41 research outputs found

    Brown-Henneaux's Canonical Approach to Topologically Massive Gravity

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    We analyze the symmetry realized asymptotically on the two dimensional boundary of AdS_3 geometry in topologically massive gravity, which consists of the gravitational Chern-Simons term as well as the usual Einstein-Hilbert and negative cosmological constant terms. Our analysis is based on the conventional canonical method and proceeds along the line completely parallel to the original Brown and Henneaux's. In spite of the presence of the gravitational Chern-Simons term, it is confirmed by the canonical method that the boundary theory actually has the conformal symmetry satisfying the left and right moving Virasoro algebras. The central charges of the Virasoro algebras are computed explicitly and are shown to be left-right asymmetric due to the gravitational Chern-Simons term. It is also argued that the Cardy's formula for the BTZ black hole entropy capturing all higher derivative corrections agrees with the extended version of the Wald's entropy formula. The M5-brane system is illustrated as an application of the present calculation.Comment: 29 pages, no figure, references adde

    Holographic Interface-Particle Potential

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    We consider two N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories connected by an interface and the gravity dual of this system. This interface is expressed by a fuzzy funnel solution of Nahm's equation in the gauge theory side. The gravity dual is a probe D5-brane in AdS_5 x S^5. The potential energy between this interface and a test particle is calculated in both the gauge theory side and the gravity side by the expectation value of a Wilson loop. In the gauge theory it is evaluated by just substituting the classical solution to the Wilson loop. On the other hand it is done by the on-shell action of the fundamental string stretched between the AdS boundary and the D5-brane in the gravity. We show the gauge theory result and the gravity one agree with each other.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. v2: added discussion on perturbative corrections in the gauge theory sid

    The energy spectrum of forward photons measured by the RHICf experiment in sqrt{s} = 510 GeV proton-proton collisions

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    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider forward (RHICf) experiment aims at understanding the high-energy hadronic interaction by measuring the cross sections of very forward neutral particles in proton-proton collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 510 GeV. For the analysis of the photon measurement, the trigger efficiency and the particle identification performance are studied by using the Monte Carlo simulation data and the experimental data. In the RHICf operation, two kinds of trigger modes (Shower, HighEM) were implemented. The trigger efficiency of the Shower trigger is 100%\% for photons with the energies more than 20 GeV. The HighEM trigger is designed to detect high energy photons effectively, and the trigger efficiency of the HighEM trigger is 90%\% for photons with the energies more than 130 GeV. The correction factor for the photon identification is calculated by using the efficiency and purity. It is found that this correction does not make a sizeable effect on the shape of the energy spectrum because the energy dependency of the factor is small

    Measurement of very forward particle production at RHIC with √s=510 GeV proton-proton collisions

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    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider forward (RHICf) experiment has measured neutral particles produced in the very forward direction in the √s=510 GeV proton-proton collisions at RHIC in June 2017. The production cross sections of these particles are crucial to understand the hadronic interaction relevant to the air shower development at the cosmic-ray equivalent energy of 1.4×1014^{14} eV, just below the energy of the knee. Together with the data at LHC, accelerator data can cover the interaction in the cosmic-ray energy of 1014^{14} eV to 1017^{17} eV. In addition, RHICf is able to improve the former measurements of single-spin asymmetry in the polarized proton- proton collisions that is sensitive to the fundamental process of the meson exchange. Common data taking with the STAR experiment will shed light on the unexplored low mass diffraction process

    Beam and SKS spectrometers at the K1.8 beam line

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    High-resolution spectrometers for both incident beams and scattered particles have been constructed at the K1.8 beam line of the Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC. A point-to-point optics is realized between the entrance and exit of QQDQQ magnets for the beam spectrometer. Fine-pitch wire chamber trackers and hodoscope counters are installed in the beam spectrometer to accept a high rate beam up to 107 Hz. The superconducting kaon spectrometer for scattered particles was transferred from KEK with modifications to the cryogenic system and detectors. A missing-mass resolution of 1.9 ± 0.1 MeV/c2 (FWHM) was achieved for the ∑ peaks of (π±, K+) reactions on a proton target in the first physics run of E19 in 2010

    Long-Term Follow-up of Erythrocyte Porphobilinogen Deaminase Activity in a Patient With Acute Intermittent Porphyria: The Relationship between the Enzyme Activity and Abdominal Pain Attacks

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    The relationship between the onset of abdominal pain attack and the urinary levels of δ-aminolevulinic acid, porphobilinogen, uroporphyrin, and the activity of erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase was studied on a monthly basis over a four-year period in a 29-year-old male patient with acute intermittent porphyria. A close relationship is seen between the onset of pain episodes and sharp decreases of porphobilinogen deaminase activity. The activity normalizes as the patient improves, suggesting that this enzyme is a more sensitive monitor for acute intermittent porphyria attacks than the urinary parameters currently used for its diagnosis. Our results suggest that month-by-month testing of porphobilinogen deaminase activity in acute intermittent porphyria patients is a good practice to predict episodes of acute abdominal pain before its onset, also allowing estimation of possible promoting factors and in establishing optimal specific therapies