20 research outputs found

    Interacting with the \u27Himalayan \u3ci\u3eUmmah\u3c/i\u3e\u27. The case of Xidaotang, a Chinese Muslim Community from Lintan

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    This short essay discusses whether Xidaotang, a Chinese Muslim community, may be considered as belonging to the ‘Himalayan ummah’. Historically and until today, especially via trade, this community has been in close contact with the Himalayan region, understood as the mountainous zone of the Tibetan Plateau. By analyzing these trading interactions and the sociability they induce, it is possible to investigate to what extent Xidaotang members, with their own cultural background, religious practices and social experiences, have contributed to diversify the Islamic landscape in the Himalayan region, to which Amdo belongs

    Interacting with the 'Himalayan Ummah'

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    This short essay discusses whether Xidaotang, a Chinese Muslim community, may be considered as belonging to the ‘Himalayan ummah’. Historically and until today, especially via trade, this community has been in close contact with the Himalayan region, understood as the mountainous zone of the Tibetan Plateau. By analyzing these trading interactions and the sociability they induce, it is possible to investigate to what extent Xidaotang members, with their own cultural background, religious practices and social experiences, have contributed to diversify the Islamic landscape in the Himalayan region, to which Amdo belongs

    Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 9

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    Interpreting Test Reports of Ground Water Monitoring Wells at Livestock Waste Control Facilities Some livestock waste control facilities that are required to have an operating permit by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) are also required to install ground water monitoring wells adjacent to the waste control facility. Ground water monitoring requirements are decided on site-specific considerations. Generally, ground water monitoring may be required where the depth to water is shallow, sediments are sandy, the livestock facility is located in a public water supply’s Wellhead Protection Area, or any combination of these and other factors listed in Chapter 13 of Title 130 of the Nebraska Administrative Code. At a minimum, one well is installed up-gradient and at least two wells down-gradient from the waste storage facility. NDEQ has published a Guidance Document that details how these wells are to be constructed and tested. It specifies that these wells are to be sampled twice a year, spring and fall. NDEQ staff review monitoring well test results and base decisions on any actions to be taken on the results, on site characteristics, and on studies done in Nebraska and other states

    Le MaĂźtre spirituel au sein du Xidaotang.: EnquĂȘte sur la reconnaissance d’une autoritĂ© sainte en islam soufi chinois (Gansu)

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    International audienceBy unveiling the discovery process of the ethnographical investigation, this study explores the bond between the Chinese Muslim community of Xidaotang believers and their shaykh. By circumventing the modernity and rationality-centred narrative conveyed by the religious elites as well as by the scientific and political spheres, the survey brings to light the way in which the community uses some symbolical forms. Firstly, the study of terms used to refer to the Master points to the perpetuation of old popular designations, which indicates less a language habit than the believers’ capacity for judgement. Secondly, the criteria invoked by believers to legitimise their religious leader’s nomination show which frames of reference are deemed relevant by the religious group. Lastly, the significations given to divine signs indicate a typical form of sainthood within the Xidaotang, mostly related to the Master figure.Por medio de la restituciĂłn del proceso de descubrimiento de la investigaciĂłn etnogrĂĄfica, este estudio muestra la naturaleza de la relaciĂłn que une a los fieles del Xidaotang, comunidad musulmana china, con su Maestro religioso. Esquivando el discurso de modernidad y racionalidad vehiculado por la Ă©lite religiosa asĂ­ como por el medio cientĂ­fico y polĂ­tico, la investigaciĂłn define los marcos interpretativos de las formas simbĂłlicas propias a la cofradĂ­a. El examen del lĂ©xico utilizado para designar al Maestro nos indica, en un primer momento, una resistencia de las apelaciones populares antiguas que reflejan menos un hĂĄbito de lenguaje que una verdadera capacidad de juicio de los actores. A su vez, los criterios evocados por los creyentes para legitimar la denominaciĂłn del actual jefe religioso muestran los marcos de referencia que el grupo religioso considera vĂĄlidos y pertinentes. En definitiva, la significaciĂłn que los creyentes dan a los signos divinos indica que su creencia es un modo tĂ­pico de relaciĂłn a las formas locales de santidad.Cette Ă©tude, en restituant le processus de dĂ©couverte de l’enquĂȘte ethnographique, rend compte de la nature du lien qui unit les fidĂšles du Xidaotang, communautĂ© musulmane chinoise, Ă  leur MaĂźtre religieux. En contournant le discours de modernitĂ© et de rationalitĂ© vĂ©hiculĂ© par l’élite religieuse et le milieu scientifique ou politique, l’enquĂȘte examine les cadres d’interprĂ©tation des formes symboliques propres Ă  la confrĂ©rie. L’examen des termes utilisĂ©s pour dĂ©signer le MaĂźtre a d’abord indiquĂ© une rĂ©sistance des appellations populaires anciennes qui reflĂštent moins une habitude langagiĂšre qu’une rĂ©elle capacitĂ© de jugement des acteurs. Puis, les critĂšres Ă©voquĂ©s par les croyants pour lĂ©gitimer la nomination de l’actuel chef religieux montrent les cadres de rĂ©fĂ©rence auxquels le groupe religieux accorde pertinence et validitĂ©. Enfin, la signification que les croyants portent aux signes divins indique que leur croyance est un mode typique de rapport aux formes locales de saintetĂ©

    Le Xidaotang : processus de légitimation d'un nouveau courant de l'islam chinois au début du XX e siÚcle dans le Sud du Gansu

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    International audienceAt the beginning of the 20th century, in Taozhou, South of Gansu, a new Islamic solidarity emerged, the Xidaotang Û«áˆàŽ˜. Thirty years of a long process of legitimization ended in the official recognition in 1919. In this article, we analyze a succession of tests during which actors make an inventive use of the norm and their competences to legitimate their action and lead to several forms of agreement. It’s in these new moments when conventions have lost one’s role of points of references that a new meaning of justice appears and social reconfiguration is shaped.Au tout dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle, Ă  Taozhou, dans le sud du Gansu, apparaĂźt un nouveau courant de l’islam chinois, le Xidaotang Û«áˆàŽ˜. Trois dĂ©cennies d’un long processus de lĂ©gitimation se soldent par une reconnaissance officielle en 1919. Ce processus est analysĂ© dans cette contribution comme une sĂ©rie d’épreuves au cours desquelles les acteurs concernĂ©s font un usage inventif des normes et de leurs compĂ©tences pour lĂ©gitimer leur action et aboutir Ă  diverses formes d’accords. C’est dans ces moments oĂč les conventions perdent leur fonction de repĂšres qu’un nouveau sens du juste apparaĂźt et qu’une reconfiguration sociale prend forme

    Mette Halskov Hansen, Frontier People. Han Settlers in Minority Areas of China, 2005

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    Hille Marie-Paule. Mette Halskov Hansen, Frontier People. Han Settlers in Minority Areas of China, 2005. In: Études chinoises, n°25, 2006. pp. 459-464

    Mette Halskov Hansen, Frontier People. Han Settlers in Minority Areas of China, 2005

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    Hille Marie-Paule. Mette Halskov Hansen, Frontier People. Han Settlers in Minority Areas of China, 2005. In: Études chinoises, n°25, 2006. pp. 459-464

    Les Han kitab et le Xidaotang: RĂ©ception et usage d’une littĂ©rature musulmane en chinois Ă  la fin du XIXe siĂšcle Ă  Taozhou (Gansu)

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    International audienceDepuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es quatre-vingt, plusieurs Ă©tudes ont vu le jour concernant un aspect particulier de la tradition islamique en Chine : la production d’un islam littĂ©raire en langue chinoise adossĂ©e Ă  un vaste rĂ©seau Ă©ducatif. Ces oeuvres, Ă©crites par de grands penseurs musulmans nĂ©o-confucĂ©ens des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siĂšcles, sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement dĂ©signĂ©es par les musulmans chinois comme des Han kitab (han kai-ta-bu æ±‰ć‡ŻćĄ”ćžƒ, c’est-Ă -dire han 汉, « chinois », et kaita-bu transcription chinoise de l’ar. kitāb, « livres »). En retraçant la trajectoire intellectuelle d’un lettrĂ© musulman nĂ©oconfucĂ©en, Ma Qixi é©ŹćŻè„ż (1857-1914) – fondateur du Xidaotang è„żé“ć ‚ (« Hall de la Voie de l’Ouest » ou « Salle/Hall de l’Ouest ») – laprĂ©sente Ă©tude entame une rĂ©flexion sur la rĂ©ception et l’usage des Han kitab durant la seconde moitiĂ© du XIXe siĂšcle Ă  Taozhou æŽźć·ž (actuel Lintan 䞎札), bourgade marchande et multiculturelle situĂ©e au sud du Gansu. Il s’agira Ă©galement de comprendre les rĂ©sistances locales suscitĂ©es par la nouvelle mĂ©thode d’enseignement de Ma Qixi qui accorde une place centrale Ă  cette littĂ©rature en chinois. En dernier lieu, nous examinerons les chausse-trapes d’une historiographie qui reconstruit l’histoire intellectuelle du Xidaotang en accordant une place exclusive Ă  l’influence de la pensĂ©e de Liu Zhi sur l’enseignement de Ma Qixi

    Les jeux de l’ombre et de la lumiĂšre : ce que nous disent des tombeaux de saints musulmans sur une forme contemporaine de saintetĂ© (Chine, Gansu, 1968-2018)

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    Depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2010, sur fond de mutation Ă©conomique et urbaine, une communautĂ© musulmane chinoise, le Xidaotang, s’est engagĂ©e dans un processus de patrimonialisation de ses espaces religieux. Face Ă  ces changements profonds, la place accordĂ©e aux tombeaux devient un enjeu central. Chaque annĂ©e, ils attirent des milliers de pĂšlerins qui cĂ©lĂšbrent ensuite de façon collective les fĂȘtes commĂ©moratives dans les diffĂ©rents lieux du complexe religieux. L’analyse du processus de sanctuarisation commencĂ© au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980, redoublĂ© d’une volontĂ© de patrimonialisation depuis les annĂ©es 2010, indique tout un jeu de loyautĂ©s politiques impliquant des opportunitĂ©s, des contraintes et des consensus. Comment cette communautĂ©, Ă©rigĂ©e en modĂšle par les acteurs politiques et non reconnue officiellement comme soufie, parvient-elle Ă  maintenir les tombeaux, et le culte des saints, au cƓur de son dispositif rituel ?Abstract: Since 2010, in a context of economic and urban transformation, the Xidaotang, a Sino-Muslim community, has been engaging in a process of patrimonialization of its religious spaces. Under these circumstances, what is the place of the Muslim saints’ tombs? These are indeed a core-element of religious life: each year, thousands of pilgrims flock to visit them prior to the whole community’s gathering meant to celebrate the anniversary of one of the dead saints. The analysis of the sanctuarization process, launched in the early 1980s, intensified by a process of patrimonialization in the early 2010s, highlights that at play are political loyalties involving opportunities, constraints, and consensus. How does this community, taken as a model by the political actors and not formally recognized as Sufi, manage to maintain the tombs, and the cult of the Saints, at the core of its ritual system

    Terreur et révolution : un cas de « persécutions religieuses » en milieu musulman au sud du Gansu (Chine) aprÚs 1911

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    On 19 May 1914, the leader of a new Chinese Muslim sect in Gansu, the Xidaotang, was executed along with his lineage by the Muslim General Ma Anliang. Beyond the framework of a classic analysis centered on religious persecutions, this paper aims at grasping the religious, political, and economic driving force which had led to this conflict. Two factors are under close scrutiny : first, Ma Qixi embodied an obstacle to Ma Anliang's political ascension and, second, Ma Anliang took advantage of the situation of terror spread by Bai lang's troops to attain his objective outside any legal consideration