"Janpi Cuna" comes from the idea of improving quality of people`s life who prefer natural medicine to drugs. The core concept is that the store will sell medicines not industrially processed. This will use the immense variety of plants existing in the Ecuador with medicinal applications; much of which is unknown by the majority of the people. This way we will take advantage of Ecuador’s magnificent biodiversity and its ancestral knowledge, complying with the parameters of the new productive matrix. At present, pharmaceutical companies have seen healthcare as a business of great dimensions setting aside the true commitment to the integrity of the human being and ethics. This can be shown, for example, with the abuse of antibiotics and chemotherapy with extreme side effects in many cases. The progress of science in this field has developed palliatives that favor more drugs consumption without reaching the cure for great diseases such as AIDS or Cancer.
It is important for the country’s development and for the new productive matrix that Ecuador introduces itself to the world through access to new (although very old) forms of healing with endemic products from its natural regions. To do this, "Janpi Cuna" will be a very important player Through this study “Janpi Cuna” is stablished as a store located in the Valley of Cumbayá to attend a niche segment of people seeking for natural medicine as alternative care for health; by carrying out various financial projections in various scenarios and simulations it is shown how viable the project is with high profitability, achieving a positive VAN (US 43,802)andaTIR(96.4Enlaactualidad,lasempresasfarmaceˊuticashanvistoelcuidadodelasaludcomounnegociodegrandesdimensiones,dejandodeladoelverdaderocompromisoconlaintegridaddelserhumanoylaeˊtica.Estopodemosevidenciarlo,porejemplo,conelabusodeantibioˊticosyquimioterapias,conefectossecundariosextremosenmuchoscasos.Elavancedelacienciaenesteaˊmbitohacreadopaliativosquefavorecenalconsumodemaˊsfaˊrmacos,sinllegaralacuradegrandesmalescomoelsidaoelcaˊncer.EsimportanteparaeldesarrollodelpaıˊsyparalanuevamatrizproductivaqueelEcuadorsepresentealmundoatraveˊsdelaccesoanuevas,aunqueantiquıˊsimas,formasdecuracioˊnconproductosendeˊmicosdesusregionesnaturales.Paraesto,“JanpiCuna”seraˊunagentemuyimportante.Atraveˊsdelpresenteestudioseestablecea“JanpiCuna”comounatiendaubicadaenelvalledeCumbayaˊparaatenderaunsegmentodemercadoespecıˊficoquebuscaenlamedicinanaturalunaalternativaparaelcuidadosusalud;yque,realizadasdistintasproyeccionesfinancierasenvariosescenariosysimulaciones,muestranalproyectocomoviableydealtarentabilidad,lograndounVANpositivo(US43.802) y una TIR (96,4%) mayor que la tasa de descuento (25,28%)