491 research outputs found

    A balloon ozone measurement utilizing an optical absorption cell and an ejector air sampler

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    Stratospheric ozone was measured from a balloon utilizing an ultraviolet absorption cell. The ambient air was sampled by means of an aspirator attached to the output end of the optical cell. A nominal ozone distribution was obtained from 16 km to the float altitude of 38 km

    The seasonal and interannual variability of total ozone as revealed by the BUV Nimbus-4 experiment

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    The BUV/Nimbus-4 total ozone data is analyzed with emphasis on the seasonal and interannual variability for the period April 1970 to April 1972. An objective analysis using a Fourier expansion shows the annual wave dominates at mid and high latitudes where the semiannual wave becomes significant in the tropics. A small interannual difference is detected and is most likely due to changes in the general circulation

    Water vapor in the lower stratosphere measured from aircraft flight

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    Water vapor in the lower stratosphere was measured in situ by two aluminum oxide hygrometers mounted on the nose of an RB57 aircraft. Data were taken nearly continuously from January to May 1974 from an altitude of approximately 11 km to 19 km as the aircraft flew between 70 deg N and 50 deg S over the land areas in the Western Hemisphere. Pseudomeridional cross sections of water vapor and temperature are derived from the flight data and show mixing ratios predominantly between 2 and 4 micron gm/gm with an extreme range of 1 to 8 micron gm/gm. Measurement precision is estimated by comparing the simultaneously measured values from the two flight hygrometer systems. Accuracy is estimated to be about + or - 40 percent at 19 km. A height-averaged latitudinal cross section of water vapor shows symmetry of wet and dry zones

    Ozone Correlative Measurements Workshop

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    A study was conducted to determine the necessary parameters for the correlation of data on Earth ozone. Topics considered were: (1) measurement accuracy; (2) equipment considerations (SBUV); and (3) ground based measurements to support satellite data

    The detection and interpretation of long-term changes in ozone from space

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    Long-term measurements of backscattered ultraviolet radiances, now being acquired by orbiting monochromators, will provide the basis for seeking trends in atmospheric ozone. The unambiguous detection of ozone trends on decadal time scales demands a data set that is essentially free of instrument drifts. Periodic flights of an ultraviolet monochromator on the space shuttle will provide an independent means of evaluating the long-term stability of identical instruments operating on free-flying satellites. A successful calibration of the free-flying sensors using the shuttle instrument places strict demands on calibration repeatability from one flight to the next. In addition, spatial and temporal variability in cloud cover could pose further complications in carrying out these in-flight calibrations

    Seasonal and interannual variations in total ozone revealed by the Nimbus-4 backscattered ultraviolet experiment

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    The first two years of Backscattered Ultraviolet (BUV) ozone data from the Nimbus-4 spacecraft were reprocessed. The seasonal variations of total ozone for the period April 1970 to April 1972 are described using daily zonal means to 10 deg latitude zones and a time-latitude cross section. In addition, the BUV data are compared with analyzed Dobson data and with IRIS data also obtained from the Nimbus-4 spacecraft. A harmonic analysis was performed on the daily zonal means. Amplitudes, days of peaks, and percentage of variance were computed for annual and semi-annual waves and for higher harmonics of an annual period for the two years. Asymmetries are found in the annual waves in the two hemispheres, with a subtle interannual difference which may be due to changes in the general circulation. A significant semi-annual component is detected in the tropics for the first year, which appears to result from influences of the annual waves in the two hemispheres

    Healthcare Spending: Blessing or Curse

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    Organization and Finance of China\u27s Health Sector: Historical Antecedents for Macroeconomic Structural Adjustment

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    China has exploded onto the world economy over the past few decades and is undergoing rapid transformation toward relatively more services. The health sector is an important part of this transition. This article provides a historical account of the development of health care in China since 1949. It also focuses on health insurance and macroeconomic structural adjustment to less saving and more consumption. In particular, the question of how health insurance impacts precautionary savings is considered. Multivariate analysis using data from 1990 to 2012 is employed. The household savings rate is the dependent variable in 3 models segmented for rural and urban populations. Independent variables include out-of-pocket health expenditures, health insurance payouts, housing expenditure, education expenditure, and consumption as a share of gross domestic product (GDP). Out-of-pocket health expenditures were positively correlated with household savings rates. But health insurance remains weak, and increased payouts by health insurers have not been associated with lower levels of household savings so far. Housing was positively correlated, whereas education had a negative association with savings rates. This latter finding was unexpected. Perhaps education is perceived as investment and a substitute for savings. China’s shift toward a more service-oriented economy includes growing dependence on the health sector. Better health insurance is an important part of this evolution. The organization and finance of health care is integrally linked with macroeconomic policy in an environment constrained by prevailing institutional convention. Problems of agency relationships, professional hegemony, and special interest politics feature prominently, as they do elsewhere. China also has a dual approach to medicine relying heavily on providers of traditional Chinese medicine. Both of these segments will take part in China’s evolution, adding another layer of complexity to policy

    A rocket ozonesonde for geophysical research and satellite intercomparison

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    The in-situ rocketsonde for ozone profile measurements developed and flown for geophysical research and satellite comparison is reviewed. The measurement principle involves the chemiluminescence caused by ambient ozone striking a detector and passive pumping as a means of sampling the atmosphere as the sonde descends through the atmosphere on a parachute. The sonde is flown on a meteorological sounding rocket, and flight data are telemetered via the standard meteorological GMD ground receiving system. The payload operation, sensor performance, and calibration procedures simulating flight conditions are described. An error analysis indicated an absolute accuracy of about 12 percent and a precision of about 8 percent. These are combined to give a measurement error of 14 percent

    Merger & Acquisition and Capital Expenditure in Health Care: Information Gleaned From Stock Price Variation

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    Investment, especially through merger and acquisition (M&A), is a leading topic of concern among health care managers. In addition, the implications of this activity for organization and market concentration are of great interest to policy makers. Using a sample of 2256 firm-year observations in the health care industry during the period from 1985 to 2011, this article provides novel evidence that managers learn from financial markets in making capital expenditure (CAPEX) and M&A investment decisions. Within the industry, managers in the Drugs subsector are most likely to do so, whereas managers in the Medical Equipment and Supplies are least likely to do so. We find informative stock prices improve firm financial performance. This article highlights the importance of financial markets for real economic activity in the health care industry
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