うことによって,新領域「希望(のぞみ)」との関連を明らかにすることを目的としている。本年度は,幼小中各学校段階において,「物語で作者が伝えたいこと」をどのようにとらえているのかを比較・検討することによって,幼小中12年間を見通した通教科的能力の育成につなげていった。幼稚園年長児・小学校1年生・中学校3年生では「おおきなかぶ」を,小学校4年生と中学校1年生では「世界でいちばんやかましい音」を教材として,その読みを比較・検討した。結果として,読みの系統性を踏まえた課題設定を通して上位学年の読みに近づく学習活動により,通教科的能力の育成に資することができた。The purpose of this study is intended to clarify the relationship with “NOZOMI” and our developing literature units for nurturing students’ learning abilities beyond each school subject. In this paper, by examining how students make out “what authors convey through stories” in each grade levels of elementary and secondary classes, the teaching objectives for lessons for nurturing students’ abilities adapting any situations were settled. Based on the outcomes of the lessons about A BIG TURNIP(a Russian folk tale) in the eldest class in kindergarten, Grade1 and Grade9 classes, and THE LOUDEST NOISE IN THE WORLD(by Benjamin Elkin) in Grade4 and Grade7 classes, any features of students’ responses were revealed through comparing and examining reader responses to each texts in each grades. For developing “NOZOMI” related learnings, it would be important to implement learning activities with the task settings following the ladders for reading development so much