28 research outputs found

    Feasibility of a “Network of Champions” in Implementing a Program to Address Physician Well-being

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    Introduction: Healthcare leaders have been challenged to mitigate burnout and foster well-being among physicians. Professional societies are beginning to address this in a systematic manner. Methods: In 2014, the American College of Physicians (ACP) endeavored to improve well-being for its 160,000 members of internists and trainees through a Well-being Champion (WBC) program based in the majority of its 85 national and international chapters. The program was supported by an evidence-based curriculum, chapter volunteers who served as champions, and in-person and virtual trainings. Training included a 1-2 day program in 2018 and 2019, focused on educating champions on causes of burnout, means of systematically collecting well-being data, and methods for using data for system change to reduce burnout and improve well-being. Results: Training included 158 WBCs in 8 countries. After training, over 90% of champions in both years of the program felt able to articulate the evidence for burnout prevention and suggest interventions, access resources, and administer well-being surveys. While 58% of champions noted high interest in wellness, only 26% had a budget allocated for this, and most budgets were small. Ninety-one percent in both years felt able to analyze survey data and 90% in both years felt able to enhance their own well-being. Eighty-eight to 90% felt able to foster a well-being community and importantly, 85% felt comfortable engaging leadership in this topic. Since 2017, 639 activities were recorded, accounting for 87/158 Champions in 69 Chapters. Annual direct costs varied each year but remained Conclusion: This report describes a model for building regional networks to address physician burnout while promoting well-being and professional fulfillment. After training, champions felt capable of performing key aspects of burnout reduction, including survey administration, data analysis and engaging leadership in systems change. To our knowledge, this is the first model to scale burnout prevention throughout an entire professional society. Using the included program descriptions and curricula, this program may be generalizable for other large professional groups wishing to measure and enhance well-being among their membership

    The State of Ambulatory Undergraduate Internal Medicine Medical Education: Results of the 2016 Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine Annual Survey

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    Ambulatory care is qualitatively different and valuable to the health system. Given the shifts in health care that prioritize ambulatory care, internal medicine educators see benefits to learning in this environment. Internal medicine education teaches the skills necessary for managing complex patients, including those with multiple illnesses, medications, and social needs, all of which are encountered in the practice of ambulatory internal medicine

    Recruiting a Diverse Group of Middle School Girls Into the Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls

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    School-based study recruitment efforts are both time consuming and challenging. This paper highlights the recruitment strategies employed by the national, multisite Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG), a study designed to measure the effectiveness of an intervention to reduce the decline of physical activity levels among middle school—aged girls. TAAG provided a unique opportunity to recruit large cohorts of randomly sampled girls within 36 diverse middle schools across the United States

    Financing U.S. Graduate Medical Education: A Policy Position Paper of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine and the American College of Physicians

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    In this position paper, the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine and the American College of Physicians examine the state of graduate medical education (GME) financing in the United States and recent proposals to reform GME funding. They make a series of recommendations to reform the current funding system to better align GME with the needs of the nation's health care workforce. These recommendations include using Medicare GME funds to meet policy goals and to ensure an adequate supply of physicians, a proper specialty mix, and appropriate training sites; spreading the costs of financing GME across the health care system; evaluating the true cost of training a resident and establishing a single per-resident amount; increasing transparency and innovation; and ensuring that primary care residents receive training in well-functioning ambulatory settings that are financially supported for their training roles

    The Most Common Feedback Themes in Communication Skills Training in an Internal Medicine Residency Program: Lessons from the Resident Audio-Recording Project

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    Individualized structured feedback is an integral part of a resident’s learning in communication skills. However, it is not clear what feedback residents receive for their communication skills development in real patient care. We will identify the most common feedback topics given to residents regarding communication skills during Internal Medicine residency training. We analyzed Resident Audio-recording Project feedback data from 2008 to 2013 by using a content analysis approach. Using open coding and an iterative categorization process, we identified 15 emerging themes for both positive and negative feedback. The most recurrent feedback topics were Patient education, Thoroughness, Organization, Questioning strategy, and Management. The residents were guided to improve their communication skills regarding Patient education, Thoroughness, Management, and Holistic exploration of patient’s problem. Thoroughness and Communication intelligibility were newly identified themes that were rarely discussed in existing frameworks. Assessment rubrics serve as a lens through which we assess the adequacy of the residents’ communication skills. Rather than sticking to a specific rubric, we chose to let the rubric evolve through our experience