3,022 research outputs found

    On the feasibility of studying vortex noise in 2D superconductors with cold atoms

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    We investigate the feasibility of using ultracold neutral atoms trapped near a thin superconductor to study vortex noise close to the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii transition temperature. Alkali atoms such as rubidium probe the magnetic field produced by the vortices. We show that the relaxation time T1T_1 of the Zeeman sublevel populations can be conveniently adjusted to provide long observation times. We also show that the transverse relaxation times T2T_2 for Zeeman coherences are ideal for studying the vortex noise. We briefly consider the motion of atom clouds held close to the surface as a method for monitoring the vortex motion.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    A three-dimensional electrostatic actuator with a locking mechanism for a new generation of atom chips

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    A micromachined three-dimensional electrostatic actuator that is optimized for aligning and tuning optical microcavities on atom chips is presented. The design of the 3D actuator is outlined in detail, and its characteristics are verified by analytical calculations and finite element modelling. Furthermore, the fabrication process of the actuation device is described and preliminary fabrication results are shown. The actuation in the chip plane which is used for mirror positioning has a working envelope of 17.5 ?m. The design incorporates a unique locking mechanism which allows the out-of-plane actuation that is used for cavity tuning to be carried out once the in-plane actuation is completed. A maximum translation of 7 ?m can be achieved in the out-of-plane direction

    Atom chip for BEC interferometry

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    We have fabricated and tested an atom chip that operates as a matter wave interferometer. In this communication we describe the fabrication of the chip by ion-beam milling of gold evaporated onto a silicon substrate. We present data on the quality of the wires, on the current density that can be reached in the wires and on the smoothness of the magnetic traps that are formed. We demonstrate the operation of the interferometer, showing that we can coherently split and recombine a Bose–Einstein condensate with good phase stability

    Bose-Einstein Condensation on a Permanent-Magnet Atom Chip

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    We have produced a Bose-Einstein condensate on a permanent-magnet atom chip based on periodically magnetized videotape. We observe the expansion and dynamics of the condensate in one of the microscopic waveguides close to the surface. The lifetime for atoms to remain trapped near this dielectric material is significantly longer than above a metal surface of the same thickness. These results illustrate the suitability of microscopic permanent-magnet structures for quantum-coherent preparation and manipulation of cold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Published in Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Com

    Bose-Einstein Condensation on a Permanent-Magnet Atom Chip

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    We have produced a Bose-Einstein condensate on a permanent-magnet atom chip based on periodically magnetized videotape. We observe the expansion and dynamics of the condensate in one of the microscopic waveguides close to the surface. The lifetime for atoms to remain trapped near this dielectric material is significantly longer than above a metal surface of the same thickness. These results illustrate the suitability of microscopic permanent-magnet structures for quantum-coherent preparation and manipulation of cold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Published in Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Com

    Experiments on a videotape atom chip: fragmentation and transport studies

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    This paper reports on experiments with ultra-cold rubidium atoms confined in microscopic magnetic traps created using a piece of periodically-magnetized videotape mounted on an atom chip. The roughness of the confining potential is studied with atomic clouds at temperatures of a few microKelvin and at distances between 30 and 80 microns from the videotape-chip surface. The inhomogeneities in the magnetic field created by the magnetized videotape close to the central region of the chip are characterized in this way. In addition, we demonstrate a novel transport mechanism whereby we convey cold atoms confined in arrays of videotape magnetic micro-traps over distances as large as ~ 1 cm parallel to the chip surface. This conveying mechanism enables us to survey the surface of the chip and observe potential-roughness effects across different regions.Comment: 29 pages, 22 figures

    Observation of modified radiative properties of cold atoms in vacuum near a dielectric surface

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    We have observed a distance-dependent absorption linewidth of cold 87^{87}Rb atoms close to a dielectric-vacuum interface. This is the first observation of modified radiative properties in vacuum near a dielectric surface. A cloud of cold atoms was created using a magneto-optical trap (MOT) and optical molasses cooling. Evanescent waves (EW) were used to observe the behavior of the atoms near the surface. We observed an increase of the absorption linewidth with up to 25% with respect to the free-space value. Approximately half the broadening can be explained by cavity-quantum electrodynamics (CQED) as an increase of the natural linewidth and inhomogeneous broadening. The remainder we attribute to local Stark shifts near the surface. By varying the characteristic EW length we have observed a distance dependence characteristic for CQED.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, some minor revision

    Entangled light from Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose a method to generate entangled light with a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a cavity, a system realized in recent experiments. The atoms of the condensate are trapped in a periodic potential generated by a cavity mode. The condensate is continuously pumped by a laser and spontaneously emits a pair of photons of different frequencies in two distinct cavity modes. In this way, the condensate mediates entanglement between two cavity modes which leak out and can be separated and exhibit continuous variable entanglement. The scheme exploits the experimentally demonstrated strong, steady and collective coupling of condensate atoms to a cavity field.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figure

    Direct Measurement of the Van Der Waals Interaction Between an Atom and Its Images in a Micron-Sized Cavity

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    The authors have measured by laser spectroscopy the energy of interaction between a sodium atom and its images in the walls of a micron-sized cavity. This cavity-QED study is the first direct quantitative test of the Lennard-Jones van der Waals interaction as a function of controlled atom-surface separation and mean-square electric dipole moment

    Permanent-magnet atom chips for the study of long, thin atom clouds

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    Atom-chip technology can be used to confine atoms tightly using permanently magnetised videotape along with external magnetic fields. The one-dimensional (1D) gas regime can be realised and studied by trapping the atoms in high-aspect-ratio traps in which the radial motion of the system is confined to zero-point oscillation