279 research outputs found

    Diversité ethno-culturelle et différentiel de pauvreté multidimensionnelle au Cameroun

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    Peu de recherches ont concilié le caractère multidimensionnel de la pauvreté avec le conditionnement culturel des populations pour orienter les politiques. La démarche de la MES (Modélisation en Équations Structurelles) à travers sa technique de comparaison de modèles nichés a permis de formuler et de tester les hypothèses de recherche. Les résultats montrent que les différences de niveau observées sur les dimensions de pauvreté résultent significativement (ce qui ne veut pas dire exclusivement) des systèmes de valeurs culturelles partagés au sein des groupes. Les facteurs par lesquels transite l'élément culturel vers le domaine de la pauvreté sont de deux ordres. Il s'agit du différentiel des perceptions et des déterminants de la pauvreté. Compte tenu de ces résultats et pour une stratégie crédible de réduction de la pauvreté, nous proposons une approche participative et décentralisée prudente pour définir les actions de lutte répondant aux besoins exprimés par les populations concernées.Pauvreté multidimensionnelle, culture, différentiel de pauvreté, MES, modèles nichés, variables latentes, indicateurs de pauvreté

    The Review of Economic Performance and Social Progress 2001: The Longest Decade: Canada in the 1990s

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    In this chapter, Paul Jenkins and Brian O'Reilly survey the monetary policy developments in the 1990s, focusing on links between monetary policy and the economic well-being of Canadians. The Bank of Canada economists do admit that tight monetary policy in the early 1990s hurt growth in the short-term, but they argue that such action was necessary to ratchet down entrenched inflationary expectations. Moreover, they argue that stagnation in the early part of the decade was not simply the result of monetary policy, but also reflected a weak US economy and structural problems in the Canadian economy.Monetary Policy, Inflation, Inflation Reduction, Inflation Policy, Growth, Recession, Well-being, Wellbeing, Well Being, Canada

    Deterministic generation of entangled photonic cluster states from quantum dot molecules

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    Successful generation of photonic cluster states is the key step in the realization of measurement-based quantum computation and quantum network protocols. Several proposals for the generation of such entangled states from different solid-state emitters have been put forward. Each of these protocols come with their own challenges in terms of both conception and implementation. In this work we propose deterministic generation of these photonic cluster states from a spin-photon interface based on a hole spin qubit hosted in a quantum dot molecule. Our protocol resolves many of the difficulties of existing proposals and paves the way for an experimentally feasible realization of highly entangled multi-qubit photonic states with a high production rate

    Near-deterministic hybrid generation of arbitrary photonic graph states using a single quantum emitter and linear optics

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    Since linear-optical two-photon gates are inherently probabilistic, measurement-based implementations are particularly well suited for photonic platforms: a large highly-entangled photonic resource state, called a graph state, is consumed through measurements to perform a computation. The challenge is thus to produce these graph states. Several generation procedures, which use either interacting quantum emitters or efficient spin-photon interface, have been proposed to create these photonic graph states deterministically. Yet, these solutions are still out of reach experimentally since the state-of-the-art is the generation of a linear graph state. Here, we introduce near-deterministic solutions for the generation of graph states using the current quantum emitter capabilities. We propose hybridizing quantum-emitter-based graph state generation with all-photonic fusion gates to produce graph states of complex topology near-deterministically. Our results should pave the way towards the practical implementation of resource-efficient quantum information processing, including measurement-based quantum communication and quantum computing.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Performance analysis of quantum repeaters enabled by deterministically generated photonic graph states

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    By encoding logical qubits into specific types of photonic graph states, one can realize quantum repeaters that enable fast entanglement distribution rates approaching classical communication. However, the generation of these photonic graph states requires a formidable resource overhead using traditional approaches based on linear optics. Overcoming this challenge, a number of new schemes have been proposed that employ quantum emitters to deterministically generate photonic graph states. Although these schemes have the potential to significantly reduce the resource cost, a systematic comparison of the repeater performance among different encodings and different generation schemes is lacking. Here, we quantitatively analyze the performance of quantum repeaters based on two different graph states, i.e. the tree graph states and the repeater graph states. For both states, we compare the performance between two generation schemes, one based on a single quantum emitter coupled to ancillary matter qubits, and one based on a single quantum emitter coupled to a delayed feedback. We identify the optimal scheme at different system parameters. Our analysis provides a clear guideline on the selection of the optimal generation scheme for graph-state-based quantum repeaters, and lays out the parameter requirements for future experimental realizations of different schemes.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Linear optical logical Bell state measurements with optimal loss-tolerance threshold

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    Quantum threshold theorems impose hard limits on the hardware capabilities to process quantum information. We derive tight and fundamental upper bounds to loss-tolerance thresholds in different linear-optical quantum information processing settings through an adversarial framework, taking into account the intrinsically probabilistic nature of linear optical Bell measurements. For logical Bell state measurements - ubiquitous operations in photonic quantum information - we demonstrate analytically that linear optics can achieve the fundamental loss threshold imposed by the no-cloning theorem even though, following the work of Lee et al., (Phys. Rev. A 100, 052303 (2019)), the constraint was widely assumed to be stricter. We spotlight the assumptions of the latter publication and find their bound holds for a logical Bell measurement built from adaptive physical linear-optical Bell measurements. We also give an explicit even stricter bound for non-adaptive Bell measurements.Comment: 17pages, 14 figure
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