3,267 research outputs found

    Transcaruncular Medial Wall Orbital Decompression: An Effective Approach for Patients with Unilateral Graves Ophthalmopathy

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    Purpose. To evaluate the reduction in proptosis, incidence of postoperative diplopia, and postoperative globe symmetry after transcaruncular medial wall decompression in patients with unilateral Graves ophthalmopathy. Methods. Retrospective review of 16 consecutive patients who underwent unilateral transcaruncular medial wall orbital decompression from 1995 to 2007. The diagnosis of Graves ophthalmopathy was based on history and clinical findings including proptosis, lagophthalmos, lid retraction, motility restriction, and systemic thyroid dysfunction. Results. The mean reduction in proptosis was 2.3 mm. The mean difference in exophthalmometry preoperatively between the two eyes in each patient was 3.1 mm whereas postoperatively the mean difference was 1.1 mm (P = 0.0002). Eleven of 16 patients (69%) had 1 mm or less of asymmetry postoperatively. There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of diplopia pre and postoperatively (P = 1.0). Conclusions. Medial wall orbital decompression is a safe and practical surgical approach for patients with unilateral Graves orbitopathy. The procedure carries a low risk of morbidity and yields anatomic retrusion of the globe that is comparable to other more invasive methods and may yield more symmetric postoperative results

    Conjoint Analysis of Breaded Catfish Nuggets: Consumer Preferences for Price, Product Color, Cooking Method and Country of Origin

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    A new product, marinated, breaded catfish nuggets, was developed. This conjoint study was designed to evaluate consumers’ preferences for certain attributes of the nuggets. An in-store survey was conducted to collect data. The data collected will be used to determine the market potential for the catfish nuggets.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Thioxoethenylidene (CCS) as a bridging ligand

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    The reaction of [Mo(≡CBr)(CO)2(Tp*)] (Tp* = hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)borate) with [Fe2(ÎŒ-SLi)2(CO)6] affords, inter alia, the unsymmetrical binuclear thioxoethenylidene complex [Mo2(ÎŒ,σ(C):η2(Câ€ČS)-CCS)(CO)4(Tp*)2], which may be more directly obtained from [Mo(≡CBr)(CO)2(Tp*)] and Li2S. The reaction presumably proceeds via the intermediacy of the bis(alkylidynyl)thioether complex S{C≡Mo(CO)2(Tp*)}2, which was, however, not directly observed but explored computationally and found to lie 78.6 kJ mol–1 higher in energy than the final thioxoethenylidene product. Computational interrogation of the molecules [M2(ÎŒ-C2S)(CO)2(Tp*)2] (M = Mo, W, Re, Os) reveals three plausible coordination modes for a thioxoethenylidene bridge which involve a progressive strengthening of the C–C bond and weakening of the M–C and M–S bonds, as might be expected from simple effective atomic number considerations.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP130102598 and DP110101611)

    The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope: Instrument and Data Characteristics

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    The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) was flown as part of the Astro observatory on the Space Shuttle Columbia in December 1990 and again on the Space Shuttle Endeavor in March 1995. Ultraviolet (1200-3300 Angstroms) images of a variety of astronomical objects, with a 40 arcmin field of view and a resolution of about 3 arcsec, were recorded on photographic film. The data recorded during the first flight are available to the astronomical community through the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC); the data recorded during the second flight will soon be available as well. This paper discusses in detail the design, operation, data reduction, and calibration of UIT, providing the user of the data with information for understanding and using the data. It also provides guidelines for analyzing other astronomical imagery made with image intensifiers and photographic film.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, AAS preprint style and EPSF macros, accepted by PAS

    Corticosterone Acts in the Nucleus Accumbens to Enhance Dopamine Signaling and Potentiate Reinstatement of Cocaine Seeking

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    Stressful life events are important contributors to relapse in recovering cocaine addicts, but the mechanisms by which they influence motivational systems are poorly understood. Studies suggest that stress may “set the stage” for relapse by increasing the sensitivity of brain reward circuits to drug-associated stimuli. We examined the effects of stress and corticosterone on behavioral and neurochemical responses of rats to a cocaine prime after cocaine self-administration and extinction. Exposure of rats to acute electric footshock stress did not by itself reinstate drug-seeking behavior but potentiated reinstatement in response to a subthreshold dose of cocaine. This effect of stress was not observed in adrenalectomized animals, and was reproduced in nonstressed animals by administration of corticosterone at a dose that reproduced stress-induced plasma levels. Pretreatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 did not block the corticosterone effect. Corticosterone potentiated cocaine-induced increases in extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), and pharmacological blockade of NAc dopamine receptors blocked corticosterone-induced potentiation of reinstatement. Intra-accumbens administration of corticosterone reproduced the behavioral effects of stress and systemic corticosterone. Corticosterone treatment acutely decreased NAc dopamine clearance measured by fast-scan cyclic voltammetry, suggesting that inhibition of uptake2-mediated dopamine clearance may underlie corticosterone effects. Consistent with this hypothesis, intra-accumbens administration of the uptake2 inhibitor normetanephrine potentiated cocaine-induced reinstatement. Expression of organic cation transporter 3, a corticosterone-sensitive uptake2 transporter, was detected on NAc neurons. These findings reveal a novel mechanism by which stress hormones can rapidly regulate dopamine signaling and contribute to the impact of stress on drug intake

    Study of an Alternate Mechanism for the Origin of Fermion Generations

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    In usual extended technicolor (ETC) theories based on the group SU(NETC)ETC{\rm{SU}(N_{ETC}})_{ETC}, the quarks of charge 2/3 and -1/3 and the charged leptons of all generations arise from ETC fermion multiplets transforming according to the fundamental representation. Here we investigate a different idea for the origin of SM fermion generations, in which quarks and charged leptons of different generations arise from ETC fermions transforming according to different representations of SU(NETC)ETC{\rm{SU}(N_{ETC}})_{ETC}. Although this mechanism would have the potential, {\it a priori}, to allow a reduction in the value of NETCN_{ETC} relative to conventional ETC models, we show that, at least in simple models, it is excluded by the fact that the technicolor sector is not asymptotically free or by the appearance of fermions with exotic quantum numbers which are not observed.Comment: 6 pages, late

    Pion and Eta Strings

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    In this paper we construct a string-like classical solution, the pion-string, in the linear sigma model. We then study the stability of the pion-string, and find that it is unstable in the parameter space allowed experimentally. We also speculate on the existance of an unstable eta-string, associated with spontaneous breakdown of the anomalous UA(1)U_A(1) symmetry in QCD at high temperatures. The implications of the pion and eta strings for cosmology and heavy ion collisions are briefly mentioned.Comment: 5 pages, LATE

    UIT Astro-2 Observations of NGC 4449

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    The bright Magellanic irregular galaxy NGC 4449 was observed by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) during the Astro-2 Spacelab mission in March, 1995. Far ultraviolet (FUV) images at a spatial resolution of ~3 arcsec show bright star-forming knots that are consistent with the general optical morphology of the galaxy and are often coincident with bright H II regions. Comparison of FUV with H-alpha shows that in a few regions, sequential star formation may have occurred over the last few Myr. The bright star forming complexes in NGC 4449 are superposed on a smooth, diffuse FUV background that may be associated with the H-alpha "froth."Comment: 4 pages, Latex with AIP proceedings macros, 2 EPS figures. To appear in proceedings of U. Maryland October Astrophysics Conf., 1996, AIP pu

    Synthetic High-Resolution Line Spectra of Star-Forming Galaxies Below 1200A

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    We have generated a set of far-ultraviolet stellar libraries using spectra of OB and Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galaxy and the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud. The spectra were collected with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and cover a wavelength range from 1003.1 to 1182.7A at a resolution of 0.127A. The libraries extend from the earliest O- to late-O and early-B stars for the Magellanic Cloud and Galactic libraries, respectively. Attention is paid to the complex blending of stellar and interstellar lines, which can be significant, especially in models using Galactic stars. The most severe contamination is due to molecular hydrogen. Using a simple model for the H2_2 line strength, we were able to remove the molecular hydrogen lines in a subset of Magellanic Cloud stars. Variations of the photospheric and wind features of CIII 1176, OVI 1032, 1038, PV 1118, 1128, and SIV 1063, 1073, 1074 are discussed as a function of temperature and luminosity class. The spectral libraries were implemented into the LavalSB and Starburst99 packages and used to compute a standard set of synthetic spectra of star-forming galaxies. Representative spectra are presented for various initial mass functions and star formation histories. The valid parameter space is confined to the youngest ages of less than 10 Myr for an instantaneous burst, prior to the age when incompleteness of spectral types in the libraries sets in. For a continuous burst at solar metallicity, the parameter space is not limited. The suite of models is useful for interpreting the restframe far-ultraviolet in local and high-redshift galaxies.Comment: 33 pages including 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
