5 research outputs found

    Physical properties of soybean cultivated in NEH region of India

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    This study was conducted to investigate physical properties of soybean cultivated in NEH region of India.  Major, minor and intermediate mean diameters of soybean seeds were 8.88±0.55 mm, 4.68±0.32 mm and 6.46±0.36 mm, respectively.  Geometric mean diameter was 6.45±0.35 mm. Mean roundness of the seeds was 0.66±0.02, while mean sphericity of the seeds in their natural rest position was 0.73±0.02.  Bulk density, true density, porosity, thousand seeds weight and angle of repose were 749.50±1.59 kg/m3, 1171.80±115.02 kg/m3, 34.62±9.00 %, and 177.55±3.04 g and 25.82±1.88 º, respectively.  The coefficient of static friction over aluminum, mild steel, and plywood surfaces were 0.46±0.03, 0.45±0.03 and 0.47±0.02, respectively. Statistical analysis indicated that the indigenous cultivar commonly found in NEH region was significantly difference from the cultivars found in the plains.   Keywords: soybean, physical properties, NEH region, Indi

    Traditional knowledge system on paddy straw management in North-East India

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    Burning of paddy straw in the field is a national issue nowadays. Many researches have been taken up for efficient utilization of paddy straw at national and international level. But the use of paddy straw for various applications is known since ancient days. The application of paddy straw varies from region to region. Therefore, an attempt has been made to collect information on the traditional uses of paddy straw and its management in the Northeastern states of India particularly Manipur. The information has been collected through review of literature and interaction with the villagers. The study revealed that the people of this region used paddy straw for different purposes such as thatching, wall construction, cattle feed, animal bedding, fuel, mulching, mushroom cultivation, handicraft products, extraction of substrate from straw ash and preparation of fermented beverages. This traditional knowledge on the utilization of paddy straw can provide an idea for scientific exploration for better and efficient uses in various fields.

    Razvoj i ocena rada mernog mehanizma za širokorednu sejalicu na brdskim terenima

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    Inclined plate seed metering device was designed and evaluated in laboratory for singulation and uniform placement of maize and soybean seeds at three different cell shapes and sizes. The performance parameters like average spacing, multiple index, quality of feed index and precision were measured. Among the combinations of design variables, the seed metering plate with semi-circular cell shape having cell size 7 mm diameter was found to be the optimum for metering maize seed. Average spacing, quality of feed index, multiple index, miss index and precision were 17.48 cm, 79.33 %, 18.67 %, 2 % and 10.5 %, respectively. Likewise, the seed metering plate with semi- circular cell shape having cell size of 12 mm diameter was found to be optimum for metering soybean seed. Average spacing, quality of feed index, multiple index, miss index and precision were 9.65 cm, 77.33 %, 14.33 %, 8.34 % and 18.73 %, respectively. Therefore, considering all the performance parameters, inclined plate metering device with semi-circular shape of cell diameters 7 mm and 12 mm were selected for maize and soybean seeds, respectively.Merni uređaj sa kosom pločom za merenje izbacivanja zrna konstruisan je i ispitivan u laboratoriji. Ispitivani su pojedinačno polaganje i ujednačenost polaganja semena kukuruza i soje sa tri različita oblika i veličine ćelija. Mereni su parametri kao što su: srednje rastojanje, index umnožavanja, indeks kvaliteta punjenja i preciznost. Među kombinacijama promenljivih veličina u konstrukcijama, merna ploča sa polukružnim ćelijama i prečnikom ćelije od 7 mm bila je optimalna za merenje izbacivanja semena kukuruza. Srednje rastojanje, indeks kvaliteta punjenja, index umnožavanja, indeks greške i preciznost iznosili su 17.48 cm, 79.33 %, 18.67 %, 2 % i 10.5 %, redom. Merna ploča sa polukružnim ćelijama i prečnikom ćelije od 12 mm bila je optimalna za merenje izbacivanja semena soje. Srednje rastojanje, indeks kvaliteta punjenja, index umnožavanja, indeks greške i preciznost iznosili su 9.65 cm, 77.33 %, 14.33 %, 8.34 % i 18.73 %, redom. Imajući u vidu sve parametre, merni uređaji sa kosim pločama sa polukružnim ćelijama prečnika 7 mm i 12 mm bili su izabrani za setvu semena kukuruza i soje, redom

    Traditional knowledge system on paddy straw management in North-East India

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    255-263Burning of paddy straw in the field is a national issue nowadays. Many researches have been taken up for efficient utilization of paddy straw at national and international level. But the use of paddy straw for various applications is known since ancient days. The application of paddy straw varies from region to region. Therefore, an attempt has been made to collect information on the traditional uses of paddy straw and its management in the Northeastern states of India particularly Manipur. The information has been collected through review of literature and interaction with the villagers. The study revealed that the people of this region used paddy straw for different purposes such as thatching, wall construction, cattle feed, animal bedding, fuel, mulching, mushroom cultivation, handicraft products, extraction of substrate from straw ash and preparation of fermented beverages. This traditional knowledge on the utilization of paddy straw can provide an idea for scientific exploration for better and efficient uses in various field

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    Not AvailableA two-row self-propelled multicrop planter for hilly areas was developed, and its performance evaluated for planting of maize and soybean seeds. Power was transmitted from a 1.57 kW engine to the drive wheels and metering mechanism through chain and sprockets. Inclined plate type seed metering mechanism was used in the planter. Seeds were placed in the furrows at desired depths through adjustable system. The average depths of seed placement were 22.50 mm and 21.50 mm for maize and soybean, respectively. The average draft requirement for the planter was 1.57 kN, which was within the capacity of the power source. Average field capacity of 0.11 ha.h-1 was obtained for continuous operation of the planter at an average forward speed of 1.36 km.h-1 for planting both maize and soybean. The average field efficiency and field machine index of the planter were observed to be 80.98 and 71.78 %, respectively. The man-hour requirement for planting of one hectare land with the planter was 9.09. The cost of sowing with the planter was Rs.1100/- per hectare, which saved 64.80 % operational costs as compared to manual planting. The savings in man-hours and cost of planting were substantial.Not Availabl