143 research outputs found

    Enacting The Spirit Of The United Nations Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities: The Role Of Postsecondary Faculty In Ensuring Access

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    Nations throughout the world have signed the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities.  Many postsecondary educators support the ideals of access and equity for students with disabilities, but have received no training in how to ensure that these goals are achieved.  This paper introduces the concepts of universal design and universal instructional design and provides specific guidelines for general communication and for creating accessible classrooms, lectures or presentations, documents, media, websites, and distance education courses

    Changing children’s understanding of the brain: a longitudinal study of the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures as a measure of public engagement

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    Demonstrating the impact of public engagement is an increasingly important activity for today’s academics and researchers. The difficulty is that many areas of interest do not lend themselves well to evaluation because the impact of each single intervention can be hard to trace and take time to become manifest. With this in mind, we evaluated a lecture based around the 2011 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, ”Meet Your Brain,” delivered to school children from low performing schools. We compared knowledge about four neuroscience facts one week before, one week after and six weeks after the lecture. Analysis revealed significant knowledge transfer one week after the lecture that was retained five weeks later. We conclude that public engagement through tailored lectures can have significant impact in the moderate term with the potential to leave a lasting impression over a longer period

    Facilitating Student Learning Through Contextualization

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    This Brief, based on a longer review that considers the hypothesis that low-skilled students can learn more effectively and advance to college-level programs more readily through contextualization of basic skills instruction, presents two forms of contextualization that have been studied: “contextualized“ and “integrated“ instruction. There is more descriptive work on the contextualization of basic skills than studies with student outcome data. In addition, many studies with quantitative evidence on the effectiveness of contextualization have methodological flaws that limit conclusions. Further, only a small number of studies are with college students. However, despite these problems, contextualization seems to be a promising direction for accelerating the progress of academically underprepared college students. The method of contextualization is grounded in a conceptual framework relating to the transfer of skill and student motivation; practitioners who use it observe positive results, and the available quantitative evidence indicates that it has the potential to increase achievement

    Population and Environmental Correlates of Maize Yields in Mesoamerica: a Test of Boserup’s Hypothesis in the Milpa

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    Using a sample of 40 sources reporting milpa and mucuna-intercropped maize yields in Mesoamerica, we test Boserup’s (1965) prediction that fallow is reduced as a result of growing population density. We further examine direct and indirect effects of population density on yield. We find only mixed support for Boserupian intensification. Fallow periods decrease slightly with increasing population density in this sample, but the relationship is weak. Controlling for other covariates, fallow-unadjusted maize yields first rise then fall with population density. Fallow-adjusted maize yields peak at 390 kg/ha/yr for low population densities (8 persons / km2) and decline to around 280 kg/ha/yr for the highest population densities observed in our dataset. Fallow practices do not appear to mediate the relationship between population density and yield. The multi-level modeling methods we adopt allow for data clustering, accurate estimates of group-level variation, and they generate conditional predictions, all features essential to the comparative study of prehistoric and contemporary agricultural yields

    A Brief Stimulus Preference Assessment of Olfactory Stimuli

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    Assessing Feeding Damage from Two Leaffooted Bugs, Leptoglossus clypealis Heidemann and Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae), on Four Almond Varieties

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    Leaffooted bugs (Leptoglossus spp; Hemiptera: Coreidae) are phytophagous insects native to the Western Hemisphere. In California, Leptoglossus clypealis and Leptoglossus zonatus are occasional pests on almonds. Early season feeding by L. clypealis and L. zonatus leads to almond drop, while late season feeding results in strikes on kernels, kernel necrosis, and shriveled kernels. A field cage study was conducted to assess feeding damage associated with L. clypealis and L. zonatus on four almond varieties, Nonpareil, Fritz, Monterey, and Carmel. The objectives were to determine whether leaffooted bugs caused significant almond drop, to pinpoint when the almond was vulnerable, and to determine the final damage at harvest. Branches with ~20 almonds were caged and used to compare almond drop and final damage in four treatments: (1) control branches, (2) mechanically punctured almonds, (3) adult Leptoglossus clypealis, and (4) adult Leptoglossus zonatus. Replicates were set up for eight weeks during two seasons. Early season feeding resulted in higher almond drop than late season, and L. zonatus resulted in greater drop than L. clypealis. The almond hull width of the four varieties in the study did not influence susceptibility to feeding damage. The final damage assessment at harvest found significant levels of kernel strikes, kernel necrosis, and shriveled almonds in bug feeding cages, with higher levels attributed to L. zonatus than L. clypealis. Further research is warranted to develop an Integrated Pest Management program with reduced risk controls for L. zonatus
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