55 research outputs found

    General Survey of Tohoku Hybrid Magnet System(Part I. Establishment and Tests of Hybrid Magnet System at HFLSM)

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    Outline of Tohoku Hybrid Magnet system is briefly described. High Field Laboratory was established in the Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals, Tohoku University, in 1981, for accelerating research and development of high field superconducting materials. Three hybrid magnets generating magnetic fields more than 20 T have been constructed as its main apparatuses. The strongest hybrid magnet, HM-1, could produce 31.1 T in November, 1986, which was the world record as this kind of hybrid magnet. Several important features of the hybrid magnet system are introduced which will be also useful to understand the following papers


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    本実験では,下顎切歯の歯間離開処置がマウスの情動行動に及ぼす影響を検討した.40匹のマウスを用い,対照群20匹と歯間離開処置を行った処置群20匹に分け,情動行動の評価として強制水泳法に基づくswimming behavior,climbing behavior,immobility behaviorを測定した.測定は,歯間離開処置後1日目,2日目,7日目に行った.その結果,処置群では対照群と比較してclimbing behaviorが1日目と2日目で有意に増加し,immobility behaviorが1日目と2日目で有意に減少していた.以上の結果から,歯間離開処置はマウスの情動機能に一時的な影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆される.In the present study, the effect of experimental separation of the lower incisors on emotional behavior was examined in mice at day 1, 2 and 7 after separation treatment. Emotional behaviors were swimming behavior, climbing behavior and immobility behavior based on the modified forced swim test. The experimental incisor separation increased climbing behavior and decreased immobility behavior on day 1 and 2 after treatment. It is reported that an incisor separation in the mouse increases the turnover of the central noradrenergic system. Thus, from these results, it is suggested that incisor separation in mice temporarily influences emotional functions