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    The Ursinus Weekly, September 28, 1964

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    Sue Harman places in Penna. title contest • Curtain Club programs Fall theater events • Customs continue at UC: Frosh don dinks, signs, socks in annual orientation program • 249 freshmen weather first week of orientation, classes: Arrive Saturday for weekend of preliminary assemblies and introductions • Messiah chorus begins practice • Ursinus receives $1,000 grant from Gulf Oil Co. • Letter to the editor • Young Democrats plan campaign • Three classes participate in Summer program • Something to live up to: Ursinus stars in Inquirer article • 47 freshmen arrive with honors • Teacher exams for student teachers • Poetry contest for students • Dean announces stiffer parking enforcement • UC gridmen out-hustle and out-last PMC, 13-6 • Hockey practice officially starts • Pancoast vacates baseball spot to seek seat in the State House: Siebman find themselves Sieb-less • UC names Hess mat mentor • Spirit Committee undertakes enthusiasm drive • UC Sailing Team breezes through first regatta • APO continues PA system drive • YM-YW camp held for freshmen • Invitations mark opening of Greek rushing today • Ursinus elects insurance leader to directorship • Schellhase joins seminary staff • Dr. W. F. Philip, Ursinus, attends music festival • Greek gleaningshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1228/thumbnail.jp

    Experimental Test Plan DOE Tidal and River Reference Turbines

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    Our aim is to provide details of the experimental test plan for scaled model studies in St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL) Main Channel at the University of Minnesota, including a review of study objectives, descriptions of the turbine models, the experimental set-up, instrumentation details, instrument measurement uncertainty, anticipated experimental test cases, post-processing methods, and data archiving for model developers

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 8, 1965

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    Freshmen women receive UC colors, learn meaning in 35th annual observance • William James scholar to speak in faculty Forum • Faculty agrees to publish next Weekly issue • Carousel features queen and court, Cub and Key seven: Fine decorations, Al Raymond band add to evening • Psych Club hears Phila. social worker • Two seniors win electrochemical scholarships • Students produce House hearing on Watkins case • 33 men join fraternities: Five frats bid • Applications urged for political internship plan • Track notice • Editorial: Fraternity rushing • Red China today: Still growing • Letters to the editor • Book review: Good grief, it\u27s Candy • Snellbelles smash East Stroudsburg 63-48, return match no match: Regester, Kohn lead offense with 38; Day, Smiley control defensive boards • Wrestlers end, tie last match • Fircroft takes the field; Spring finds us ready • UC grad presents flag flown over South Pole • UC student lectures to DAR • Advice column • Dean\u27s listhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1242/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 13, 1964

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    WSGA elections Wednesday: Barbara Hultz, Valerie Moritz run for association president • Contenders campaign comments • Ursinus hosts science fair • Sophomores plan weekend outing • Psych Club to hear Grosslight • Alumna to perform at piano dedication • Four charities benefit in Chest drive from campuswide activities: Shorb and Riley co-chairmen of project • Otto C. Lee to speak in PAC forum • MSGA winners announced • New look for SWC • Dr. Allen reads his poetry tonite • Editorial: Weekly policy • Spring, when a young man\u27s fancy turns to pledging • When a Negro hates • Next President: Rockefeller • Changing Ursinus • Ursinus victorious in all Spring sports: Baseball team defeats Dickinson; Lacrosse women 6-4 over Penn foe; Netmen overpower King\u27s College; Cindermen win, defeat Haverford 84-42 • Softball forecast • Women\u27s tennis: Experience is key • Wrestling banquet: Videon elected captain • UC\u27s Sue Harmon chosen Miss Montgomery County • Annual student-faculty show ends first week of activities • Heller & Dawson head Y • Meistersingers • Project Hopehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1270/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 16, 1964

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    11 students elected to Who\u27s who in American colleges • Museum director Turner speaks on American art • Lord and Lady, class officers named at Senior Ball, Friday: Extensive decorations create Camelot atmosphere • Curtain Club stages Fall play this weekend: Free student performance Friday • Temple scientists to visit campus, discuss careers • Summer harvest movie shown to PSEA members • Karen Wagner chosen Jr. Miss Montgomery Co. • German Club discusses life in Europe • Local NAACP members to speak to student tutors • PAC sponsors work camp talk • Editorial: Our policing system • Life up the hill at Fircroft social club • Letters to the editor • Questions and answers about Giefan • UC history: Cheerleaders • How to be an All-American; A case study • Hockey undefeated 3rd year in a row: Gettysburg succumbs 4-1 in final game; Victory extends unbeaten streak record • Friday 13 unlucky soccermen fall 1-0 to Muhlenberg foe • Football beaten 47-22 by Lebanon Valley: Injury-racked squad no match for foe; Degenhardt scores all U.C. points • Greek gleaningshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1234/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 8, 1964

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    Dr. Sturgis retires from faculty after 40 years; Honored by alumni, Saturday • 222 seniors receive degrees at Commencement today; Dr. John Ciardi addresses class and guests • Dr. Roger Staiger given US patent • Whitians select officers • Placement Office report • UC chapter APO chosen to participate in Denver convention • Alumni seek student writers • Editorial: Contemplation • UC hosts Summer assembly: Four denominations represented • Awards presented at WAA banquet • Wagner to attend conference • Paul I. Guest, recipient of 1964 Alumni Award • Student government heads comment on year\u27s activities • Graduation 50 years ago • Permanent class officers announced by seniors • Commencement awards and prizes • New soph rulers plan Fall customs program • Dr. D. Fortnum receives Summer chemistry grant • Greeks name IFS officers • Greek gleanings • Marsteller gets science grant at Colorado State • Library plans Summer changes: Collections expanded • Campus project underway: Bond and Miller design 1,580,000studentactivitiesbuilding•Chestdrivetotals1,580,000 student activities building • Chest drive totals 1,700https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1275/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 1, 1965

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    Junior class extends invitation to Carousel: Al Raymond band at Sunnybrook • Pi Nu Epsilon sponsors annual Greek song fest • Students and faculty contribute to art show: Prizes awarded to varied entries in 3 day exhibit • Spring Festival adopts South Pacific theme, selects committees • WSGA plans to adopt a child • Students to dramatize un-American hearing • Collegeville coffee house provides weekend activity • Whitians greet scholastic women in biannual tea • Rushing, or - a puzzled frosh asks Why am I so popular? • Baseball season starts tomorrow • Editorial: Cheating • Frosh to receive colors in annual ceremony • Letters to the editor • Customs: Its development and its demise • Bears end week 1 for 2; Finish season 8-9: Troster and Parker standouts • Ursinus splits two games; Beats Beaver, loses to W.C. • Ursinus matmen lose two; Swath. & Drexel are close • Badminton team • Year in review • Advice columnhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1241/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 27, 1964

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    Waiters guests at annual banquet • Bohl receives Fullbright to study abroad • Campus organizations conduct Spring elections: MSGA chooses officers; WSGA names class reps • Yocum selected to visit Russia • Mensch Mill site of annual Spring retreat • African trip, PAC forum event • Unadvertised Greek week promised to be one of the best • Cheerleaders • Spirit Committee • Women\u27s dorm officers • Meistersingers • Editorial: Supply and demand? • Next President: Henry Cabot Lodge • Slaves work for freedom with sweat, toil and bridge • Letters to the editor • Lacrosse loses 1st ever; Tennis blanked by Penn • Bears\u27 cindermen crunch Garnets • Penn relays have sad outcome • Winning week in Bears baseball • Softball swamps Penn foes 36-1 • Howard awarded science grant • Choir returns from New York • Greek gleanings • Classical music at Studio Cottage • Dr. Hetzel and American Indianhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1272/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 18, 1964

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    Quipping Ramblers roam through the bluegrass: Group scores with relaxed style • Graduation speakers named: Knettler at Baccalaureate, Ciardi at Commencement;; Updike and Weiss receive honorary degrees • Girls flock east, flee UC doldrums • Faculty upholds MSGA decision: Exception noted in one case • Women program Big-Little Sister activities • Thomas and Moser win in run-off • APO seeks funds for proposed service project • UC freshmen to take part in WIP panel • Doanes take year leave, teach at Miles College • PSEA elects new officers • Editorial: Ursinus men? • War in the name of peace • Letters to the editor • Ruby 1900 edition • Crossettes avenge W.C. loss; Arch-rival crushed 14-4 • Tennis improves in winning 1 of 3 • Baseball has winning week with victories in 2 of 3 • Tennis drops 3rd; Blanked 5-0 by WC • Trackmen tromp as W.C. and Muhlenberg bow • Greek gleanings • Parsons to teach on Summer grant • Final examination schedulehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1274/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 2, 1964

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    Judy Collins to appear in concert at Ursinus: Agency\u27s first offering to be sell-out • Cafe Montmarte promises to be the unusual • Seven students arrested in mass Halloween uprising: Non-participants fined, spend night in jail • Yale professor speaks to pre-med, chem societies • Helfferich stresses liberal arts importance in Founders\u27 convocation: Four alumni awarded doctorates • Dr. John Clawson, Dean emeritus, dies at home • 19 men receive fraternity bids today in library • Wentz announced business manager • Editorial: Thursday night review • Parleying, partying and panicking portrayed in sorority pledging • Dr. Dooley\u27s assistant gives lecture at Forum • What really happened in the girls\u27 day study? • Sons for Moral America expose nation\u27s decay • The Lantern\u27s deadline posted • Letters to the editor • Hobart squeaks by UC 8-7, in tight game • Cross country gets started • Soccer team loses two by same 2-0 score: Swarthmore 2-0 in 1st half; Haverford downs Bears • Hockey remains undefeated, Beaver and Swarthmore fall • Demas champs; Beta Sig second: Volleyball to start • UC volunteers aid community • Women elect WSGA senate officers • Halloween dance termed something new by Y sponsors • Advice column • Greek gleaningshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1232/thumbnail.jp
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