8 research outputs found

    Evaluation and Fault Classification for Service Robot during Sit- to-Stand Movement through Center of Mass

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    Many service robots have been developed to assist patients with sit-to-stand movement (STS). However, little research has focused on users’ negative psychological changes during the STS movement when assisted by a robot. The STS movement accompanied with a negative psychological change is defined as a fault. The main purpose of this study was to propose a method of conveying faults to a service robot through the center of mass (CoM). Experiments on the STS movement were executed five times with 10 healthy subjects under four conditions: two self-performed STSs with seat heights of 43 and 62 cm, and two robot-assisted STSs with a seat height of 43 cm and end-effector speeds of 2 and 5 s. Time series data on the CoM were measured with high-speed camera system. A classifier was designed according to the data on the CoM in the frequency domain. The results showed that the proposed classifier had a high probability of discriminating fault classes from others. Then, the vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) under the same experimental conditions was used to cross-check the experimental results. It was concluded that faults in the assistance of service robots can be detected from the CoP-related items

    Protocol and Evaluation for Warm-Up Exercise Through Musculoskeletal Simulation

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    In Europe, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common occupation-related diseases, and in the United States, MSDs occupy 5th place in causes of visits to medical facilities

    Consideration for Positive and Negative Effect of Multi-Sensory Environment Interventions on Disabled Patients through Electrocardiography

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    Many studies have supported the efficacy of multi-sensory environment (MSE) interventions in reducing behavioral and psychological symptoms and improving the quality of life for disabled patients. However, it is difficult to identify the groups that are helped and those who are harmed. This study verified the effect of multi-sensory environment interventions on disabled patients by using thermal images, then addressed the precaution using electrocardiography (ECG). Twenty disabled patients participated in experiments for 12 min: ten with muscular dystrophy (MD) and ten with severe motor and intellectual disabilities (SMID). The continuous measurement of nasal temperature evaluated the emotional arousal after facial detection. The QT-RR relation was used to assess the risk degree. It was found that the continuous measurement of nasal temperature enabled us to evaluate the emotional arousal of disabled patients in MSE with the comparison of ECG. Through the QT-RR relation, it was found that the risk assessment for the patient with SMID was 11 times higher than those with MD because the QT was below 300 ms. Therefore, it was concluded that the specification for the risky group was related to the kind of prescribed medication through continuous measurement

    Distance Error Correction in Time-of-Flight Cameras Using Asynchronous Integration Time

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    A distance map captured using a time-of-flight (ToF) depth sensor has fundamental problems, such as ambiguous depth information in shiny or dark surfaces, optical noise, and mismatched boundaries. Severe depth errors exist in shiny and dark surfaces owing to excess reflection and excess absorption of light, respectively. Dealing with this problem has been a challenge due to the inherent hardware limitations of ToF, which measures the distance using the number of reflected photons. This study proposes a distance error correction method using three ToF sensors, set to different integration times to address the ambiguity in depth information. First, the three ToF depth sensors are installed horizontally at different integration times to capture distance maps at different integration times. Given the amplitude maps and error regions are estimated based on the amount of light, the estimated error regions are refined by exploiting the accurate depth information from the neighboring depth sensors that use different integration times. Moreover, we propose a new optical noise reduction filter that considers the distribution of the depth information biased toward one side. Experimental results verified that the proposed method overcomes the drawbacks of ToF cameras and provides enhanced distance maps

    Evaluation of a Balloon-Type Vaginal Endoscope Based on Three-Dimensional Printing Technology for Self-Assessment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

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    Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) can occur if the support tissues or the pelvic floor muscles are weakened and damaged. There is increased probability for POP occurrence after childbirth, menopause, or in overweight women. Because the natural history and progression of POP is still unknown, the approaches used to prevent it have not been clear. POP is an uncomfortable condition that affects one every three women. However, most people feel uncomfortable to discuss it. Herein, we conducted a feasibility evaluation study for self-assessment approaches with a vaginal endoscope based on three-dimensional (3D) printing. The proposed endoscope has two parts: (a) rubber material used to cover it for its intended insertion, to avoid direct contact with the walls of the vagina, and (b) two types of sensors at the tip for measurements. The condition inside the vagina was observed with a camera and depth sensors based on the regulation of the amount of air. Arbitrary temporary prolapses from the testbed’s generator enabled us to perceive the location of the problem and symptoms that were regarded as the early stage. As discussed, the low-cost design of the 3D-printed-based vaginal endoscope provides a self-check capability and allows continuous observations that help prevent POP

    One-Step Gait Pattern Analysis of Hip Osteoarthritis Patients Based on Dynamic Time Warping through Ground Reaction Force

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip is a degenerative joint disease, which means it causes gradual damage to the joint, and its incidence rate continues to increase worldwide. Degenerative osteoarthritis can cause significant pain and gait disturbance in walking, affecting daily life. A diagnosis method for hip OA includes questioning and various walking movements to find abnormalities of gait patterns based on human observation. However, when multiple gait tests are performed to notice the gait, it can cause pain continuously, even during the examination. Suppose hip OA could be diagnosed with only a one-step gait; both patients and medical doctors would be benefited because the diagnosis time can be reduced and the burden on the patient is decreased dramatically. Therefore, in this paper, we aimed to propose a method to recognize the abnormality of the hip OA patient with a one-step gait pattern based on a dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm through three directional ground reaction forces (GRFs). After a force plate measured three directional GRFs, the data of twenty-three hip OA patients and eighteen healthy people were classified using supervised machine learning algorithms. The results of the classification showed high accuracy and reliability. Then, the DTW algorithm was applied to compare the data of patients and healthy people to find out when patients may feel pain during the gait. By applying the DTW algorithm, it was possible to find out in which gait phase the patient’s gait showed the difference, such as when the heel first contacted the ground, in the middle of walking, or when the toe came off the ground. Through the results, the data of the one-step gait on the force plate enabled us to classify patients and healthy people with a high accuracy of over 70%, recognize the abnormal gait pattern, and determine how to relieve the pain during the gait

    Scoring of Human Body-Balance Ability on Wobble Board Based on the Geometric Solution

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    Many studies have reported that the human body-balance ability was essential in the early detection and self-management of chronic diseases. However, devices to measure balance, such as motion capture and force plates, are expensive and require a particular space for installation as well as specialized knowledge for analysis. Therefore, this study aimed to propose and verify a new algorithm to score the human body-balance ability on the wobble board (HBBAWB), based on a geometric solution using a cheap and portable device. Although the center of gravity (COG), the projected point of the center of mass (COM) on the fixed ground, has been used as the index for the balance ability, generally, it was not proper to use the COG under the condition of no fixed environment. The reason was that the COG index did not include the information on the slope for the wobble. Thus, this study defined the new index as the perpendicular-projection point (PPP), which was the projected point of the COM on the tilted plane. The proposed geometric solution utilized the relationship among three points, the PPP, the COM, and the middle point between the two feet, via linear regression. The experimental results found that the geometric solution, which utilized the relationship between the three angles of the equivalent model, enabled us to score the HBBAWB

    Continuous non-invasive blood pressure during continuous repositioning by pulse transit time

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    The purpose of the present study was to propose a method to measure continuous non-invasive arterial pressure (CNAP) of severely handicapped patient during continuous repositioning. We have been interested in healthcare for severely handicapped children. Although their long stay in hospital could be led to a circulatory disorder or a serious secondary disease, there was little way to give an adequate healthcare service for them due to several kinds of side effects. Thus, we developed the non-invasive sensor system to measure pulse transit time (PTT) through the different output signal between the two different measuring points. The proposed extended model of algorithm enabled us to measure continuous blood pressure (BP) with the measured PTT. The algorithm considered the influence of gravity on BP; there was no need to re-tune the system even if the posture of patient was changed. We performed the continuous repositioning experiment from the supine posture to 45 or 75° postures after the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was confirmed. Through experimental results, it was found that the proposed method has the strongest correlation with commercial BP device. The experimental results showed that it was possible for the proposed algorithm to measure CNAP during continuous repositioning without the re-tune of system. It was recommended that some points of developed prototype hardware were necessary to be improved and the integration of other bio signals was more helpful for providing important insight into the overall physical condition