317 research outputs found

    Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Triblock Copolymer Complexes

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    Four different poly(tert-butoxystyrene)-b-polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PtBOS-b-PS-b-P4VP) linear triblock copolymers, with the P4VP weight fraction varying from 0.08 to 0.39, were synthesized via sequential anionic polymerization. The values of the unknown interaction parameters between styrene and tert-butoxystyrene and between tert-butoxystyrene and 4-vinylpyridine were determined from random copolymer blend miscibility studies and found to satisfy 0.031<χS,tBOS<0.034 and 0.39<χ4VP,tBOS<0.43, the latter being slightly larger than the known 0.30<χS,4VP≤0.35 value range. All triblock copolymers synthesized adopted a P4VP/PS core/shell cylindrical self-assembled morphology. From these four triblock copolymers supramolecular complexes were prepared by hydrogen bonding a stoichiometric amount of pentadecylphenol (PDP) to the P4VP blocks. Three of these complexes formed a triple lamellar ordered state with additional short length scale ordering inside the P4VP(PDP) layers. The self-assembled state of the supramolecular complex based on the triblock copolymer with the largest fraction of P4VP consisted of alternating layers of PtBOS and P4VP(PDP) layers with PS cylinders inside the latter layers. The difference in morphology between the triblock copolymers and the supramolecular complexes is due to two effects: (i) a change in effective composition and, (ii) a reduction in interfacial tension between the PS and P4VP containing domains. The small angle X-ray scattering patterns of the supramolecules systems are very temperature sensitive. A striking feature is the disappearance of the first order scattering peak of the triple lamellar state in certain temperature intervals, while the higher order peaks (including the third order) remain. This is argued to be due to the thermal sensitivity of the hydrogen bonding and thus directly related to the very nature of these systems.

    Thermal Conductivity of Ordered Mesoporous Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin Films Made from Magnesium Reduction of Polymer-Templated Silica

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    This paper reports the cross-plane thermal conductivity of ordered mesoporous nanocrystalline silicon thin films between 25 and 315 K. The films were produced by evaporation induced self-assembly of mesoporous silica followed by magnesium reduction. The periodic ordering of pores in mesoporous silicon was characterized by X-ray diffraction and direct SEM imaging. The average crystallite size, porosity, and film thickness were about 13 nm, 25-35%, and 140-340 nm, respectively. The pores were arranged in a face-centered cubic lattice. The cross-plane thermal conductivity of the mesoporous silicon thin films was measured using the 3ω method. It was between 3 and 5 orders of magnitude smaller than that of bulk single crystal silicon in the temperature range considered. The effects of temperature, film thickness, and copolymer template on the thermal conductivity were investigated. A model based on kinetic theory was used to accurately predict the measured thermal conductivity for all temperatures. On the one hand, both the measured thermal conductivity and the model predictions showed a temperature dependence of k proportional to T2 at low temperatures, typical of amorphous and strongly disordered materials. On the other hand, at high temperatures the thermal conductivity of mesoporous silicon films reached a maximum, indicating a crystalline-like behavior. These results will be useful in designing mesoporous silicon with desired thermal conductivity by tuning its morphology for various applications
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