2,666 research outputs found

    Keck Observations of the Hidden Quasar IRAS P09104+4109

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    We present imaging and spectro- polarimetric observations of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy IRAS P09104+4109 using the Keck 10-m Telescope. We detect the clear presence of broad Hb, Hg, and MgII 2800 emission lines in the polarized flux spectra of the nucleus and of an extranuclear emission region ~ 4" away, confirming the presence of a hidden central quasar. The polarization of the broad Mg II emission line is high (~ 29%), consistent with the remarkably high polarization (~ 30%-40%) observed in the extended continuum emission. The narrow emission lines are polarized in a stratified fashion, with the high ionization lines being polarized 0.7%-1.7% and [O II] essentially unpolarized. The line polarizations are positively correlated with critical density, ionization potential, and velocity width of the emission lines. This indicates that the NLR may be partially shadowed by the putative torus, with the higher ionization lines originating closer to the nucleus. One notable characteristic of the extranuclear knot is that all species of Fe are markedly absent in its spectrum, while they appear prominently in the nucleus. Our favored interpretation is that there is a large amount of dust in the extranuclear regions, allowing gaseous refractory metals to deposit. The extended emission regions are most likely material shredded from nearby cluster members and not gas condensed from the cooling flow or expelled from the obscured quasar. Our data provide strong evidence for matter-bounded clouds in addition to ionization-bounded clouds in the NLR. Ionization by pure velocity shocks can be ruled out. Shocks with photoionizing precursors may be present, but are probably not a dominant contributor to the energy input.Comment: 32 pages, including 9 figs and 2 tables, to be published in the Astronomical Journa

    Controlled cortical impact traumatic brain injury in 3xTg-AD mice causes acute intra-axonal amyloid-β accumulation and independently accelerates the development of tau abnormalities

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized pathologically by progressive neuronal loss, extracellular plaques containing the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides, and neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins. Aβ is thought to act upstream of tau, affecting its phosphorylation and therefore aggregation state. One of the major risk factors for AD is traumatic brain injury (TBI). Acute intra-axonal Aβ and diffuse extracellular plaques occur in ∼30% of human subjects after severe TBI. Intra-axonal accumulations of tau but not tangle-like pathologies have also been found in these patients. Whether and how these acute accumulations contribute to subsequent AD development is not known, and the interaction between Aβ and tau in the setting of TBI has not been investigated. Here, we report that controlled cortical impact TBI in 3xTg-AD mice resulted in intra-axonal Aβ accumulations and increased phospho-tau immunoreactivity at 24 h and up to 7 d after TBI. Given these findings, we investigated the relationship between Aβ and tau pathologies after trauma in this model by systemic treatment of Compound E to inhibit γ-secretase activity, a proteolytic process required for Aβ production. Compound E treatment successfully blocked posttraumatic Aβ accumulation in these injured mice at both time points. However, tau pathology was not affected. Our data support a causal role for TBI in acceleration of AD-related pathologies and suggest that TBI may independently affect Aβ and tau abnormalities. Future studies will be required to assess the behavioral and long-term neurodegenerative consequences of these pathologies

    Hidden Broad Line Seyfert 2 Galaxies in the CfA and 12micron Samples

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    We report the results of a spectropolarimetric survey of the CfA and 12micron samples of Seyfert 2 galaxies (S2s). Polarized (hidden) broad line regions (HBLRs) are confirmed in a number of galaxies, and several new cases (F02581-1136, MCG -3-58-7, NGC 5995, NGC 6552, NGC 7682) are reported. The 12micron S2 sample shows a significantly higher incidence of HBLR (50%) than its CfA counterpart (30%), suggesting that the latter may be incomplete in hidden AGNs. Compared to the non-HBLR S2s, the HBLR S2s display distinctly higher radio power relative to their far-infrared output and hotter dust temperature as indicated by the f25/f60 color. However, the level of obscuration is indistinguishable between the two types of S2. These results strongly support the existence of two intrinsically different populations of S2: one harboring an energetic, hidden S1 nucleus with BLR, and the other, a ``pure S2'', with weak or absent S1 nucleus and a strong, perhaps dominating starburst component. Thus, the simple purely orientation-based unification model is not applicable to all Seyfert galaxies.Comment: 5 pages with embedded figs, ApJ Letters, in pres

    Periods for flat algebraic connections

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    In previous work, we established a duality between the algebraic de Rham cohomology of a flat algebraic connection on a smooth quasi-projective surface over the complex numbers and the rapid decay homology of the dual connection relying on a conjecture by C. Sabbah, which has been proved recently by T. Mochizuki for algebraic connections in any dimension. In the present article, we verify that Mochizuki's results allow to generalize these duality results to arbitrary dimensions also

    Cloud Cover: Privacy Protections and the Stored Communications Act in the Age of Cloud Computing

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    The article discusses the U.S. Stored Communications Act (SCA) and privacy in light of the cloud computing technology innovations of the early 21st century. The author examines various aspects of online privacy laws in the U.S., including the lack of protection for internet communications under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the application of the SCA to online information, and technological advancements such as cloud computing in the post-SCA adoption era

    Cloud Cover: Privacy Protections and the Stored Communications Act in the Age of Cloud Computing

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    The article discusses the U.S. Stored Communications Act (SCA) and privacy in light of the cloud computing technology innovations of the early 21st century. The author examines various aspects of online privacy laws in the U.S., including the lack of protection for internet communications under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the application of the SCA to online information, and technological advancements such as cloud computing in the post-SCA adoption era

    Homological perturbation theory for nonperturbative integrals

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    We use the homological perturbation lemma to produce explicit formulas computing the class in the twisted de Rham complex represented by an arbitrary polynomial. This is a non-asymptotic version of the method of Feynman diagrams. In particular, we explain that phenomena usually thought of as particular to asymptotic integrals in fact also occur exactly: integrals of the type appearing in quantum field theory can be reduced in a totally algebraic fashion to integrals over an Euler--Lagrange locus, provided this locus is understood in the scheme-theoretic sense, so that imaginary critical points and multiplicities of degenerate critical points contribute.Comment: 22 pages. Minor revisions from previous versio

    China's roadmap to low-carbon electricity and water: Disentangling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity-water nexus via renewable wind and solar power generation, and carbon capture and storage

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    Electricity and water form an intricate nexus, in that water is crucial for power generation, and electricity (or other primary forms of energy) is the key enabler for water purification and waste-water treatment. Nonetheless, both energy conversion and water purification result in substantial amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These negative interactions with potential “snowball” effect, can be decoupled via the deployment of renewable power generation, and carbon capture from fossil-fuelled technologies. However, such retrofits pose new challenges as wind and solar energy exhibit intermittent generation patterns. In addition, integrating thermal power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) imposes energy penalties and increases water requirements. In the present research, an optimization framework is developed which enables systematic decision-making for the retrofit of existing power and water infrastructure as well as investment in renewable and green technologies. A key aspect of the applied framework is the simultaneous optimization of design and operational decisions in the presence of uncertainties in the water demand, electricity demand, as well as wind and solar power availability. The proposed methodology is demonstrated for the case of the water-electricity nexus in China, and provides in-depth insights into regional characteristics of low carbon electricity generation, and their implications for water purification and wastewater treatment, demonstrating a roadmap towards sustainable energy and electricity