24 research outputs found

    Prominent response with helical tomotherapy in recurrent ameloblastic carcinoma of maxillary sinus: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Ameloblastoma is a benign but locally aggressive tumor of odontogenic epithelial tissue. Reports of radiotherapy treatment modalities are limited in the literature. CASE PRESENTATION: A thirty-five year old male presented with complaints of headache radiating to his face for about six months and impaired vision. The patient’s Positron Emission Tomography (PET) showed a mass in the left maxillary sinus extending to the nasal cavity and invading the adjacent tissues. An R2 (macroscopic residual tumor) surgical resection performed to debulk the tumor. Due to the recurrence and residual mass, the patient was treated with helical tomotherapy. At 2 months post-radiotherapy, patient’s vision returned to normal. PET scan showed a significant reduction in lesion size 12 months post-radiation. CONCLUSION: In cases of ameloblastic carcinoma with, post-surgical recurrence or patients not suitable for surgical treatment, helical tomotherapy can be an effective treatment option

    Clustering effect on competetive advantage in SMEs: Does it really give an advantage?

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    Taşseven, Özlem (Dogus Author) -- Confeence full title: Sixth International Conference on Business, Management and Economics 07-09 October 2010, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.According to Michael Porıer's Diamond Mode, a business cluster is defined as geographic concentratian of inter-connected companies and institutions working in a common industry. In addition. clusters encompass an array of collaborating and competing services and providers that create a specialized infrastructure. which supports the cluster's industry. The economic cluster model. represents a synergy, a dynamic relationship and a network between not only the companies that comprise a cluster but also the successful partnering of the stakeholders. Today in all over the World. successful clusters have established a greater competitive advantage and wealth creation for their regions when compared to companies not in a duster. Given this success more policy makers and regions are considering fostering cluster development as building blocks of regional economies. Research is planned and performed for understanding the clustering in SMEs Industrial Estate in Istanbul if it gives a competitive advantage to the Cluster members or not. lt is performed to determine and satisfy the lack of knowledge about the smail and medium enterprises' issues, technologic systems. production quality standards. capacity usage ratios, interactions with other firms, habits of following the technologic improvements and clustering effects on the members

    CFSs in turkish construction projects

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    Taşseven, Özlem (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: Sixth International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 07-09 October 2010, Çeşme, İzmir, TurkeyIn this study, we have investigated the Critical Success Factors (CFSs) of the Turkish construction sector. The Turkish construction sector is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Turkish economy and it deserves a special attention to understand what determines success in this area. CFSs are few key factors that ensure the success in an organization. To determine these factors we have inverviewed 102 executives in the Turkish construction sector. The results are anlayzed with the help of statistical tools, such as Chi_Square tests. The analysis of the data indicates that demographic variables associated with a project leader (such as age, and the years of education and the degree in engineering) are some of the important factors in this area