3 research outputs found

    Assessment of individual characteristics of youth and characteristics of their social support

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    The article presents the results of the study of the prevalence of aggressiveness as a personality property of young people, which, under the influence of individual risk factors, can be transformed into auto- and/or externally destructive behavior, including deviant. One of the most important such factors is recognized as social. Therefore, the main approaches of studying aggressiveness are related to determining the contribution of the above factor to the origin of aggressive manifestationsВ статье представлены результаты изучения распространенности агрессивности как свойства личности молодых людей, которое под воздействием отдельных факторов риска может трансформироваться в ауто- и/или внешне деструктивное поведение, в том числе и девиантное. Наиболее важными среди таких факторов признаны социальные. Поэтому основные подходы изучения агрессивности и связаны с определением вклада вышеуказанного фактора в происхождение агрессивных проявлени

    Hygienic analysis of noise situation in the production of medicines

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    The article presents a hygienic analysis of the noise environment at a modern enterprise for the production of medicines, carried out on the basis of the results of instrumental measurements of industrial noise during the certification of workplaces for working conditionsВ статье представлен гигиенический анализ шумовой обстановки на современном предприятии по производству лекарственных средств, проведенный на основании результатов инструментальных измерений производственного шума при аттестации рабочих мест по условиям труд

    Development of Harmonized COVID-19 Occupational Questionnaires

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    Harmonized tools and approaches for data collection can help to detect similarities and differences within and between countries and support the development, implementation, and assessment of effective and consistent preventive strategies. We developed open source occupational questionnaires on COVID-19 within COVID-19 working groups in the OMEGA-NET COST action (Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts, omeganetcohorts.eu), and the EU funded EPHOR project (Exposome project for health and occupational research, ephor-project.eu). We defined domains to be included in order to cover key working life aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Where possible, we selected questionnaire items and instruments from existing questionnaire resources. Both a general occupational COVID-19 questionnaire and a specific occupational COVID-19 questionnaire are available. The general occupational COVID-19 questionnaire covers key working life aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the domains: COVID-19 diagnosis and prevention, Health and demographics, Use of personal protective equipment and face covering, Health effects, Work-related effects (e.g. change in work schedule and work–life balance), Financial effects, Work-based risk factors (e.g. physical distancing, contact with COVID-19-infected persons), Psychosocial risk factors, Lifestyle risk factors, and Personal evaluation of the impact of COVID-19. For each domain, additional questions are available. The specific occupational COVID-19 questionnaire focusses on occupational risk factors and mitigating factors for SARS-CoV2 infection and COVID-19 disease and includes questions about the type of job, amount of home working, social distancing, human contact (colleagues, patients, and members of the public), commuting, and use of personal protective equipment and face coverings. The strength of this initiative is the broad working life approach to various important issues related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 disease, and potentially future pandemics. It requires further work to validate the questionnaires, and we welcome collaboration with researchers willing to do this. A limitation is the moderate number of questions for each of the domains in the general questionnaire. Only few questions on general core information like ethnicity, demographics, lifestyle factors, and general health status are included, but the OMEGA-NET questionnaires can be integrated in existing questionnaires about sociodemographic and health-related aspects. The questionnaires are freely accessible from the OMEGA-NET and the EPHOR homepages