8 research outputs found
Interviews with Charlie Bruntzle, Eugene Campbell, Jeanne Marie Latas, Elva Jean Latas, and Doris J. Sassman
Interviews with Charlie Bruntzle, Eugene Campbell, Jeanne Marie Latas, Elva Jean Latas, and Doris J. Sassman 00:00:05 - Charlie Bruntzel, Song, Rip Van Winkle Was a Lucky Man 00:02:56 - Song, Deep Down in My Heart 00:05:31 - Song, Back In Western Kansas Where I Was Born 00:10:00 - Jeanne Marie Latas reciting jump rope rhymes, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear 00:10:22 - Cinderella 00:10:33 - Andy Pandy 00:11:08 - Johnny 00:11:26 - Cups and Saucers 00:11:36 - Fruit cake, cupcake 00:12:02 - Teacher, teacher 00:12:15 - Cinderella 00:12:28 - Ice Cream Soda 00:13:46 - One two, buckle my shoe 00:14:18 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive 00:14:44 - A, B, C, D, twirl with me 00:15:20 - Nursery game, Making Cake 00:16:48 - Nursery rhyme, This little piggy 00:17:13 - ABC\u27s from a teacher\u27s manual 00:18:29 - Rhyme about the months of the year 00:19:52 - Rhyme about writing numbers 00:21:35 - Introduction, Doris J. Sassman of Garden City, KS 00:22:02 - Story about the ghost of a train engineer 00:22:52 - Song, Charles Guiteau unidentified man 00:24:17 - Flatt and Scruggs recording, banjo and vocal, Mrs. McKinleyhttps://scholars.fhsu.edu/sackett/1126/thumbnail.jp
Using antennae for in-situ measurements of micrometeoroid and space debris impact
The hypervelocity impact of micrometeoroids and space debris produce a transient plasma cloud when colliding with spacecraft surfaces. We studied the feasibility of using the interactions between the fast expanding impact plasma clouds with spacecraft antennae for in-situ impact detection. We used a numerical model for computing the formation and evolution of the plasma cloud as well as the signals generated at the antenna sensors. The generation of secondary electrons at the antennae due to fast ions in the plasma cloud proofed to be an effective mechanism to correlate sensor signals to impactor characteristics. We demonstrated that a simple array of seven centimeter-sized antennae is sufficient to trace back impactor size and impact velocity
Reabilitação vocal de laringectomizados com prótese traqueoesofágica Vocal reabilitation of patients with laringectomy using tracheoesofogeal proteses
Material: No período de 23 de fevereiro de 1999 a junho de 2000 foram estudados 23 pacientes submetidos à laringectomia total que receberam a prótese traqueoesofágica do tipo Blom-Singer Indeweling Low Presure, sendo 22 pacientes do sexo masculino, com faixa etária variando de 40 a 80 anos. O tempo de acompanhamento variou de 150 a 462 dias. Um paciente era do estádio clínico I, com comprometimento da comissura posterior; um, do estádio II, com lesão na subglote; 13, do estádio III; e sete do IV. Forma de estudo: Prospectivo clínico não randomizado. Método: A prótese foi locada concomitante à laringectomia em sete pacientes; secundariamente, com anestesia geral, em cinco; e, por endoscopia digestiva alta, sob sedação e anestesia local, em quatorze. Foram estudadas as complicações decorrentes da colocação e uso da prótese vocal, avaliação da qualidade da voz e da inteligibilidade de fala, utilizando parâmetro perceptivo-auditivo, antes e depois da fonoterapia e do tempo necessário para reabilitação vocal. Resultados: Houve três complicações pós-operatórias relacionadas com procedimento cirúrgico terapêutico, que impossibilitaram a reabilitação vocal; dos vinte possíveis de serem reabilitados com a prótese, dezoito se reabilitaram com índice de 90% de sucesso. O tempo médio para reabilitação variou de um a 65 dias. Conclusão: Concluímos que as complicações decorrentes da colocação e uso da prótese não inviabilizaram o sucesso do método; o tempo médio para aquisição da voz foi de sete dias; a qualidade vocal e a inteligibilidade de fala apresentaram melhora após a realização da fonoterapia, sem diferença estatística significativa; e a colocação secundária da prótese vocal, utilizando nova técnica, por endoscopia digestiva alta, mostrou-se mais eficaz em relação às técnicas convencionais.<br>We studied the complications resulting from the placement and use of the vocal prosthesis, assessment of voice quality and speech intelligibility using perceptive-auditory parameters before and after speech therapy and the period needed for vocal rehabilitation. From February 1999 to June 2000, a study was conducted on 23 patients who underwent total laryngectomy and were given a tracheoesophageal prosthesis like the Blom-Singer Indwelling Low Pressure. Study design: Prospective clinical not randomized. Material and method: The study consisted of 22 males and their ages ranged from 40 years to 80 years. The follow up period varied between 150 days to 462 days. One patient with the posterior commissure affected was at stadium I; stadium II had one patient with a lesion in the subglottic region; stadium III had 13 patients; stadium IV had four patients. The prosthesis was placed in seven patients concomitantly with the laryngectomy, while the placement was secondary in the remaining group. Aim: We studied the complications resulting from the placement and use of the vocal prosthesis, assessment of voice quality and speech intelligibility using perceptive-auditory parameters before and after speech therapy and the period needed for vocal rehabilitation impossible. The success rating was 90% with 18 patients rehabilitated with the help of the prosthesis. The rehabilitation period varied between one day to 65 days. Conclusions: the complications resulted from placement and use of this prosthesis did not hamper its success; the average time taken for voice acquisition was seven days, vocal quality and intelligibility of speech showed improvement after the phonoterapy without significant statistics difference and the secondary placement through new surgical technique by digestive endoscopy is better than the conventional technique