4 research outputs found


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    Kualitas dan kenyamanan udara dalam suatu ruangan tergantung beberapa faktor, diantaranya pola aliran distribusi udara, pola aliran distribusi temperatur ruangan, dan kelembaban udara. Untuk mendapatkan udara yang sehat diperlukan pengkodisian ventilasi ruangan tersebut dengan bantuan difuser, Sehingga sirkulasi aliran udara dan temperatur ruangan yang telah dikondisikan menjadi lebih efektif dan terjaga. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibandingkan efektifitas dan efesiensi penggunaan difuser Air Conditioner (AC) berdasarkan letak. Difuser akan diletakkan di setiap bidang ruangan secara bergantian dan akan diamati dinamikanya terhadap waktu. Dalam penelitian ini, model numerik distribusi temperatur dalam ruang ber-AC dengan mempertimbangkan interior drag akan dianalisa dengan pendekatan diskritisasi Finite Volume Method (FVM) dan teknik diskritisasi yang digunakan adalah Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Convective Kinematic (QUICK). Kemudian akan divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan software CFD fluent. Kata kunci: CFD Fluent, Distribusi temperatur, Finite Volume Method (FVM), Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Convective Kinematic (QUICK)

    Perencanaan Produksi Makanan Laut dengan Pertimbangan Permintaan dan Kapasitas

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    The sea holds many resources that are very important for life, and one of them is the potential of fisheries, which is a basic human need. Indonesia, as a maritime country whose waters cover 2/3 of its territory, most of its people who live in coastal areas have utilized this condition by conducting fisheries management activities. However, the process still needs technical support to optimize the results. This research will review the production planning process of processed marine products under demand uncertainty. This research will construct a model to minimize production costs by considering demand uncertainty. The model will be computed using Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) method to provide the decision of processed products produced and the amount of production

    Peramalan Harga Saham Perusahaan Perbankan dengan Market Capitalization Terbesar di Indonesia Pasca-Covid19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan peramalan harga saham perusahaan perbankan dengan market capitalization terbesar di Indonesia pasca-Covid19. Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah lanskap ekonomi global dan pasar saham secara signifikan, termasuk di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data runtun waktu harian harga saham Bank BCA, Bank BRI, dan Bank Mandiri selama periode pasca-Covid19 untuk menganalisis dan meramalkan pergerakan harga saham ketiga bank tersebut. Metode peramalan data deret waktu ARIMA digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Model peramalan saham BBCA terbaik adalah ARIMA(0,1,0), untuk saham BBRI adalah ARIMA(2,1,2), dan untuk saham BMRI adalah ARIMA(0,1,0). Setelah dilakukan peramalan dengan masimh-masing model tersebut, model ARIMA(2,1,2) untuk saham BBRI dapat meramalkan harga saham lebih akurat dengan MAPE dan AIC terkecil yaitu 1.45% dan 601.36

    Model Predator-Prey Leslie-Gower dengan Fungsi Respon Sokol-Howell dan Perilaku Anti Predator

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    This study discusses the Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with the Sokol-Howell response function and anti-predator behavior. It is assumed that prey has anti-predator behavior that aims to reduce the risk of predation and not as an attempt by prey to find food. This study aims to formulate a Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with the Sokol-Howell response function and anti-predator behavior, analyze the model's equilibrium point and model interpretation. Stability analysis was carried out using the linearization method. The type of stability is determined based on the characteristic eigenvalues ​​obtained using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. The results of the analysis of the equilibrium point show that prey populations will exist and predators will become extinct if the anti-predator coefficient is greater than the intrinsic growth coefficient of predators, while prey and predator populations will always exist if the intrinsic growth coefficient of predators is greater than the anti-predator coefficient and fulfills other conditions required. Based on the numerical simulations performed, the interpretation is that an enlarged anti-predator coefficient increases the number of prey populations until they approach the carrying capacity, while predator populations decrease significantly and over time experience extinction