108 research outputs found

    An alternative to the plasma emission model: Particle-In-Cell, self-consistent electromagnetic wave emission simulations of solar type III radio bursts

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    1.5D PIC, relativistic, fully electromagnetic (EM) simulations are used to model EM wave emission generation in the context of solar type III radio bursts. The model studies generation of EM waves by a super-thermal, hot beam of electrons injected into a plasma thread that contains uniform longitudinal magnetic field and a parabolic density gradient. In effect, a single magnetic line connecting Sun to earth is considered, for which several cases are studied. (i) We find that the physical system without a beam is stable and only low amplitude level EM drift waves (noise) are excited. (ii) The beam injection direction is controlled by setting either longitudinal or oblique electron initial drift speed, i.e. by setting the beam pitch angle. In the case of zero pitch angle, the beam excites only electrostatic, standing waves, oscillating at plasma frequency, in the beam injection spatial location, and only low level EM drift wave noise is also generated. (iii) In the case of oblique beam pitch angles, again electrostatic waves with same properties are excited. However, now the beam also generates EM waves with the properties commensurate to type III radio bursts. The latter is evidenced by the wavelet analysis of transverse electric field component, which shows that as the beam moves to the regions of lower density, frequency of the EM waves drops accordingly. (iv) When the density gradient is removed, electron beam with an oblique pitch angle still generates the EM radiation. However, in the latter case no frequency decrease is seen. Within the limitations of the model, the study presents the first attempt to produce simulated dynamical spectrum of type III radio bursts in fully kinetic plasma model. The latter is based on 1.5D non-zero pitch angle (non-gyrotropic) electron beam, that is an alternative to the plasma emission classical mechanism.Comment: Physics of Plasmas, in press, May 2011 issue (final accepted version

    Millisecond solar radio bursts in the metric wavelength range

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    A study and classification of super-short structures (SSSs) recorded during metric type IV bursts is presented. The most important property of SSSs is their duration, at half power ranging from 4-50 ms, what is up to 10 times shorter than spikes at corresponding frequencies. The solar origin of the SSSs is confirmed by one-to-one correspondence between spectral recordings of Artemis-IV1 and high time resolution single frequency measurements of the TSRS2. We have divided the SSSs in the following categories: 1. Broad-Band SSSs: They were partitioned in two subcategories, the SSS-Pulses and Drifting SSSs; 2. Narrow-band: They appear either as Spike-Like SSSs or as Patch-Like SSSs; 3. Complex SSS: They consist of the absorption-emission segments and were morphologically subdivided into Rain-drop Bursts (narrow-band emission head and a broad-band absorption tail) and Blinkers.Comment: Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 848, pp. 224-228 (2006

    Spatial & Temporal Characteristics of Ha flares during the period 1975-2002 (comparison with SXR flares)

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    Although the energetic phenomena of the Sun (flares, coronal mass injections etc.) exhibit intermittent stochastic behavior in their rate of occurrence, they are well correlated to the variations of the solar cycle. In this work we study the spatial and temporal characteristics of transient solar activity in an attempt to statistically interpret the evolution of these phenomena through the solar cycle, in terms of the self-organized criticality theory.Comment: Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 848, pp. 194-198 (2006

    A Study of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections and Related Flare and Radio Burst Observations in Solar Cycle 23

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    We present a statistical study of dynamical and kinetic characteristics of CMEs which show temporal and spatial association with flares and type II radio bursts or complex radio events of type II bursts and type IV continua. This study is based on a set of earth-directed full halo CMEs occurring during the present solar cycle, with data from the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraphs (LASCO) and Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) mission and the Magnetic Fields Investigation (MFI) and 3-D Plasma and Energetic Particle Analyzer Investigation experiment on board the WIND spacecraft.Comment: Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 848, pp. 218-223 (2006

    The relativistic solar particle event of 2005 January 20: origin of delayed particle acceleration

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    The highest energies of solar energetic nucleons detected in space or through gamma-ray emission in the solar atmosphere are in the GeV range. Where and how the particles are accelerated is still controversial. We search for observational information on the location and nature of the acceleration region(s) by comparing the timing of relativistic protons detected on Earth and radiative signatures in the solar atmosphere during the particularly well-observed 2005 Jan. 20 event. This investigation focuses on the post-impulsive flare phase, where a second peak was observed in the relativistic proton time profile by neutron monitors. This time profile is compared in detail with UV imaging and radio spectrography over a broad frequency band from the low corona to interplanetary space. It is shown that the late relativistic proton release to interplanetary space was accompanied by a distinct new episode of energy release and electron acceleration in the corona traced by the radio emission and by brightenings of UV kernels. These signatures are interpreted in terms of magnetic restructuring in the corona after the coronal mass ejection passage. We attribute the delayed relativistic proton acceleration to magnetic reconnection and possibly to turbulence in large-scale coronal loops. While Type II radio emission was observed in the high corona, no evidence of a temporal relationship with the relativistic proton acceleration was found