356 research outputs found

    Islam and State: A Study on Al-Mawardi and An-Nabhani’s thought and its Compatibility in Indonesian Context

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    Even though study concerning Islam and politics has been conducted by many researchers, few of them investigating about compatibility of Islamic political thoughts, which originated from the classical and medieval periods that have been influencing Islamic political movements and thoughts in Indonesia, with Indonesian context. Thoughts of Imam al-Mawardi (lived in the 12th Century) and Taqiyuddin al-Nabhani (lived in the 20th Century) are some of them that should be mentioned in this regard. Islamic political thoughts of al-Mawardi become the main reference for Sunni Muslims who are majority in Indonesia, while Islamic political thought of al-Nabhani become the main guidance of HTI (Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia) movement of which its members and followers are many in Indonesia. This article investigates about the political thoughts of al-Mawardi and al-Nabhani concerning the relationship between Islam and state as well as their compatibility with Indonesian context. This study uses the library research in which its primary resources are books written by al-Mawardi entitled Al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyah and al-Nabhani entitled Ad-Daulah al-Islamiyah. By utilizing qualitative content analysis, data were collected and analyzed. This article argues that the Islamic political thought of al-Mawardi has been adopted by majority of Indonesian Sunni Muslims with some adjustments with Indonesian context, so that his thoughts become compatible with the concept of modern nation-state of Indonesia.  On the other side, Islamic political thought of al-Nabhani which developed within a spirit of resistance to Western (European) colonialism has been adopted and campaigned by HTI without adjustment with Indonesian context. This causes al-Nabhani’s thought clashes with the concept of modern nation-state of Indonesia.Meskipun studi tentang pemikiran politik Islam di Indonesia sudah banyak dilakukan, masih sangat sedikit penelitian tentang kompatibilitas pemikiran politik Islam, yang berasal dari periode klasik dan pertengahan yang selama ini mempengaruhi politik Islam di Indonesia, dengan konteks Indonesia. Pemikiran Imam Al-Mawardi (hidup di abad ke-12) dan Taqiyuddin al-Nabhani (hidup di abad ke-20) patut disebut dalam hal ini. Pemikiran politik Islam Al-Mawardi menjadi rujukan penganut Sunni dan madzhab Syafii yang di Indonesia merupakan mayoritas. Sedangkan pemikiran politik Islam al-Nabhani menjadi pedoman dari gerakan HTI (Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia) yang pengikutnya tidak sedikit di Indonesia. Artikel ini menginvestigasi tentang pemikiran Imam Al-Mawardi dan Taqiyudin al-Nabhani terkait relasi agama (Islam) dan negara, perbedaan pemikiran mereka, dan kompatibilitas kedua pemikiran politik Islam tersebut di Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan kajian pustaka yang mana sumber data primernya adalah kitab (buku) yang ditulis oleh kedua pemikir Islam tersebut yaitu Al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyah karya Al-Mawardi dan Ad-Daulah al-Islamiyah karya al-Nabhani. Dengan menggunakan qualitative content analysis (analisis isi kualitatif) data dikumpulkan dan dianalisa. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemikiran politik Al-Mawardi telah diadopsi oleh mayoritas kaum Sunni di Indonesia dengan adaptasi atau penyesuaian dengan konteks Indonesia, sehingga kompatibel dengan konsep negara modern Indonesia. Sedangkan pemikiran al-Nabhani, yang tumbuh dalam semangat perlawanan terhadap kolonialisme dan dominasi kebudayaan Barat (Eropa Barat), diadopsi dan dikampanyekan oleh gerakan HTI di Indonesia tanpa penyesuaian dengan konteks lokal. Hal ini menyebabkan pemikiran al-Nabhani mengalami benturan dengan konsep negara modern Indonesia

    Comparison between Complications of Infants of Diabetic Mothers in Treated & Non-Treated Mothers in Babylon Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Pediatrics.

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    المقدمة: ان رضيع الام السكري هو الذي يولد للام التي لديها ارتفاع دائمي في نسبة السكر في الدم خلال فترة الحمل. تسبب هذه الحالة ارتفاع نسبة السكر في دم الجنين وبالتالي العديد من المضاعفات للطفل حديث الولادة. تهدف هذه الدراسة لمعرفة المحصلة النهائية لرضيع الام السكري   طرق العمل: شملت الدراسة 100 رضيع الام السكري 1-4-2015 الى 17-8-2016. وقد اجريت عدة تقييمات وفحوصات سريرية و كيماوية وشعاعية لاكتشاف المضاعفات. ثم تم مقارنة النتائج بين رضيع الام السكري التي استلمت علاج مع التي لم تستلم علاج باستخدام برنامج SPSS. النتائج: وجدت الدراسة ان رضيع الام السكري التي لم تستلم علاج اظهروا نسبة اكبر من المضاعفات بالمقارنة مع رضع الام السكري اللواتي استلمن علاج مثل انخفاض السكري في الدم 83% انخفاض الكالسيوم في الدم 4% ولم يسجل انخفاض المغنسيوم في الدم بينما ان الرضيع للام السكري بدون علاج كانت نسبة انخفاض السكر في الدم 94% انخفاض الكالسيوم 29% وانخفاض المغنسيوم 17%. كذلك وجدت الدراسة نسبة اعلى للمضاعفات في الجهاز التنفسي, القلب, العصبي و الجهاز البولي والتناسلي بين الرضيع الام السكر التي لم تستلم علاج بالمقارنة مع التي استلمت علاج. الاستنتاجات: ان رضيع الام السكري التي لم تستلم علاج لديه نسبة اعلى من المضاعفات السريرية والكيماوية وان معظم المضاعفات المسخية تحدث في هؤلاء الرضع.Background: Infants of diabetic mother are those  born to mother who has persistently elevated blood sugar during pregnancy. It causes fetal hyperglycemia, which contributed to many complications happen on those infants. This study aims To show the outcome of  infants of diabetic mothers. Methods: the study included 100 infant born to diabetic mothers in the period between 1st. April 2015 to 17th. August  2016 . multiple clinical, biochemical and radiographic assessments was done to them to discover any complication. The results then are compared between infants of treated to non-treated mothers using SPSS software. Results: the study found that infants of non-treated diabetic mothers show higher percentage of complications in comparison to those treated mothers like    Hypoglycemia 83%, hypocalcemia 5% and no hypomagnesemia in treated mothers group while in untreated mothers show 94% hypoglycemia, 29% hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia 17%. Also the study found higher percentage of respiratory, cardiac, neurological and genito-renal complication in neonates of non-treated infants compared to treated one. Conclusion: Higher clinical &biochemical complications are seen in neonates of non- treated mothers or poorly control diabetes. Most teratogenic complications occur in infants born to mothers with diabetes that is poorly controlled

    Effect of Gum Arabic in Management of Malnourished Children Aged 6 – 59 Months

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    Background: Malnutrition is globally the most important risk factor for morbidity and mortality, contributing to more than half of deaths in children worldwide. Gum Arabic is indigestible food ingredient with a potential effect as prebiotic and antidiarrheal. Aim of the study: To determine the effect of gum Arabic in management of malnourished children aged 6- 59 months and its effect on edema, diarrhea, and mood changes among them. Method:  This is an interventional, open-label randomized, controlled trial, hospital-based study conducted among 162 malnourished child admitted to Ahmed Gasim Teaching Hospital and Mohammed Elamin Hamid Pediatric Hospital during Jan. – July 2015. Participants were selected randomly, and equally distributed to control group (81 malnourished children) who were managed as guided by the WHO developed protocol for managing malnutrition and study group (81 malnourished children) received gum Arabic in addition to management protocol and the both groups received management for 2 weeks (30 mg/day for children > 1 year and 15 mg/day for children < 1 year). Results: Out of 162 malnourished children, 54.3% had age of 13- 24 months, males were 64.2%. On starting, 72.8% had weight for height <-3SD, 46.3% of them had diarrhea, 35.2% had edema, 65.4 were irritable and 24.1% were apathetic. On 14th day, in study and control groups, mean WFH increased by 9.26% and 7.6% respectively, diarrhea stopped in 97.06% and 78.05% respectively, edema subsided in 96.7% and 57.1% respectively, Also, 98.6% from study group and 73.2% from control group were active and smiling. The variation in the 4 assessed variables was revealed statistically significant (P value < 0.05). Conclusion and recommendation: Gum Arabic found to have positive effect when added to the WHO management protocol for severe acute malnutrition. Wide and well-established use of gum Arabic as Prebiotic will increase its economic values. Keywords: Gum Arabic, Malnourished, Childre

    Confirmation of the validity of using birth MCV for the diagnosis of alpha thalassemia trait

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    Thirty-four blood samples of neonates in Dubai, UAE, with an MCV below 90 fL were checked by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for hemoglobin variants to confirm a previous study carried out in Western Province of Saudi Arabia which showed a very high predictive index of such MCV for alpha (α-) thalassemia minor (ATM). MCH below 30 pg was an additional factor which supported such a prediction. The Dubai study confirmed the original finding with 100% of such neonates showing Hb Barts band. A control group of 26 neonates with an MCV between 90 and 95 fl showed Hb Barts in only 11 cases (42.3%). Of these, 6 (23.1%) were preterm babies, expected to have higher MCV. Five cases (19.2%) had an MCH below 30 pg, though MCV was 90 or higher. Three of the preterm babies also had MCH below 30. The study confirmed the Saudi results in neonates. It seems very highly probable that a term neonate with MCV below 90 and MCH below 30 has ATM