446 research outputs found

    Proposing a Code of Ethics for Public Health Professionals in Europe

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    Context: Public health practitioners are involved in a wide array of contexts. Local and national government public health agencies; domestic and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); and academic institutions are just a few examples of the settings where public health practitioners work. Acting ethically and meeting ethical commitments in a practical and transdisciplinary endeavor as complicated as public health necessitates careful consideration. Ethical practice ensures that public health institutions work properly and that individual public health practitioners maintain their integrity. There is little debate about the importance of ethics in public health professional practice and, as a result, the necessity for a corresponding professional code of ethics.   Policy Options: Only an US-American code of public health ethics has been created so far. Since ethical considerations in public health are heavily dependent in contexts, the aim of this document is to initiate a discussion surrounding the establishment of a Code of Ethics for Public Health Professionals in Europe. Recommendations: Stimulate the discussion on a European code of public health ethics. Make a clear distinction between public health ethics and medical ethics. Recognize public health as a profession and not just a medical specialty. Recognize the need for a common code of ethics among public health professionals in Europe. Use Kotter's Model based on the Theory of Change as a roadmap when creating the European public health code of ethics. Treat the European code of ethics as a "living document". Encourage further research on a European code of ethics. &nbsp

    Piccole capitali creative

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    Nel secolo urbano che abbiamo di fronte, la citt\ue0 sar\ue0 lo scenario della competizione delle energie, delle risorse umane, delle intelligenze collettive e della creativit\ue0 per la costruzione di un\u2019evoluzione pi\uf9 compatibile con le identit\ue0 e le vocazioni e pi\uf9 sostenibile rispetto alle risorse ed alle sensibilit\ue0 del territorio. I segnali delle sue forme, delle sue relazioni e delle sue identit\ue0 sono gi\ue0 evidenti in alcune citt\ue0 del presente ed ad essi sono dedicate numerose ricerche urbanistiche, sociologiche ed economiche. Ma i segnali sono evidenti e trasmettono ispirazioni e stimoli anche a chi osserva la citt\ue0 per mestiere di progettista, di pianificatore, di stratega dello sviluppo. Il XXI secolo sar\ue0 l\u2019era indiscussa delle citt\ue0 e su di esse si misurer\ue0 lo sviluppo delle nazioni. Per la prima volta, pi\uf9 della met\ue0 della popolazione mondiale vivr\ue0 nelle citt\ue0, in Europa oggi la cifra \ue8 gi\ue0 di oltre il 75%, e nei paesi in via di sviluppo raggiunger\ue0 velocemente il 50%. Il mondo si svilupper\ue0 sia attorno a grandi megalopoli da decine di milioni di abitanti, ma anche attorno a citt\ue0 metropolitane, a conurbazioni diffuse e ad armature di micropoli: all\u2019armatura urbana delle citt\ue0 globali si annoder\ue0, soprattutto in Europa, l\u2019armatura delle citt\ue0 di secondo livello, produttrici di visioni alternative rispetto all\u2019esplosione delle megalopoli. L\u2019armatura urbana europea di secondo livello \u2013 le piccole capitali, sempre pi\uf9 citt\ue0-porta \u2013 si delinea come annodata attorno a \u201ccitt\ue0 della cultura\u201d, nel senso di citt\ue0 non solo detentrici di risorse culturali profonde lasciate dal palinsesto della storia, ma anche produttrici di nuova cultura: le culture-based competition cities saranno, infatti, quelle citt\ue0 in grado di competere nel panorama internazionale attraverso la valorizzazione e la promozione della propria identit\ue0 culturale, sia consolidata che in evoluzione

    Challenges at the marketing–operations interface in omni-channel retail environments

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    To compete in today’s omni-channel business context, it is essential for firms to co-ordinate their activities across channels and across different stages of the customer journey and the product flow. This requires firms to adopt an integrative approach, addressing each omni-channel design decision from a dual demand-side (marketing) and supply-side (operations) perspective. However, both in practice and in academic research, such an integrative approach is still in an immature stage. In this article, a framework is developed with the following key decision areas: (i) assortment and inventory, (ii) distribution and delivery and (iii) returns. These affect both the customer journey and the product flow. As a consequence of the resulting interdependencies between the firm’s functions, addressing the issues that arise in the three decision areas requires an integrated marketing and operations perspective. For each of the areas, the key decisions that affect or involve both the customer journey and product flow are identified first. Next, for each decision, the marketing and operational goals and the tensions that arise when these goals are not perfectly aligned are described. The opportunities for relieving these tensions are also discussed and possible directions for future research aimed at addressing these tensions and opportunities are presented

    High-Resolution Motor State Detection in Parkinson's Disease Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Patients with advanced Parkinson's disease regularly experience unstable motor states. Objective and reliable monitoring of these fluctuations is an unmet need. We used deep learning to classify motion data from a single wrist-worn IMU sensor recording in unscripted environments. For validation purposes, patients were accompanied by a movement disorder expert, and their motor state was passively evaluated every minute. We acquired a dataset of 8,661 minutes of IMU data from 30 patients, with annotations about the motor state (OFF,ON, DYSKINETIC) based on MDS-UPDRS global bradykinesia item and the AIMS upper limb dyskinesia item. Using a 1-minute window size as an input for a convolutional neural network trained on data from a subset of patients, we achieved a three-class balanced accuracy of 0.654 on data from previously unseen subjects. This corresponds to detecting the OFF, ON, or DYSKINETIC motor state at a sensitivity/specificity of 0.64/0.89, 0.67/0.67 and 0.64/0.89, respectively. On average, the model outputs were highly correlated with the annotation on a per subject scale (r = 0.83/0.84;p < 0.0001), and sustained so for the highly resolved time windows of 1 minute (r = 0.64/0.70;p < 0.0001). Thus, we demonstrate the feasibility of long-term motor-state detection in a free-living setting with deep learning using motion data from a single IMU

    Dosimetric comparison of different radiation techniques (IMRT vs. 3-dimensional) of the “true” (deep) ano-inguinal lymphatic drainage of anal cancer patients

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    Introduction: The ano-inguinal lymphatic drainage (AILD) is located in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the proximal medial thigh. Currently, there are no recommendations for an inclusion of the ‘true’ AILD in the clinical target volume (CTV) of definitive chemoradiation for anal cancer patients. To estimate the relevance of inguinal recurrence, we compared the incidental dose to the AILD in anal cancer (AC) patients who were treated either with Volumetric Arc Therapy – Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (VMAT-IMRT) or conventional 3D-radiation technique. Methods: One VMAT-IMRT-plans and one 3D-plans were calculated on the same target volumes and identical dose prescription in ten patients. We defined the volume of the AILD on the planning CT-scans based on the information of new fluorescence methods. Furthermore, we defined several anatomical subvolumes of interest inside the AILD. We examined and compared absolute and relative dosimetric parameters of the AILD and different anatomical subunits. Results: The Dmean of the AILD was 40 Gy in the 3D-group and 38 Gy in the IMRT-group. Dmean and Dmedian as well as the V30Gy of the AILD and all subvolumes of the caudal AILD were significant higher using 3D-RT compared to IMRT. Even though the absolute differences were small, in the caudal aspect of the ano-inguinal lymphatic drainage the V30Gy could be more than 10% less with VMAT-IMRT. Conclusions: 3D-RT was slightly superior to IMRT in terms of dose coverage of the AILD. However, the absolute differences were very small. Some relevant caudal parts of the AILD received an insufficient dose for treating potential micrometastases. Particularly in high-risk situations, this may lead to inguinal recurrence and therefore the true deep AILD should be included into the target volume in high risk patients