1 research outputs found

    Extensive assessment of blood glucose monitoring during postprandial period and its impact on closed-loop performance

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    [EN] Background: Closed-loop (CL) systems aims to outperform usual treatments in blood glucose control and continuous glucose monitors (CGM) are a key component in such systems. Meals represents one of the main disturbances in blood glucose control, and postprandial period (PP) is a challenging situation for both CL system and CGM accuracy. Methods: We performed an extensive analysis of sensor¿s performance by numerical accuracy and precision during PP, as well as its influence in blood glucose control under CL therapy. Results: During PP the mean absolute relative difference (MARD) for both sensors presented lower accuracy in the hypoglycemic range (19.4 ± 12.8%) than in other ranges (12.2 ± 8.6% in euglycemic range and 9.3 ± 9.3% in hyperglycemic range). The overall MARD was 12.1 ± 8.2%. We have also observed lower MARD for rates of change between 0 and 2 mg/dl. In CL therapy, the 10 trials with the best sensor spent less time in hypoglycemia (PG < 70 mg/dl) than the 10 trials with the worst sensors (2 ± 7 minutes vs 32 ± 38 minutes, respectively). Conclusions: In terms of accuracy, our results resemble to previously reported. Furthermore, our results showed that sensors with the lowest MARD spent less time in hypoglycemic range, indicating that the performance of CL algorithm to control PP was related to sensor accuracy.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This project has been partially supported by the Spanish Government through Grants DPI 2013-46982-C2-1-R, DPI 2016-78831-C2-1-R, DPI 2013-46982-C2-2-R, and DPI 2016-78831-C2-2-R, the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development, CNPq Brazil through Grants 202050/2015-7 and 207688/2014-1.Biagi, L.; Hirata-Bertachi, A.; Conget, I.; Quirós, C.; Giménez, M.; Ampudia-Blasco, F.; Rossetti, P.... (2017). Extensive assessment of blood glucose monitoring during postprandial period and its impact on closed-loop performance. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 11(6):1089-1095. https://doi.org/10.1177/1932296817714272S10891095116Doyle, F. 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