383 research outputs found

    Large-N Collective Field Theory Applied to Anyons in Magnetic Fields

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    We present a large-NN collective field formalism for anyons in external magnetic fields interacting with arbitrary two-body potential. We discuss how the Landau level is reproduced in our framework. We apply it to the soluble model for anyons proposed by Girvin et al., and obtain the dispersion relation of collective modes for arbitrary statistical parameters.Comment: 10 pages(Plain TeX) TMUP-HEL-930

    Parametric resonance at the critical temperature in high energy heavy ion collisions

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    Parametric resonance in soft modes at the critical temperature (TcT_{c}) in high energy heavy ion collisions is studied in the case when the temperature (TT) of the system is almost constant for a long time. By deviding the fields into three parts, zero mode (condensate), soft modes and hard modes and assuming that the hard modes are in thermal equilibrium, we derive the equation of motion for soft modes at T=TcT=T_{c}. Enhanced modes are extracted by comparing with the Mathieu equation for the condensate oscillating along the sigma axis at T=TcT=T_{c}. It is found that the soft mode of π\pi fields at about 174 MeV is enhanced.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure Some statements and equations are modified to clarif

    Quantum description for a chiral condensate disoriented in a certain direction in isospace

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    We derive a quantum state of the disoriented chiral condensate dynamically, considering small quantum fluctuations around a classical chiral condensate disoriented in a certain direction n⃗ \vec n in isospace. The obtained nonisosinglet quantum state has the characteristic features; (i) it has the form of the squeezed state, (ii) the state contains not only the component of pion quanta in the direction n⃗ \vec n but also the component in the perpendicular direction to n⃗ \vec n and (iii) the low momentum pions in the state violate the isospin symmetry. With the quantum state, we calculate the probability of the neutral fraction depending on the time and the pion's momentum, and find that the probability has an unfamiliar form. For the low momentum pions, the parametric resonance mechanism works with the result that the probability of the neutral fraction becomes the well known form approximately and that the charge fluctuation is small.Comment: 19 page

    Difference equations for the higher rank XXZ model with a boundary

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    The higher rank analogue of the XXZ model with a boundary is considered on the basis of the vertex operator approach. We derive difference equations of the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type for 2N-point correlations of the model. We present infinite product formulae of two point functions with free boundary condition by solving those difference equations with N=1.Comment: LaTEX 16 page

    Description of a domain by a squeezed state in a scalar field theory

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    The author attempted to describe a domain by using a squeezed state in quantum field theory. An extended squeeze operator was used to construct the state. In a scalar field theory, the author described a domain that the distributions of the condensate and of the fluctuation are Gaussian. The momentum distribution, chaoticity and correlation length were calculated. It was found that the typical value of the momentum is about the inverse of the domain size, and that the chaoticity reflects the ratio of the size of the squeeze region to that of the coherent region. The results indicate that the quantum state of a domain is surmised by these quantities under the assumption that the distributions are Gaussian. As an example, this method was applied to a pion field, and the momentum distribution and the chaoticity were shown.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, a typographical error in the reference is correcte

    Parametric amplification with a friction in heavy ion collisions

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    We study the effects of the expansion of the system and the friction on the parametric amplification of mesonic fields in high energy heavy ion collisions within the linear σ\sigma model . The equation of motion which is similar to Mathieu equation is derived to describe the time development of classical fields in the last stage of a heavy ion collision after the freezeout time. The enhanced mode is extracted analytically by comparison with Mathieu equation and the equation of motion is solved numerically to examine whether soft modes will be enhanced or not. It is found that the strong peak appears around 267 MeV in the pion transverse momentum distribution in cases with weak friction and high maximum temperature. This enhancement can be extracted by taking the ratio between different modes in the pion transverse momentum distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures LaTeX: appendix adde

    Vertex operator approach for form factors of Belavin's (Z/nZ)(Z/nZ)-symmetric model

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    Belavin's (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model is considered on the basis of bosonization of vertex operators in the An−1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model and vertex-face transformation. Free field representations of nonlocal tail operators are constructed for off diagonal matrix elements with respect to the ground state sectors. As a result, integral formulae for form factors of any local operators in the (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model can be obtained, in principle.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, published in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010) 085202. For the next thirty days from Feb 5 2010, the full text of the article will be completely free to access through our 'This Month's Papers' service (www.iop.org/journals/thismonth), helping you to benefit from maximum visibilit

    Vertex operator approach for correlation functions of Belavin's (Z/nZ)-symmetric model

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    Belavin's (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model is considered on the basis of bosonization of vertex operators in the An−1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model and vertex-face transformation. The corner transfer matrix (CTM) Hamiltonian of (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model and tail operators are expressed in terms of bosonized vertex operators in the An−1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model. Correlation functions of (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model can be obtained by using these objects, in principle. In particular, we calculate spontaneous polarization, which reproduces the result by myselves in 1993.Comment: For the next thirty days the full text of this article is available at http://stacks.iop.org/1751-8121/42/16521

    Pengalaman Komunikasi dan Konsep Diri Seorang Indigo di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The last few years Indigo phenomenon in Indonesia began much raised by themass-media and invited various positive and negative opinions. Some people inPekanbaru still do not know about indigo phenomenon. Some Indigo children can seethe spirits that are not caught by the sense of sight. Ability that makes an indigoreceived and considered strange refusal of the people around him. Experiences likethese can form self-concept in an indigo. This study aims to determine the experience ofcommunication, self-image, self-esteem and the factors that influence the formation ofself-concept an indigo in Pekanbaru.This study uses qualitative research with phenomenological approach to them.Subjects in this study amounted to 6 persons, consisting of 3 persons of indigodetermined through purposive sampling techniques, 1 person by significant other and 2persons by reference group. Data collected trough observation, interview, anddocumentation. Data were analyzed using an interactive model of Miles and Huberman.Technique of validating data trough the extension of partcipation and triangulation.The results of this study indicate that the communication experience an indigo inPekanbaru form a pleasant communication (positive) such as; a sense of pride and canhelp any other person with their ability, acceptance and friendship, more attention fromthe family, especially the parents, and the unpleasant communication (negative) suchas; verbal abuse. This self-image is positive even thought they are seen as negativebecause of the advantages they have no sense. Self-esteem of an indigo quite high eventhough many felt insulted but it does not affect them. Until the factors that affect selfconceptof an indigo namely the family and closest friends, which can form thecharacter of an indigo.Keywords: Experience Communications, Self-Concept, Indigo, Pekanbaru

    Estimation of the particle-antiparticle correlation effect for pion production in heavy ion collisions

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    Estimation of the back-to-back pi-pi correlations arising due to evolution of the pionic field in the course of pion production process is given for central heavy nucleus collisions at moderate energies.Comment: 6 LaTeX pages + 5 ps figure
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