13 research outputs found

    Influence Of Urban Design Principles And Physical Elements On Urban Design Quality In Merdeka Square, Medan, Indonesia

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    Urban design quality is important in urban area since development process begins. Urban design quality contributes to an attractive urban area, suitable place to live, sustainable and has a sense. The factors that influence urban design quality are urban design principles and urban physical elements. Urban design principles can be used as guides to realize urban design quality. Urban design quality can be measured by people’s perception and the measurement will depend on the object and community characteristics. Research objectives are to identify application of urban design principles on physical elements and their influences on urban design quality. This research was performed in central of Medan city, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia. Research population are visitors who use pedestrian walkways during working days and on weekend within the study area with a total sample of 397 respondents. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods and is performed with observation technique, semi-structured interview and questionnaire survey. Observation was conducted to find application of urban design principles on physical elements. Then, the application was analyzed with simple arithmetic calculation and formed into questions on questionnaire form. The survey with questionnaire was performed to get the perception of respondents about application of urban design principles on physical elements and urban design quality. Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis was used to analyze the influence of urban design principles on physical elements as independent variables and urban design quality and application of sense on physical elements as dependent variables. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to find the explanation from stakeholders, namely Medan City government officers about urban design quality. The results are used to confirm with the statistical analysis results. From the analysis results, it is found that the application of urban design principles on physical elements occur as deliberately planned or unplanned. The application can be divided into physical and nonphysical entities

    Factors Influencing Energy Conservation Application in Green Campus Design Based on Green Behavior

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    The energy conservation application on campus may reduce energy consumption by using alternative energy sources. Green behavior in energy conservation by students and campus regulation has an important role in developing green campus. The purpose of this research is to analyze factors affecting energy conservation application on green campus design based on green behavior. Green behavior consists of attitudes, responsibilities, control behavior, beliefs, and intentions in energy conservation. This research used a quantitative method and conducted at universities in Medan city, Indonesia. The population of this research was university students with a total sample of 395 respondents. The analysis was carried out with SEM-PLS. Attitudes and beliefs were affecting perceived behavior control. In addition, beliefs are also affecting energy conservation application on green campus. Therefore, the campus policy and management should consider students green behavior in designing energy conservation application for green campus. Green behavior by campus occupants is beneficial to support campus efforts to apply green campus concepts.Keywords: attitude; energy conservation; green behavior; green campus designJEL Classifications: I23, P18, Q20, Q42DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.11355</p

    Planning for Riverside Area as Water Tourism Destination to Improve Quality of Life Local Residents, Case Study: Batuan – Sikambing River, Medan, Indonesia

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    AbstractProtected riverside area can make rivers as a source of water, water transport and water tourism destination. Nowadays, water tourism is increasingly popular to people. Local residents should be given an understanding of the importance of tourism activities mainly based on the river environment and things that need to be done to support these activities. River cleanliness must be maintained and preserved. This research was conducted at Batuan-Sikambing River, Medan, Indonesia. Research carried out quantitatively by using the questionnaire survey, where local residents become respondents. Data was analyzed descriptively; frequency to produce planning recommendation. Most respondents agreed that Batuan-Sikambing River could be a tourist destination. Provision of facilities is expected to support efforts to improve the quality of life of local communities. Recommendations resulting from this study are expected to be reference to the government and developers

    Batik Jambi Cultural Center With An Ecological Architecture Approach

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    Batik is one of the cultural heritages of Indonesia which has spread to almost all of Indonesia with a different motifs and patterns. The territory of Indonesia which is the largest producer of batik is spread over the Island of Java with a total 87% and the rest is outside the island of Java. One of the largest is in Jambi Province, the center is across the Batanghari river where this area is the residence of the indigenous people of Jambi who generally work as a batik craftsman. Unfortunately, in the city of Jambi itself there is no facility or building that specifically introduces Jambi batik so that it also affects the interest of the Jambi community in the knowledge and attraction of Jambi batik. Therefore, it is necessary to design the Jambi Batik Cultural Center as an educational and recreational place for Jambi batik as a whole with various activities such as batik gallery exhibitions, batik sales, development and training of batik making with a building design approach with the theme of Ecological Architecture that responds to the site location near the area Batanghari river


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    The purpose of this study is to answer the problem analysis of factors affecting the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. This research uses the type of quantitative research. The population in this study are all houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. Based on information from the complex management office, the number of houses built in the complex is 895 units. However, from this figure, the number of houses that have been inhabited at this time is 225 units which are the target population. The researcher uses the number of houses that have been inhabited as the target population, then the calculation results from the slovin formula, obtained the number of samples to be used in this study is 70. The method of analysis using multiple linear regression test. The results show that design has a positive and significant effect on the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. Availability of facility has a positive and significant effect on the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. Environmental condition has a positive and significant effect on the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. Position or location has a positive and not significant effect on the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. Land area has a positive and significant effect on the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. Building area has a positive and not significant effect on the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex. Status of ownership right has a positive and not significant effect on the market value of residential houses in the Citraland Gama City Complex

    Design of Toba Caldera Geopark Museum in Balige With A Green Architecture Approach

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    The Lake Toba area as a Global Geopark Network is imaged as a super destination with the world's largest and one of the deepest volcanic lakes, thus making it a world heritage with diverse diversity such as geology, biology, and culture. Lake Toba creates extraordinary natural phenomena, making this area rich in geological diversity such as expanses and rock types, and contains geological heritage values (heritage), cultural heritage, and bio-heritage that are well known International. However, attractions in the Toba Caldera Geopark area have not provided education only as a place of recreation for tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to design the Toba Caldera Geopark Museum as a place for organizing, collecting, maintaining, researching, presenting information about the benefits and potentials of the Toba Caldera Geopark area with the theme of green architecture and accommodating recreational and educational activities for visitors. This study used qualitative research methods. Several data collection, several data collection methods are used, primary data and secondary data. In designing the geopark museum utilizing the concept of energy-efficient green architecture in natural lightings such as skylights, natural ventilation, respect for the site, respect for users, and experience materials


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze factors affecting shophouse value in Lubuk Pakam City, Deli Serdang Regency. This type of research in this study uses quantitative research. Population in this study are shop owners or tenants in Lubuk Pakam City, totaling 268 shophouses. Method of determining the sample using purposive sampling. From the calculation, it is found that as many as 73 shophouses would be used as samples and then broken down into 3 sections according to the urban village in Lubuk Pakam City. The analysis in this study used descriptive statistical and partial (t) test. The results show that physical factor has a significant effect on shophouse value in Lubuk Pakam City, Deli Serdang Regency. Accessibility factor has a significant effect on shophouse value in Lubuk Pakam City, Deli Serdang Regency. Environmental factor has a significant effect on shophouse value in Lubuk Pakam City, Deli Serdang Regency. Facility factor has a significant effect on shophouse value in Lubuk Pakam City, Deli Serdang Regency


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    Abstract: Indonesia is a maritime country that has abundant marine natural resources, with optimal and wise utilization, it will be a promising source of income for both the local community as well as the local area. Therefore, the infrastructure and maritime-related arrangements along the coast and the port are things that must be considered and developed. Gabion Port is one of the ports with the largest marine products in the province of North Sumatra, especially in the city of Medan. This port is located near Bagan Deli village which has not yet been optimally arranged and it has economic problems and serious environmental hygiene problems, so that with the application of the concept of ecological architecture can answer the existing problems through its principles. Some applications of ecological concepts in this arrangement can be seen from material aspects, energy aspects, building orientation, and utility aspects. The method used is the glass box method, by looking at elements that need to be applied to support the socio-economic activities of the local community. The results of this paper are in the form of the concept of structuring fishing villages which can be a solution to slum environmental problems and helps improve the economic level of local communities.Keyword: fishing village, ecological architecture, bagan deli Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang memiliki sumber daya alam kelautan yang berlimpah, dengan pemanfaatan secara optimal dan bijak akan menjadi sumber pendapatan yang menjanjikan baik bagi masyarakat sekitar maupun daerah setempat. Untuk itu infrastruktur dan penataan terkait kelautan sepanjang pantai dan pelabuhan merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan dan dikembangkan. Pelabuhan Gabion merupakan salah satu pelabuhan dengan hasil laut terbesar di kawasan provinsi Sumatera Utara khususnya kota Medan. Pelabuhan ini berada di dekat kelurahan bagan deli yangmana belum tertata secara optimal, serta memiliki masalah perkeonomian dan juga memiliki permasalahan kebersihan lingkungan yang cukup serius, sehingga dengan penerapan konsep arsitektur ekologi dapat menjawab permasalahan yang ada melalui prinsip-prinsipnya. Beberapa penerapan konsep ekologi pada penataan ini dapat dilihat dari aspek material, aspek energy, orientasi bangunan, dan aspek utilitas. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode glass box,dengan melihat elemen elemen yang perlu diterapkan untuk mendukung aktivitas social ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Hasil penelitian ini berupa konsep penataan kampung nelayan yang dapat menjadi pemecahan masalah lingkungan kumuh serta membantu meningkatkan taraf perekonomian masyarakat setempat.Kata Kunci: Kampung Nelayan, Arsitektur Ekologi, Bagan Del


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    Urban area will not be separated from the diversity that is owned by the region. A wide variety of diverse elements or objects (buildings, monuments, squares, signs, or the historic old town area, etc.) will give the characteristic features or the identity of a city. The presence of identity on a city course will provide an overview of the place of the region and made the difference with other places. This research was conducted in the road corridor Pemuda, district of Medan Maimun with qualitative methods of observation to the study site for the study using elements of diversity with the aim to discover the diversity of research sites and how with regard to the identity of the city. From the observation there is diversity in terms of different land uses (the function of the building), building typology, activities and others thus creating an identity that can be recognized by the public

    Renovation of MCK to improve community health in pangambatan village, brand district, Karo Sumut regency

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    Community service activities are one of the TRI DHARMA university’s obligations. On this occasion, it was reported that community service activities needed improvement in the health sector. The location of this activity is in Pangambatan Village, Kecamatan Merek, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara and this activity is planned to begin in April until September 2019. The problem in the field is to increase the flow of tourists to Kecamatan Merek to make the need for adequate toilet facilities (MCK). Besides that, it was also found that the community's need for clean water and toilets were used daily by the community. The solution offered is to renovate the MCK facilities for the daily needs of the community and in addition to the toilet facilities for tourists who visit to the village. It is hoped that through this activity the problems in the local community can be overcome