116 research outputs found
EU-welfare legislation on pigs
An inventory was performed of 1) the present situation regarding the implementation of Directive 2008/120/EC and 2) national government funded research related to the Directive. Floor design and Group housing of sows are the main themes for both the additional demands to the EU legislation and the national government funded research concerning the minimum standards for the protection of pigs
Indicatoren voor bewusteloosheid = Indicators for unconsciousness
In het kader van de wettelijke verplichting om dieren te beschermen vooraf en tijdens het slachten heeft LNV onderzoek gevraagd naar de (on)mogelijkheden van het in-line bepalen van de effectiviteit van verdovingsmethoden onder commerciële omstandigheden, met andere woorden beschikken we over voldoende betrouwbare indicatoren voor het vaststellen van bewusteloosheid in het slachtproces. In dit rapport zijn het resultaat van een literatuuronderzoek en van een enquête onder internationale experts weergegeve
Opname, retentie en uitscheiding van stikstof, fosfor en kalium bij edelherten = Intake, retention and excretion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by red deer
Annual excretion rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by red deer were estimated based on an inventory among farmers. These excretion rates are lower than earlier estimates, except for N by fattening stoc
Methoden voor euthanasie op het primaire bedrijf en standaardwerkwijzen voor het doden van nertsen = Methods for on-farm euthanasia and standard operation procedures for killing of mink
A literature survey reveals several authorized methods of euthanasia. These methods were evaluated on criteria as animal welfare, effectiveness, efficiency and aesthetics of operation. Standard operation procedures for mink were drawn up
Space allowance of young goats during transportation to slaughter = Beladingsdichtheid tijdens het wegtransport van jonge geiten
Research was performed during long distance road transportations of young goats (6-8 weeks). Effects of three space allowances on physiological responses (blood parameters, heart rate and body temperature) were measured
Welfare assessment of gas-filled foam as an agent for killing poultry
During outbreaks of notifiable diseases in poultry measures are taken to restrict the spread of the disease. Mass on-farm killing of birds using gasfilled foam is such a measure. This study examines the method and technologies involved using gas-filled foam and looks at the problems involved by scaling up the procedure. Methods and results are discussed in relation to poultry physiology and behaviour monitored during controlled studies. Recommendations are made for system design and an operational protocol is provided for practical on-farm implementation
Castratie van biggen met CO2 /O2-verdoving = Castration of piglets using CO2 /O2-anaesthesia
In this study the safety was investigated of the use of carbon dioxide anaesthesia during castration of piglets. In addition, the technical and practical criteria were determined for anaesthetic devices that can be used by a farme
Implementation of the Welfare Quality broiler assessment protocol – final report : overview of outcome-based measurement of broiler welfare and a general discussion on the Welfare Quality broiler assessment protocol
In the current report, two topics related to our study on the implementation of the Welfare Quality® broiler assessment protocol are discussed. First, animal-based measures for broiler welfare, currently included in the Welfare Quality® broiler assessment protocol, are discussed with respect to their suitability as outcome-based measure in future legislation or regulations. Practical experiences with the measures and supporting literature are used to judge the various animal-based measures. Second, the Welfare Quality® broiler assessment protocol is discussed with respect to a simplification, the relevance of the various measures and the aggregation model, and it is suggested how the assessment protocol can be applied in practice
Effect van verdoven en doden van drachtige dieren op de foetus en vaststellen van de incidentie van doden van (hoog)drachtige dieren in Nederland : welzijn van de foetus bij verdoven en slachten van drachtige dieren
Literature shows that unborn fetuses during the last third of gestation, are able to experience pain. It is suggested that suppressive factors cause a decreased level of consciousness during pregnancy in the fetus, and that, depending on species, the newborns become conscious after a few hours to several days or weeks after birth. About this reduced level of consciousness during gestation, opinions differ.During slaughter and bleeding of the dam fetal oxygen level decreases resulting within a minute result in a flattening of the EEG, which is associated with unconsciousness. It is stated that, when using a proper method of killing, no discomfort can be apparent in the unborn fetus. In addition, it is recommended to leave the embryo within the uterus to prevent breathing and thereby prevent an increasing oxygen level as this would make it conscious. The newborn should then be stunned and killed separately.There is a large variation in the number of slaughtered pregnant animals within the Netherlands. Pregnancy is not always detected and the duration of pregnancy is difficult to estimate. The uteri are left intact according to current recommendations.On this basis, we conclude that given current knowledge and general opinion, welfare of the fetus is not at stake. New scientific experimental research should reveal the consciousness level of the fetus during slaughter and killing procedures to subscribe the current point of view
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