587 research outputs found

    CLA Final Report

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    Changes in elastin, elastin binding protein and versican in alveoli in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>COPD is characterised by loss of alveolar elastic fibers and by lack of effective repair. Elastic fibers are assembled at cell surfaces by elastin binding protein (EBP), a molecular chaperone whose function can be reversibility inhibited by chondroitin sulphate of matrix proteoglycans such as versican. This study aimed to determine if alveoli of patients with mild to moderate COPD contained increased amounts of versican and a corresponding decrease in EBP, and if these changes were correlated with decreases in elastin and FEV<sub>1</sub>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Lung samples were obtained from 26 control (FEV<sub>1 </sub>≥ 80% predicted, FEV<sub>1</sub>/VC >0.7) and 17 COPD patients (FEV<sub>1 </sub>≥ 40% – <80% predicted, FEV<sub>1</sub>/VC ≤ 0.7) who had undergone a lobectomy for bronchial carcinoma. Samples were processed for histological and immuno-staining. Volume fractions (<it>V</it><sub>v</sub>) of elastin in alveolar walls and alveolar rims were determined by point counting, and versican and EBP assessed by grading of staining intensities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Elastin <it>V</it>v was positively correlated with FEV<sub>1 </sub>for both the alveolar walls (r = 0.66, p < 0.001) and rims (r = 0.41, p < 0.01). Versican was negatively correlated with FEV<sub>1 </sub>in both regions (r = 0.30 and 0.32 respectively, p < 0.05), with the highest staining intensities found in patients with the lowest values for FEV<sub>1</sub>. Conversely, staining intensities for EBP in alveolar walls and rims and were positively correlated with FEV<sub>1 </sub>(r = 0.43 and 0.46, p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Patients with mild to moderate COPD show progressively increased immuno-staining for versican and correspondingly decreased immuno-staining for EBP, with decreasing values of FEV<sub>1</sub>. These findings may explain the lack of repair of elastic fibers in the lungs of patients with moderate COPD. Removal of versican may offer a strategy for effective repair.</p

    The introduction of structure types into the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database ICSD

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    The approach used and the progress made in the assignment of structure types to the crystal structures contained in the ICSD database are reported

    Importance of promoting quality of life of elderly people under the influence of globalization

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    Today, globalization is perceived as a world without borders. Everything that is being created has started to reflect globally. Precisely because of this, globalization has multiple effects on the aging processes, increasing the age of the population, and this paper discusses the quality of life, including the predictors that become indispensable segments of dignified aging. The application and theoretical contribution of the paper is manifested in providing constructive guidance that is driven by the social dimension of all the stakeholders involved in the process of creating better conditions in decentralized homes for elderly and infirm persons

    Role of Life Habits as a Construct in Dementia Prevention

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    Introduction: For over three decades, Europe has been viewed as a continent of the elderly. However, despite the fact that the Republic of Croatia is a part of Europe, it is only nowadays that we have come to face this problem in the form of a large – and rapidly growing – elderly population. Since age is the main risk factor for the onset of dementia, a further increase in the number of patients is expected. Consequently, the need for new insights in the field of constructs that contribute to the prevention of dementia is implied in the context of reducing the number of patients. This research aimed at gaining insight into life habits of individuals using homes for the elderly and infirm, which habits have been shown by previous research as contributory to dementia prevention or mitigation. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted using an appropriate sample of 443 users of decentralized homes for the elderly and infirm in Osijek-Baranja County. Results: The obtained research data was divided into four categories: physical activity, cognitive activity, consumption of tobacco products, and alcohol and diet. The results showed that physical and cognitive activities are the least represented in everyday lives of users of homes for the elderly and infirm. Conclusion: Based on research results, the importance and role of physical activity and maintenance of cognitive skill will be emphasised with an aim of achieving better quality aging, especially in terms of dementia prevention in the elderly

    Efficiency of management competencies of directors during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Purpose: At global and national level, the COVID-19 pandemic is influencing the public to increasingly speak of and recognize the importance of preserving the healthcare system. In addition to the solutions found in the formation of new healthcare policies, legal regulations, the role of the director is increasingly recognized, which is important for achieving goals and success as well as for preserving the healthcare system. Methodology: The study involved 27 respondents, i.e. directors of healthcare institutions at the primary level in the Republic of Croatia. All collected data were processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics statistical software. Results: Research results and the theoretical framework of the paper will present the factors influencing the management process of directors in the health system and the importance of the need to revise legislation and the education system aimed at ensuring the sustainability of public health. Conclusion: The paper will present which competencies of directors of healthcare institutions are crucial for crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic


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    Communication is a process of information exchange between stakeholders, so it is not surprising that the life of each individual changes with time under the influence of information. Information, as part of our habit, enables the individual to be more agile in both everyday living and business sphere. One of the significant impacts on the process of receiving and processing information is the appearance of the Internet. The aim of this paper is to show that it is the Internet that has increased the flow of information that a person can absorb and that the internet affects the changes in society. Furthermore, the paper suggests that information overload is increasing at work and out of work, which is reflected and influences everyday life. Due to the flood of information, there is also a sense of information fatigue, which represents a syndrome, i.e. apathy, indifference and mental exhaustion resulting from exposure to too much information. /1/ Based on the research on a sample of 164 respondents, this paper confirmed hypothesis that information anxiety differs with age. Since the internet occupies an increasingly important role among its users, features of application are indicated. An explicit indicator is the synergy of the internet usage and possessing knowledge regarding ICT application.Komunikacija je proces razmjene informacija između dionika, stoga ne iznenađuje činjenica da se život svakog pojedinca s vremenom mijenja pod utjecajem informacija. Informacije, kao dio našeg habitusa, omogućuju pojedincu da bude agilniji kako u svakodnevnom življenju tako i poslovnoj sferi. Jedna od značajnih utjecaja na proces primanja i procesuiranja informacija je pojava interneta. Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati da je upravo internet povećao dotok informacija koje osoba može apsorbirati i da kao takav utječe na promjene u društvu. Također, radom se ukazuje da se preopterećenje informacijama povećava na poslu i izvan posla, što se odražava i utječe na svakodnevnii život.Uslijed bujice informacija dolazi i do osjećaja informacijskog zamora koji predstavlja sindrom odnosno apatiju, ravnodušnost te mentalnu iscrpljenost koje proizlaze iz izloženosti prevelikoj količini informacija /1/. Ovim su radom na temelju istraživanja na prigodnom uzorku od 164 ispitanika potvrđene hipoteze da se informacijska tjeskoba razlikuje s obzirom na dob sudionika. Budući da internet zauzima sve značajniju ulogu među svojim korisnicima upućuje se na značajke uporabe. Kao eksplicitni pokazatelj je sinergija korištenja interneta i posjedovanje znanja u primjeni IKT-a

    A push és a pull motivációk szerepe a magyarok szabadidős utazásai során

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    A nemzetközi turizmuskutatás prosperáló területe az utazási motivációk vizsgálata. Jelen kutatás a magyar lakosság szabadidős utazásainak motivációit vizsgálja kérdőíves felmérés segítségével. A vizsgálat a szakirodalomban széles körben alkalmazott push (ösztönző) és pull (húzó) motivációs elmélet alapján történt. Az elemzés során faktoranalízis segítségével hat push és hat pull motivációt azonosítottunk. A válaszadók egyes demográfiai jellemzői alapján (nem, kor, legmagasabb végzettség, egy főre jutó jövedelem) válaszadói csoportokat képeztünk, majd varianciaanalízis segítségével vizsgáltuk a motivációs különbségeket. A különféle válaszadói csoportok motivációs eltéréseinek komplex vizsgálatával négy szabadidős turisztikai szegmenst azonosítottunk, amelyek létét gyakorlati tapasztalatok, illetve a termék- és szolgáltatásmarketing egyéb példái igazolják

    Shopping tourism in Hungary during the period of the economic crisis

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    This paper analyses the impacts brought about by the economic crisis starting in 2007 on Hungarian shopping tourism. Considering the long-term symbiotic relationship of the national retail trade and international inbound tourism, the crisis, which has affected each segment of the national economy, has also influenced both the characteristics of tourist shopping and the structure and volume of retail trade, with an indirect impact on the country's GDP. The study investigates the purchases of day-trippers arriving from neighbouring countries and focuses on changes that occurred between 2006 and 2010. The survey is based on the assumption that the sending markets have become more price-sensitive as a consequence of the crisis, and the changes brought about will be diverse, depending on the economic and social processes of each sending country. Demand is influenced by crisis management strategies, by the price–value ratio of goods and services available in the market, and by the business practices of retail companies. Based on secondary analysis of the databases of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and the Hungarian National Bank, the paper provides an overview of how Hungarian shopping tourism was shaped by the above factors in the period of crisis. </jats:p