6 research outputs found

    Painleve equations from Darboux chains - Part 1: P3-P5

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    We show that the Painleve equations P3-P5 can be derived (in a unified way) from a periodic sequence of Darboux transformations for a Schrodinger problem with quadratic eigenvalue dependency. The general problem naturally divides into three different branches, each described by an infinite chain of equations. The Painleve equations are obtained by closing the chain periodically at the lowest nontrivial level(s). The chains provide ``symmetric forms'' for the Painleve equations, from which Hirota bilinear forms and Lax pairs are derived. In this paper (Part 1) we analyze in detail the cases P3-P5, while P6 will be studied in Part 2.Comment: 23 pages, 1 reference added + minor change

    Symbolic software for soliton theory

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    program tests for the existence of solitons for nonlinear PDEs. It explicitly constructs solitons using Hirota’s bilinear method. In the second program, the Painlevé integrability test for ODEs and PDEs is implemented. The third program provides an algorithm to compute conserved densities for nonlinear evolution equations. The fourth software package aids in the computation of Lie symmetries of systems of differential and difference-differential equations. Several examples illustrate the capabilities of the software. Key words: soliton theory, symbolic programs, Hirota method, Painlevé test, Lie symmetries, conserved densities