76 research outputs found

    Preleukemia: hematological disorders prior to onset of leukemia

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    Published data on Japanese leukemia patients with a preleukemic hematological disorder were assessed. The reexamined cases were from the &#34;Japona Centra Revuo Medicina&#34; reported during the period from 1952 to 1971. Among preleukemic hematological disorders, hypoplastic anemia was the most frequently reported (41 of 62 cases). These &#34;hypoplastic preleukemia&#34; patients were rather elderly and terminated mostly in atypical myelocytic leukemia. The chief hematological feature of the hypoplastic preleukemia cases was the coexistence of a relative erythroid hyperplasia and a slight increase of myeloblasts in the bone marrow that was unusual in hypoplastic anemia. The presence of pancytopenia and hypocellular marrow with a relative erythroid hyperplasia combined with a slight increase of myeloblasts probably indicates hypoplastic preleukemia that terminates later in acute leukemia.</p

    Posttraumatic Growth(外傷後成長)を促すものは何か : 変容過程に視点を置いて

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    This work focused on the process of posttraumatic growth (PTG) by interviewing 10 college students. Participants experienced the following factors during the process after traumatic event that may contribute to posttraumatic growth (PTG): distress, reminding, social support, relocation to safe environment, action oriented coping, positive re-interpretation, time passages. Results also aroused a new hypothesis: a different type of event may lead to a different type of PTG. Reminding may mediate between distress and PTG. Appreciation may mediate between social support and PTG( Relating to others and New possibilities). Confidence due to successful result may mediate between action oriented coping and personal growth. Cognitive processing encouraged PTG and Wisdom; however, PTG was a response to all three parts of questions and may suggest another question about PTG. Does PTG overlap among cognitive processing, posttraumatic growth (PTG), and wisdom


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    頚髄を受傷する影響は、身体に障害が残るほか、日常生活や社会生活においても大きな制限を受ける。その喪失の多大さゆえに、頚髄損傷者はマイナス面から語られることが一般的だった。本研究では、プラス面に着目し、受傷後の成長の可能性(Posttraumatic Growth : PTG)を探ることを目的とした。筆者の友人である到髄損傷者7名を対象にインタビューした結果、自分自身の性格や考え方や行動面におけるポジティブな変化、新たな関係の拡大、弱者への理解、助け合いを重視、夫婦関係の強化などのPTGが見受けられた。PTGが促された要因として、4段階のショック((1)受傷のイベント(2)運命を知る(3)さらなる喪失(4)差別や偏見)によるスキーマの崩壊と再構築、ソーシャルサポートによる支え、コーピング、時間の経過があったことが考察された