1,242 research outputs found

    What Controls the Structure and Dynamics of Earth's Magnetosphere?

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    ADHD ja sen tuki- ja hoitokeinot alakoulussa

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    Tiivistelmä. Aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriö ADHD on neuropsykiatrinen häiriö, jonka keskeisiä oireita ovat pitkäkestoiset vaikeudet säädellä aktiivisuutta, tarkkaavuutta ja impulsiivisuutta. ADHD vaikuttaa yksilöön useilla eri elämänalueilla. Koulu on lapsen keskeinen elämänalue ja ADHD tuottaakin usein merkittäviä haasteita koulunkäyntiin ja koulussa tapahtuvaan sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen. Opettajilla ja muilla eri alojen ammattilaisilla on mahdollisuus erilaisilla hoito- ja tukimuodoilla vähentää ADHD:lle tyypillistä oirekuvaa ja siitä johtuvia haasteita. Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa tarkastelen millaisia haasteita ADHD-oireiset oppilaat kohtaavat alakoulussa. Tavoitteenani on tuoda esiin keskeisiä tuki- ja hoitokeinoja, joilla ADHD:lle tyypillistä oirekuvaa voidaan helpottaa. Tutkielmani on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka olen luonut aikaisempien tutkimusten, eri tieteenalojen kirjallisuuden ja vertaisarvioitujen artikkeleiden pohjalta. Tutkielmani perusteella ADHD näkyy oppilailla keskivertoa alhaisempina oppimistuloksina, vaikeutena keskittyä tunneilla ja haasteina kaverisuhteissa. Opettajalla on mahdollisuus muovata luokan arkea, oppimisympäristöä ja opettamista ADHD-oireiselle oppilaalle edulliseksi niin, että keskeinen oirekuva sekä oppiminen helpottuu. Tiiviit ja johdonmukaiset interventiot ja psykososiaaliset hoitomuodot ovat toimiviksi todettuja hoito- ja tukitoimia ADHD:lle mahdollisen lääkehoidon lisäksi. Tutkielmani osoitti, että tukitoimissa keskeisiä teemoja ovat moniammatillinen yhteistyö, kannustaminen ja johdonmukaisuus. Kaikessa tukemisessa keskeistä on yksilöllisyyden huomioiminen sekä positiivinen ja välittävä vuorovaikutus. ADHD and its support and treatment methods in primary school. Abstract. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neuropsychiatric disorder, which main symptoms are long-term difficulties in regulating activity, alertness, and impulsivity. ADHD affects an individual in many different areas of life. School is a key area of a child’s life and ADHD does present many remarkable social challenges to school attendance and social interaction at school. Teachers and other professionals in different fields have the opportunity to reduce the symptoms and challenges of ADHD through a variety of treatment and support methods. In this bachelor’s thesis, I will review what kind of difficulties students with ADHD face in elementary school. My goal is to bring up the essential support and treatment methods that can reduce the typical range of symptoms. My thesis is a literature review that I have written based on previous studies, literature from different sciences, and peer-reviewed articles. Based on my study, ADHD occurs in students as lower-than-average learning outcomes, difficulties in focusing in class, and challenges in friend relationships. The teacher has the opportunity to shape the classroom’s everyday life, learning environment, and teaching of the class for the benefit of a student with ADHD so that the central range of symptoms and learning are facilitated. Concise and consistent interventions and psychosocial forms of treatments are proven to be an effective treatment and support options for ADHD in addition to possible medical treatment. Consideration of individuality along with positive and caring interaction is essential in all forms of support

    Quantitative robustness analysis of quantum programs

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    Supermagnetosonic jets behind a collisionless quasi-parallel shock

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    The downstream region of a collisionless quasi-parallel shock is structured containing bulk flows with high kinetic energy density from a previously unidentified source. We present Cluster multi-spacecraft measurements of this type of supermagnetosonic jet as well as of a weak secondary shock front within the sheath, that allow us to propose the following generation mechanism for the jets: The local curvature variations inherent to quasi-parallel shocks can create fast, deflected jets accompanied by density variations in the downstream region. If the speed of the jet is super(magneto)sonic in the reference frame of the obstacle, a second shock front forms in the sheath closer to the obstacle. Our results can be applied to collisionless quasi-parallel shocks in many plasma environments.Comment: accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (Nov 5, 2009

    Linking tree growth rate, damage repair, and susceptibility to a genus-specific pest infestation

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    Pest preference and subsequent susceptibility of a host individual is likely related to previous growth patterns in that host. Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) is a pestiferous beetle introduced to North America from Asia. While all species of ash are susceptible to attack, some individual trees appear to survive infestation. We selected ash trees in southeastern Michigan, collected cores and categorized trees as high tolerance to emerald ash borer attack (high overall health, low crown dieback), low tolerance (low overall health, high crown dieback) and intermediate tolerance (in-between the other categories). We artificially wounded trees and measured wound closure after 3 years. Ring width indices were not correlated between high and low tolerance trees. Regression slopes comparing growth and years were significantly different between the three tolerance categories, with high tolerance trees having the steepest slope. Wound closure was greatest in high tolerance trees. High tolerance trees demonstrating more rapid (steeper regression slope), consistent (lower variance), and effective (greater wound closure) growth. Those vigorously growing trees likely had more capacity to repair damage caused by emerald ash borer, leading to healthier trees in our categorization. Linking previous host growth patterns to health may have implications related to identifying individual trees potentially tolerant to attack

    Biodiversity improves the ecological design of sustainable biofuel systems

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    For algal biofuels to become a commercially viable and sustainable means of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, growers are going to need to design feedstocks that achieve at least three characteristics simultaneously as follows: attain high yields; produce high quality biomass; and remain stable through time. These three qualities have proven difficult to achieve simultaneously under the ideal conditions of the laboratory, much less under field conditions (e.g., outdoor culture ponds) where feedstocks are exposed to highly variable conditions and the crop is vulnerable to invasive species, disease, and grazers. Here, we show that principles from ecology can be used to improve the design of feedstocks and to optimize their potential for “multifunctionality.” We performed a replicated experiment to test these predictions under outdoor conditions. Using 80 ponds of 1,100 L each, we tested the hypotheses that polycultures would outperform monocultures in terms of the following functions: biomass production, yield of biocrude from biomass, temporal stability, resisting population crashes, and resisting invasions by unwanted species. Overall, species richness improved stability, biocrude yield, and resistance to invasion. While this suggests that polycultures could outperform monocultures on average, invasion resistance was the only function where polycultures outperformed the best single species in the experiment. Due to tradeoffs among different functions that we measured, no species or polyculture was able to maximize all functions simultaneously. However, diversity did enhance the potential for multifunctionality—the most diverse polyculture performed more functions at higher levels than could any of the monocultures. These results are a key finding for ecological design of sustainable biofuel systems because they show that while a monoculture may be the optimal choice for maximizing short‐term biomass production, polycultures can offer a more stable crop of the desired species over longer periods of time.We tested the hypothesis that multi‐species polycultures of algae can be designed to improve performance in biofuel cultivation and outperform the best single species. Our experiment of 80 open ponds (1,100 L each) showed that polycultures can simultaneously improve crop stability, bio‐crude yield, and resistance to invasive algae ‐ three characteristics that have been difficult to attain under field conditions yet are essential for biofuels to become part of the renewable energy portfolio.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146341/1/gcbb12524_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146341/2/gcbb12524-sup-0001-Supinfo.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146341/3/gcbb12524.pd