9 research outputs found

    A Study of the Invertebrates and Fishes of Salt Marshes in Two Oregon Estuaries

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    Source: https://erdc-library.erdc.dren.mil/jspui/Partial This study, examines the invertebrate and fish life in the estuarine tidal marshes of Siletz ond Netarts Bays, Oregon. Sweep nets, corers, enclosures, and clip-quadrat samplers were used to collect both quantitative and nonquantitative samples of invertebrates in level marsh, pan, tidal creek, and tidal flat habitats located in seven study areas representing various types of marsh. Fish in these habitats, as well as in slough and bay channels, were sampled by seine and otter trawls. Community taxonomic composition and trophic structure along with fish stomach contents, are presented as relative frequency histograms and pie charts