84 research outputs found

    A fatal case of oral intoxication by mustard gas

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    Opisan je slučaj peroralne intosikacije iperitom u namjeri samoubojstva i iznesen obdukcioni nalaz. Ukratko su izneseni neki toksikološki pogledi na otrovanje iperifom, te klinički simptomi i patomorfološke promjene kod intoksikacije ovim otrovom.A case is presented of a man aged 27 who swallowed 50 g of mustard gas (dichlor-diethylsulphide) in order to commit suicide. Although immediately treated at the Internal Clinic of the Medical Faculty, he died 8 hours and 20 minutes after taking the poison. A postmortem examination carried out 19 hours after death, as well as histological findings showed congestion and oedema of the brain, fragmentation of cardiac muscle, oedema of mucous membranes of the upper part of gastrointestinal tract, oedema of larynx and epiglotis, oedema of the liver, and congestion of the spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys. A microscopic examination of the lung tissue revealed hemorrhages probably due to the irritative effect of the poison

    Differential gene expression in the liver of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, after 6 months of aestivation in air or 1 day of arousal from 6 months of aestivation.

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    The African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, can undergo aestivation during drought. Aestivation has three phases: induction, maintenance and arousal. The objective of this study was to examine the differential gene expression in the liver of P. annectens after 6 months (the maintenance phase) of aestivation as compared with the freshwater control, or after 1 day of arousal from 6 months aestivation as compared with 6 months of aestivation using suppression subtractive hybridization. During the maintenance phase of aestivation, the mRNA expression of argininosuccinate synthetase 1 and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase III were up-regulated, indicating an increase in the ornithine-urea cycle capacity to detoxify ammonia to urea. There was also an increase in the expression of betaine homocysteine-S-transferase 1 which could reduce and prevent the accumulation of hepatic homocysteine. On the other hand, the down-regulation of superoxide dismutase 1 expression could signify a decrease in ROS production during the maintenance phase of aestivation. In addition, the maintenance phase was marked by decreases in expressions of genes related to blood coagulation, complement fixation and iron and copper metabolism, which could be strategies used to prevent thrombosis and to conserve energy. Unlike the maintenance phase of aestivation, there were increases in expressions of genes related to nitrogen, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and fatty acid transport after 1 day of arousal from 6 months aestivation. There were also up-regulation in expressions of genes that were involved in the electron transport system and ATP synthesis, indicating a greater demand for metabolic energy during arousal. Overall, our results signify the importance of sustaining a low rate of waste production and conservation of energy store during the maintenance phase, and the dependence on internal energy store for repair and structural modification during the arousal phase, of aestivation in the liver of P. annectens

    Light induces changes in activities of Na+/K+(NH4+)-ATPase, H+/K+(NH4+)-ATPase and glutamine synthetase in tissues involved directly or indirectly in light-enhanced calcification in the giant clam Tridacna squamosa

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of 12 h of exposure to light, as compared with 12 h of exposure to darkness (control), on enzymatic activities of transporters involved in the transport of NH4+ or H+, and activities of enzymes involved in converting NH4+ to glutamate/glutamine in inner mantle, outer mantle and ctenidia of the giant clam, Tridacna squamosa. Exposure to light resulted in a significant increase in the effectiveness of NH4+ in substitution for K+ to activate Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA), manifested as a significant increase in the Na+/NH4+-activated-NKA activity in the inner mantle. However, similar phenomena were not observed in the extensible outer mantle, which contained abundant symbiotic zooxanthellae. Hence, during light-enhanced calcification, H+ released from CaCO3 deposition could react with NH3 to form NH4+ in the extrapallial fluid, and NH4+ could probably be transported into the shell-facing inner mantle epithelium through NKA. Light also induced an increase in the activity of glutamine synthetase, which converts NH4+ and glutamate to glutamine, in the inner mantle. Taken together, these results explained observations reported elsewhere that light induced a significant increase in pH and a significant decrease in ammonia concentration in the extrapallial fluid, as well as a significant increase in the glutamine concentration in the inner mantle, of T. squamosa. Exposure of T. squamosa to light also led to a significant decrease in the N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-sensitive-V-H+-ATPase (VATPase) in the inner mantle, and significant increases in the Na+/K+-activated-NKA, H+/NH4+-activated-H+/K+-ATPase and NEM-sensitive-VATPase activities in ctenidia, indicating that light-enhanced calcification might perturb Na+ homeostasis and acid/base balance in the hemolymph, and might involve the active uptake of NH4+ from the environment. This is the first report on light having direct enhancing effects on activities of certain transporters/en

    Known transcripts found in the forward library (up-regulation) obtained by suppression subtractive hybridization PCR from the brain of <i>Protopterus annectens</i> aestivated for 6 days in air with fish kept in freshwater as the reference for comparison.

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    <p>Known transcripts found in the forward library (up-regulation) obtained by suppression subtractive hybridization PCR from the brain of <i>Protopterus annectens</i> aestivated for 6 days in air with fish kept in freshwater as the reference for comparison.</p