2 research outputs found

    Socrative Sebagai Student Response System dalam Pembelajaran Daring Bahasa Arab

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    Purpose-Analyzing the socratives effectiveness as a media-based assessment of student response systems in the Arabic lessons during online classes.  Design/Methodology/Approach-This research is using descriptive-qualitative methods and was done in MAN Sidoarjo. This research methods used a simple random sampling by students of the 11 th grades IPA 1 and 2 with total population is 25 students. The data assemblings has collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, the data will be processed by source triangulation.   Findings: Socrative is an effective medium to provide teaching servis on Arabic lessons. There are three types of questions in the socrative methods and it was multiple choice, true/false, and short answer, and it might be able to cover the eight question type that have been developed by the Arabic language teacher of MAN Sidoarjo. This statement is giving a prove to us that socative methods colud be very helpful to facilitate teachers in developing strategies for creating exam questions, and from 25 sampling, 19 students are expressed their interest in using socrative in Arabic online learning class for various reasons.  Research Limitation/Implications: This reseach can’t reached more deeper than the reseach on space race and exit ticket because the socrative menu that being used in the field is focused on quick question, however, even though this reseach was focused on quick question, researcher found that socrative used maximally by the teacher. They use it to create various types of question in purpose to get feedback from students

    المنهج الدراسي ٢٠١٣ لترقية نتيجة تعلم اللغة العربية

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    This study aims to determine the results of learning Arabic after using the 2013 syllabus in class X and to find out what problems occur when the 2013 syllabus is applied in teaching Arabic.  The type of research used is quantitative method, which is a systematic scientific research method on the parts and phenomena and the causality of their relationships.  The purpose of quantitative research is to develop and use mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses related to natural phenomena.  The subjects in this study were all teachers and students who were involved in Arabic subjects.  Samples were taken randomly, namely taking 52 students from class X. The data and research sources taken were divided into two parts, namely qualitative data and quantitative data.  The results of the research include general views about schools and Arabic language teaching by using data sources in the form of library theory taken from documents and books that are compatible with scientific research as well as field sources carried out directly in the field by researchers.  In addition, interviews and documentation methods are also use