1,171 research outputs found

    Chandra Observations of A Galactic Supernova Remnant Vela Jr.: A New Sample of Thin Filaments Emitting Synchrotron X-Rays

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    A galactic supernova remnant (SNR) Vela Jr. (RX J0852.0-4622, G266.6-1.2) shows sharp filamentary structure on the north-western edge of the remnant in the hard X-ray band. The filaments are so smooth and located on the most outer side of the remnant. We measured the averaged scale width of the filaments (wuw_u and wdw_d) with excellent spatial resolution of {\it Chandra}, which are in the order of the size of the point spread function of {\it Chandra} on the upstream side and 49.5 (36.0--88.8) arcsec on the downstream side, respectively. The spectra of the filaments are very hard and have no line-like structure, and were well reproduced with an absorbed power-law model with Γ=\Gamma = 2.67 (2.55--2.77), or a {\tt SRCUT} model with νrolloff\nu_{rolloff} = 4.3 (3.4--5.3)×1016\times 10^{16} Hz under the assumption of p=0.3p=0.3. These results imply that the hard X-rays are synchrotron radiation emitted by accelerated electrons, as mentioned previously. Using a correlation between a function Bνrolloff/wd2{\cal B} \equiv \nu_{rolloff}/w_d^2 and the SNR age, we estimated the distance and the age of Vela Jr.: the estimated distance and age are 0.33 (0.26--0.50) kpc and 660 (420--1400) years, respectively. These results are consistent with previous reports, implying that B{\cal B}--age relation may be a useful tool to estimate the distance and the age of synchrotron X-ray emitting SNRs.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Nonthermal X-radiation of SNR RX J1713.7-3946: The Relations to a Nearby Molecular Cloud

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    The recent X-ray and CO observations of RX J1713.7-3946 show that a significant fraction of the nonthermal X-ray emission of this unique supernova remnant associates, in one way or another, with a molecular cloud interacting with the west part of the shell. This adds a new puzzle in the origin of X-ray emission which cannot be easily explained within the standard model in accordance of which X-rays are result of synchrotron radiation of multi-TeV electrons accelerated by supernova shock waves. We explore an alternative origin of the X-ray emission assuming that it is produced by secondary electrons resulting from high energy hadronic interactions in the molecular gas. Such a scenario could explain in a quite natural way the apparent correlation between the X-ray and CO morphologies. However, the TeV gamma-ray emission recently reported by H.E.S.S. significantly constrains the parameter space of this model. Namely, this mechanism cannot reproduce the bulk of the observed X-ray flux unless one postulates existence of a PeV cosmic-ray component penetrating with an unusually hard spectrum into the dense cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proc. of Int. Symp. on High Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy, Heidelberg (July 2004

    Pupil dynamics during very light exercise predict benefits to prefrontal cognition

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    軽運動の前頭前野機能向上効果は瞳に映る. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-07-12.Physical exercise, even stress-free very-light-intensity exercise such as yoga and very slow running, can have beneficial effects on executive function, possibly by potentiating prefrontal cortical activity. However, the exact mechanisms underlying this potentiation have not been identified. Evidence from studies using pupillometry demonstrates that pupil changes track the real-time dynamics of activity linked to arousal and attention, including neural circuits from the locus coeruleus to the cortex. This makes it possible to examine whether pupil-linked brain dynamics induced during very-light-intensity exercise mediate benefits to prefrontal executive function in healthy young adults. In this experiment, pupil diameter was measured during 10 min of very-light-intensity exercise (30% V̇o2peak). A Stroop task was used to assess executive function before and after exercise. Prefrontal cortical activation during the task was assessed using multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). We observed that very-light-intensity exercise significantly elicited pupil dilation, reduction of Stroop interference, and task-related left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation compared with the resting-control condition. The magnitude of change in pupil dilation predicted the magnitude of improvement in Stroop performance. In addition, causal mediation analysis showed that pupil dilation during very-light-intensity exercise robustly determined subsequent enhancement of Stroop performance. This finding supports our hypothesis that the pupil-linked mechanisms, which may be tied to locus coeruleus activation, are a potential mechanism by which very light exercise enhances prefrontal cortex activation and executive function. It also suggests that pupillometry may be a useful tool to interpret the beneficial impact of exercise on boosting cognition

    A Suzaku Observation of the Low-Ionization Fe-Line Emission from RCW 86

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    The newly operational X-ray satellite Suzaku observed the southwestern quadrant of the supernova remnant (SNR) RCW 86 in February 2006 to study the nature of the 6.4 keV emission line first detected with the Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astronomy (ASCA). The new data confirm the existence of the line, localizing it for the first time; most of the line emission is adjacent and interior to the forward shock and not at the locus of the continuum hard emission. We also report the first detection of a 7.1 keV line that we interpret as the K-beta emission from low-ionization iron. The Fe-K line features are consistent with a non-equilibrium plasma of Fe-rich ejecta with n_{e}t <~ 10^9 cm^-3 s and kT_{e} ~ 5 keV. This combination of low n_{e}t and high kT_{e} suggests collisionless electron heating in an SNR shock. The Fe K-alpha line shows evidence for intrinsic broadening, with a width of 47 (34--59) eV (99% error region). The difference of the spatial distributions of the hard continuum above 3 keV and the Fe-K line emission support a synchrotron origin for the hard continuum.Comment: 6 pages with 6 figures. Accepted for PASJ Suzaku Special Issue (vo. 58, sp.1

    Search for Sc-K line emission from RX J0852.0--4622 Supernova remnant with Suzaku

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    We searched for evidence of line emission around 4keV from the northwestern rim of the supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 using Suzaku XIS data. Several papers have reported the detection of an emission line around 4.1keV from this region of the sky. This line would arise from K-band fluorescence by Sc, the immediate decay product of 44Ti. We performed spectral analysis for the entire portion of the NW rim of the remnant within the XIS field of view, as well as various regions corresponding to regions of published claims of line emission. We found no line emission around 4.1keV anywhere, and are able to set a restrictive upper limit to the X-ray flux: 1.1x10^-6 s^-1 cm^-2 for the entire field. For every region, our flux upper limit falls below that of the previously claimed detection. Therefore, we conclude that, to date, no definite X-ray line feature from Sc-K emission has been detected in the NW rim of RX J0852.0-4622. Our negative-detection supports the recent claim that RX J0852-4622 is neither young (1700--4000 yr) nor nearby(~750 pc).Comment: Published in PAS

    Enhanced bone-forming activity of side population cells in the periodontal ligament.

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    Regeneration of alveolar bone is critical for the successful treatment of periodontal diseases. The periodontal ligament (PDL) has been widely investigated as a source of cells for the regeneration of periodontal tissues. In the present study where we attempted to develop an effective strategy for alveolar bone regeneration, we examined the osteogenic potential of side population (SP) cells, a stem cell-containing population that has been shown to be highly abundant in several kinds of tissues, in PDL cells. Isolated SP cells from the rat PDL exhibited a superior ability to differentiate into osteoblastic cells compared with non-SP (NSP) and unsorted PDL cells in vitro. The mRNA expressions of osteoblast markers and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 2 were significantly upregulated in SP cells and were further increased by osteogenic induction. To examine the boneforming activity of SP cells in vivo, PDL SP cells isolated from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats were transplanted with hydroxyapatite (HA) disks into wild-type animals. SP cells exhibited a high ability to induce the mineralized matrix compared with NSP and unsorted PDL cells. At 12 weeks after the implantation, some of the pores in the HA disks with SP cells were filled with mineralized matrices, which were positive for bone matrix proteins, such as osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, and osteocalcin. Furthermore, osteoblast- and osteocyte-like cells on and in the bone-like mineralized matrices were GFP positive, suggesting that the matrices were directly formed by the transplanted cells. These results suggest that PDL SP cells possess enhanced osteogenic potential and could be a potential source for cell-based regenerative therapy for alveolar bone

    Asymptotics and local constancy of characters of p-adic groups

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    In this paper we study quantitative aspects of trace characters Θπ\Theta_\pi of reductive pp-adic groups when the representation π\pi varies. Our approach is based on the local constancy of characters and we survey some other related results. We formulate a conjecture on the behavior of Θπ\Theta_\pi relative to the formal degree of π\pi, which we are able to prove in the case where π\pi is a tame supercuspidal. The proof builds on J.-K.~Yu's construction and the structure of Moy-Prasad subgroups.Comment: Proceedings of Simons symposium on the trace formul