48 research outputs found

    Reactive Glutamines and a Binding Site Region Contribute to FXIII Substrate Specificity for Fibrinogen αC

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    The reaction between transglutaminase factor XIII (FXIII) and fibrin is a key process in the final stages of blood coagulation. The αC region of fibrin contains three reactive glutamines (Q237, Q328, and Q366) which are crosslinked by FXIII, as well as a FXIII anchoring site (E396). Previous work has helped elucidate the FXIII-αC interaction, but much is still unknown about the key residues in the αC region. Four crosslinking assays were carried out to characterize the contribution of the αC anchoring site and reactive glutamines in crosslinking by FXIII. The effects of individual E396A, Q366N, and Q328P (Fibrinogen Seoul II mutant) mutations in Fbg αC were monitored through a GEE crosslinking/ MALDI-TOF MS strategy. These studies revealed that, at physiological conditions, the E396 anchoring site plays the largest role in crosslinking of the most reactive glutamine, Q237, while the other two glutamines had minimal impacts. In addition, the two less reactive glutamines, Q328 and Q366, appear to compete with each other as substrates for FXIII

    Micro Facies Analysis and Development of Diagenetic Processes in Khasib Formation in Selected Oil Wells, South East of Iraq

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    يعد تكوين الخصيب من التكوينات الميمة في تتابع التوروني الكامباني المبكر ، حيث يمثل نظام المسار التقدمي ضمن بيئة -- - ) الرف الداخمي والعميق ، اذ تم د ا رسة تكوين الخصيب في أربعة آبار نفطية، اثنان منيما من حقل نور النفطي ىما ) نور 1 ونور 2- - . ) والآخ ا رن من حقل العمارة النفطي وىما )عمارة 4 وعمارة 5( في محافظة ميسان ، جنوب شرق الع ا رق .)البدري, 1111تم تمييز خمسة سحنات دقيقة في تكوين الخصيب ىي : الحجر الجيري الحبيبي والحجر الجيري المت ا رص والحجر الجيري الواكيوالمت ا رص الواكي والحجر الجيري الطيني ، حيث تواجدت السحنات ذات النسيج الخشن في الجزء الاسفل من تكوين الخصيب في -الآبار المدروسة بينما تمثل الجزء الاعمى منو بالنسيج الناعم والذي يعني تعمقا باتجاه الأعمى .تم تميي زعددآ من العمميات التحويرية التي أثرت عمى نسيج تكوين الخصيب ، حيث كان بعضآ منيا يمثل عمميات بنائية والتي لعبتدور آايجابيآ في تحسين نسبة المسامية بينما مثمت العمميات الأخرى دو ا ر سمبيآ في تأثيرىا عمى المساميةKhasib Formation is considered an important formation in the Late Turonian-Early Campanian sequence and represented a transgressive system tract within deep and inner ramp environment, where Khasib Formation was studied in four oil wells, two from Noor oil field they are : (No-1,2), and the others form Amara oil field ,they are (Am-4,5) in Missan governorate ,southeast of Iraq. (Al-Badry,1999).Five main microfacies had been recognized for Khasib Formation in studied oil wells , they are : grainstone, packstone , Wackstone, packstone –wackstone and mudstone microfacies , and the coarse texture was defined in the lower part of Khasib Formation while the fine texture was defined in the upper part of the studied formation which meaning deepening upward.Many digenesis processes which effect on the texture also had been detected, some of them were constructive which played positive role in enhancement the porosity while the other represented negative role

    The Effect of Resveratrol on Swarming Differentiation and the Expression of Some Virulence Factors in Proteus vulgaris

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    Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. It is produced naturally by several plants especially the roots of the Japanese Knotweed when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. In this study we have verified that resveratrol has activity against Proteus vulgaris, an important pathogen infecting the urinary tract by investigating its effect on swarming and some virulence factor expression(haemolysin and urease).Swarming inhibition was determined on Luria Bertani agar with and without resveratrol and then bacteria was harvested to assay cell length and the production of haemolysin and urease.  Resveratrol significantly inhibited swarming and virulence factor expression but its effect on growth rate was not significant. Keywords: Resveratrol, Proteus vulgaris, phytoalexin, haemolysin, urease

    Teacher Collaboration and Student Outcomes in Saudi Arabia: An analysis of TIMSS Data

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    ABSTRACT This study was conceptually built on the premise that an internal change that is created by the knowledge and expertise of teachers is more likely to nurture a successful educational reform. To empirically examine this premise, the study investigated the direct and indirect relationship between teacher collaboration (CIT) and student outcomes. The indirect relationship was mediated by two teaching practices, teacher Emphasis on Academic Success (ACS) and their Instruction to Engage Student in learning (IGS). The data was obtained from TIMSS-2011 of Saudi 4th grade students, their teachers, and school principals. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study found neither direct nor indirect significant relationship between teacher collaboration and student outcomes. Interestingly, teacher collaboration was negatively and significantly associated with both mediators. Several implications for policy makers and practitioners as well as future research were discussed


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of six student outcome measures. In particular, it examined the unidimensionality of student engagement (ENG-M, ENG-S, and ENG-R) measures, and confidence in learning (CON-M, CON-S, and CON-R) measures across mathematics, science, and reading. To empirically investigate these measures’ psychometric properties, the study hypothesized that a) these measures are multilevel constructs, b) based on the way these measures administered, method effects were a source of these measures misfit, and c) indicators’ translation errors were another source of these measures’ misfit. The data was obtained from the Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS-2011) and Progress in Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS-2011) of Saudi 4th grade students. Utilizing Multi Confirmatory Factor Analysis (ML-CFA), the three hypotheses of the study were supported. Interestingly, controlling for the hypothesized sources of misfit was not as effective in student confidence measures as in the engagement measures. Several implications for policy makers and practitioners as well as future research were discussed

    Prevalence of Human Monkeypox virus

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    ظهر جدري القرود في بلدان وسط وغرب إفريقيا. تم التعرف على نوعين متميزين ، نوع غرب أفريقيا والنوع الكونغو ، والمعروف أيضًا بنوع إفريقيا الوسطى ، تم اكتشافه لأول مرة في عام 1958 ، بينما تم تشخيص أول حالة بشرية للمرض في عام 1970 في الجمهورية من الكونغو في طفل يبلغ من العمر 7 سنوات ، وانتشر جدري القرود بشكل أساسي في دول وسط وغرب إفريقيا ، حيث تم تسجيل المرض خارج قارة إفريقيا 3 مرات فقط بحلول عام 2022 ، تم العثور على أدلة على جدري القرود في الحيوانات بما في ذلك السناجب والجرذان. تتراوح فترة الحضانة من 5-21 يومًا ، وينتقل جدرى القرود للإنسان عن طريق الاتصال بالفيروس المسبب له ؛ الفم والاتصال بالحيوانات المصابة ، بما في ذلك الفئران والجرذان والسناجب ، وهو أمر شائع لانتقال جدري القرود في إفريقيا ، أثناء عضات الحيوانات من الحيوانات المصابة إلى البشر. ملامسة فرو أو جلد الحيوانات أو ما يخرج منها من الدم أو سوائل الجسم. ينتقل الفيروس من الأم إلى الجنين. تتشابه الأعراض الرئيسية لجدري القرود مع أعراض الجدري ، لكنها أكثر اعتدالًا ، والفرق الوحيد هو تورم الغدد الليمفاوية والحمى والصداع وآلام الظهر والسعال والتهاب الحلق وانسداد الأنف والتعب والإرهاق والتعرق. يبدأ الطفح الجلدي لجدري القرود بالظهور بعد 1-3 أيام من المريض المصاب بالحمى التي تظهر على الوجه أولاً ، ثم يبدأ الجسم بالانتشار إلى باقي الأجزاء مثل اليدين والساقين وداخل الفم والأعضاء التناسلية. والملتحمة والقرنية. من مضاعفات جدري القرود عدوى بكتيرية ثانوية ، مثل الالتهاب الرئوي والتهاب الدماغ والتهاب العين.  Monkeypox virus appeared in the countries of Central and West Africa. Two distinct species have been identified, the West African type and the Congo type, also known as the Central African type.In the outbreak of monkeypox was first discovered in 1958, while the first human case of the disease was diagnosed in 1970 in the Republic of the Congo in a 7-year-old child. The incubation period ranges from 5-21 days.Monkeypox is transmitted to humans by contact with the virus that causes it through;Mouth and contact with infected animals, including mice, rats, and squirrels, common for monkeypox transmission in Africa, during animal bites from infected animals to humans. Touching the fur or skin of animals, or what comes out of them from blood or bodily fluids. In the case of monkeypox, the virus is transmitted from the mother to the fetus. The main symptoms of monkeypox are similar to the symptoms of smallpox, but they are milder, with the only difference being swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache, backache, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, fatigue, exhaustion and sweating. The rash of monkeypox begins to appear after 1 - 3 days from the patient with fever, which appears on the face first, then the body begins to spread to the rest of the parts, such as the hands, legs, inside the mouth, genitals, conjunctiva, and the cornea. A complication of monkeypox is Secondary bacterial infection, such as pneumonia, encephalitis, and eye infection

    Detection P53, Rb1 and H-ras Loss of Heterozygosity LOH in Patients with Urinary Bladder carcinoma

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    In this study 22 samples of urine sediments were obtained from patients with Urinary Bladder Carcinoma, DNA base technique and LOH detection was investigated in three genes P53, Rb1 and H-ras. The result are shown that LOH was present in most cases and for all genes where LOH in P53 represents (31.8%) and for Rb1 (45.4%) and for H-ras gene (27.2%).In some cases, more than one gene locus mutations were found

    Bacteriological and immunological study associated with patients of Urinary Bladder carcinoma

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    The blood, serum & urine samples are collected from (22) patients with urinary bladder cancer were admitted to Al-Hilla general teaching hospital after diagnosis by helping urology physician. The result appeared that E.coli with high percentage (22.7% ,27.2%)in nixed &single infection respectively followed by Ps.aeuroginosa (22.7% , 13.6%) and S.aureus (18.8% , 9.09%).   Interleukin 2 &Interleukin 8 concentration level was detected in serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) and data were compared with control to compare the performance of each cytokins & results show no elevated , no significant decrease in level  in two cytokins, this leads  to an independent factors for the detection of urinary bladder cancer

    The Aesthetics of Arab Identities in Contemporary Visual Arts: The Painting Practices of Alia Al-Farsi

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    Note from the correspondent author: This paper was conducted as a teamwork assignment under the supervision of the correspondent author Assistant Prof. Dr. Mohammed Baker Mohammed Al-Abbas during    the undergraduate course INTRODUCTION TO ART part of Visual Arts Bachelor Degree Program. Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the painting practices of the Omani artist Alai Al-Farsi in connecting feminine, cultural and Arab influences in her artworks. And to reveal the significance of such connections with contemporary Arab art from global perspectives in delivering cultural connotations. The present study contributes to visual arts research through further understanding of women's creativity according to cultural developments in Arab countries. The main outcomes of this research reveal the practices of contemporary Arab artists in selecting their subjects to express aesthetic thoughts addressing the cultural concerns of common people. Artists manipulate their artistic practices into the exhibition's spaces to resemble cultural identities in their artworks and endeavor to establish an advanced understanding of the contemporary visual cultures in the local Arab communities. In this case, they reflect on feminism, and they bring feminine subjects as well as assorted ideas that provide a more comprehensive range of iconographies to represent women and their belongings. The artistic representations of women in the painting practice show human dimensions and draw into consideration many cultural components to interpret and analyze the artwork. This investigation concentrated on the visual culture issues expressed by the Omani artist Alia Al-Farsi in her contemporary artworks. Also, the study utilizes the methodology of qualitative analysis to investigate the layers and the elements of feminine iconographies in the Arab contemporary arts to unveil the connections between being a woman, being an artist, and being an Arab. The significance of this critique rests on the objective outcome that reflects women-made art as feminine, cultural, folkloric and social. Nevertheless, the practices, themes, and activities create the feminine aesthetics connected through concurrent art practices manifested in global art functions. Keywords: Contemporary Arab Art, Painting, Visual Culture, A/R/Tography, Practical Research. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-3-21 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Bacterial Skin Abscess

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    Patients with skin and soft tissue infections may appear with the abscess. Erroneous diagnosis of these entities is common, and should carefully consider the possible alternative diagnoses. Risk for developing skin abscess factors includes disruption of the skin barrier, edema, venous insufficiency, and immune suppression. However, healthy individuals who have no risk factors may also develop these diseases. The most common microbiologic cause of abscess, a commonly group Streptococcus or Streptococcus pyogenes; Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant strains) is a notable but less common cause. The most common microbiologic cause of skin abscess is S. aureus; a skin abscess can be caused by more than one pathogen. The diagnosis is based on skin abscess usually on the clinical manifestations. It must be subject to patients with disposable abscess incision and drainage, with a test of culture and susceptibility of materials wet. There is no justification for the blood of patients in the cultures of the abovementioned circumstances. It can be a useful radiographic examination to determine whether the skin abscess is present (via ultrasound) to distinguish cellulitis from osteomyelitis (via magnetic resonance imaging). There may be a justification for radiological assessment in patients with immune suppression, diabetes, venous insufficiency, or lymphedema in patients with persistent symptoms of systemic lymphatic obstruction