46 research outputs found

    Prediction of Effect of Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2b plus Ribavirin Combination Therapy in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection

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    Treatment with pegylated interferon alpha-2b (PEGIFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) is standard therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C. Although the effectiveness, patients with high titres of group Ib hepatitis C virus (HCV) respond poorly compared to other genotypes. At present, we cannot predict the effect in an individual. Previous studies have used traditional statistical analysis by assuming a linear relationship between clinical features, but most phenomena in the clinical situation are not linearly related. The aim of this study is to predict the effect of PEG IFN plus RBV therapy on an individual patient level using an artificial neural network system (ANN). 156 patients with HCV group 1b from multiple centres were treated with PEGIFN (1.5 µg/kg) plus RBV (400–1000 mg) for 48 weeks. Data on the patients' demographics, laboratory tests, PEGIFN, and RBV doses, early viral responses (EVR), and sustained viral responses were collected. Clinical data were randomly divided into training data set and validation data set and analyzed using multiple logistic regression analysis (MLRs) and ANN to predict individual outcomes. The sensitivities of predictive expression were 0.45 for the MLRs models and 0.82 for the ANNs and specificities were 0.55 for the MLR and 0.88 for the ANN. Non-linear relation analysis showed that EVR, serum creatinine, initial dose of Ribavirin, gender and age were important predictive factors, suggesting non-linearly related to outcome. In conclusion, ANN was more accurate than MLRs in predicting the outcome of PEGIFN plus RBV therapy in patients with group 1b HCV

    Pathological Approach for Surveillance of Ulcerative Colitis-associated cancer:Usefulness of Immunohistochemistry for p53

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    The patients with long-standing ulcerative colitis( UC) have a high-risk of neoplastic lesions in the colonicmucosa. The UC-associated neoplastic lesion is difficult to detect by endoscopic examination or diagnosehistologically. In the present study, we aimed to clarify whether immunohistochemistry for p53 is useful todiscriminate the UC-associated neoplasia from inflammed regenerating epithelium. Tissue samples were obtainedfrom colorectomy specimens from 20 patients with long-standing UC (range 6-29 years). The surfaceof microstructure of the tissues was observed by stereomicroscopy, and the sections were examined usingimmunohistochemistry for p53. All of T2-4 carcinomas were detectable by endoscopic examination beforesurgery, whereas considerable number of dysplasias (52.5%), Tis carcinomas (33.3%), and T1 carcinomas(60.0%) were undetectable. Fifty-three of 67 UC-associated neoplastic lesions (79.1%) were of flat-typemacroscopically. The detection rate of flat-type neoplasias( 45.3%) was significantly lower than that of protrudingones (100%). The positivity of p53 overexpression was 0 % in UC-II, 52.5 % in UC-III, and 70.4 %in UC-IV, respectively. UC-II lesions had lower positivity of p53 overexpression than UC-III( P=0.027) or-IV lesions( P=0.003). Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 protein is useful to discriminate the UC-associatedneoplasia from inflammed regenerating epithelium

    Positive Therapeutic Response to Bevacizumab Plus Paclitaxel in a Patient with Advanced, Life-Threatening Breast Cancer and Carcinomatous Lymphangitis:a Subsequent Treatment Change to Hormone Therapy

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    We present a case of advanced, life-threatening breast cancer with carcinomatous lymphangitis treatedwith bevacizumab plus paclitaxel. A positive therapeutic response was achieved and the treatment was subsequentlychanged to hormone therapy.The patient was a 53-year-old postmenopausal woman with a non-contributory medical history. She presentedto a nearby hospital with chief complaints of continued exertional dyspnea and coughing since March2012. Physical findings included a palpable mass in the left breast, and the patient was referred and presentedto our hospital in May. Examinations at our hospital revealed left-sided breast cancer (estrogen receptorpositive, progesterone receptor positive, and no amplification of the human epidermal growth factorreceptor 2 by FISH). The patient had bone metastasis and carcinomatous lymphangitis (cT2N3cM1-stageIV). The condition was life threatening, and administration of bevacizumab plus weekly paclitaxel was initiatedwith the expectation of a high response rate. Coughing and dyspnea resolved two weeks later. CTscans were taken in August after the completion of 3 cycles and showed improvement in carcinomatouslymphangitis. No major side effects were observed due to bevacizumab plus weekly paclitaxel. When theCT scans were taken in December after the completion of 6 cycles, the primary lesion and lymph node metastaseswere reduced in size. In the lung field, there was no thickening of the interlobular septa or subpleuralinterstitium, and the findings of carcinomatous lymphangitis were improved. Thus, bevacizumab plus paclitaxelwere discontinued and the treatment was changed to oral letrozole (2.5 mg/day). The patient hasbeen followed up with no recurrence as of March 2013

    A Case of Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Breast after Augmentation Mammoplasty

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    Inflammatory pseudotumor is a benign reactive lesion which forms due to diverse tissue responses of inflammatory cells and mesenchymal cells. It can occur in various organs of the body but rarely in the breast. We report a case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the breast after augmentation mammoplasty. The patient was a 78-year-old woman who noticed a mass in her right breast in July 2012. She had a history of augmentation mammoplasty at age 24 years. She was referred to our hospital for thorough examination. A 3-cm immovable induration was palpated in the upper lesion of the right breast. Ultrasound examination revealed a hypoechoic mass at the same site. The mass was 2.9×1.7 cm with irregular, ill-defined borders. Mammography revealed some areas of elevated density with coarse, lucent-centered calcifications in bilateral breasts but no clear findings of malignancy. Core needle biopsy of this site revealed marked fibrous hyperplasia and proliferation of fibroblast-like spindle cells. Infiltration of neutrophils and plasma cells was observed in the stroma. There were spindle cells with no atypia and scarce mitotic figures. Thus, the patient was diagnosed with inflammatory pseudotumor. The patient received only follow-up observation without surgical resection as per the patient\u27s wishes. There has not been any change as of May 2013

    A Case of Hemangiosarcoma of the Liver which led to a Diagnosis with Hemoptysis

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    Angiosarcoma is a vascular endothelium-derived malignant tumor that arises in blood vessel walls, accounting for only 2.3% of soft tissue sarcomas in adults. Primary hepatic angiosarcoma(PHA)is rare, comprising< 5% of all angiosarcomas. We report a case of PHA in a 61-year-old man evaluated by another clinic around our hospital for a chief complaint of hemoptysis in May 2012. Chest computed tomography(CT) showed abnormal shadows in bilateral lung fields, so he was referred to Department of Respiratory Medicine at our hospital in late July. However, no definitive diagnosis was not made, even after bronchoscopy. In mid-August, he presented to the outpatient clinic of the respiratory department with a chief complaint of right-sided abdominal pain. Abdominal CT showed a liver lesion, and he was urgently admitted to our department. Initial physical examination was unremarkable except for palpable liver in the right hypochondrium. Tumor markers for liver and biliary cancers were all within normal limits, and negative results were obtained for hepatitis B and C virus. CT, ultrasonography, and(MRI)identified a large lesion replacing the right hepatic lobe and medial segment of the left hepatic lobe. Hemangioma or hepatic angiosarcoma was suspected, accompanied by intraperitoneal rupture. Transcatheter arterial embolization was attempted, but had to be discontinued, and the patient died from hemorrhagic shock due to tumor rupture after onset of abdominal pain. The PHA which assumes hemoptysis primary symptom is extremely rare, and by reports for the past ten years searched using PubMed, this is the second report in the world

    Immunohistochemical Localization of REG Ia Protein in Salivary Gland Tumors

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    The regenerating gene( Reg) Ia protein has a trophic effect on gastric epithelial cells, and its overexpressionis reported in gastrointestinal cancers. The salivary gland is a component of the digestive system, andtherefore, REG Ia protein may play some role in the pathophysiology of salivary gland tumors. In the presentstudy, we determined the immunohistochemical localization of REG Ia protein in salivary gland tumorsand moreover investigated its relationship to clinicopathological features. Twenty-eight patients with salivarygland tumor were enrolled. The specimens resected by surgery from those patients were examinedusing immunohistochemistry for REG Ia protein and Ki67. Five of the 16 pleomorphic adenomas (31.3%)were positive for REG Ia protein. Regarding salivary gland carcinomas, four of five mucoepidermoid carcinomas(80%), three of five adenoid cystic carcinomas (60%), one of two polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinomas(50%) were also positive for REG Ia protein. However, no relationships were found betweenREG Ia protein expression and clinicopathological features. Regarding the Ki67 expression, strong signalwas observed in the tumor cells of patients with salivary gland adenoma as well as carcinoma. REG Ia proteinis expressed not only in adenocarcinoma but also precancerous adenoma cells proliferating actively,suggesting that REG Ia protein may play a role at least in part in the development of salivary gland tumors

    キュウセイ スイエン オ ケイキ ニ シンダン サレタ タンノウガン ノ 1レイ

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    80 歳,女性.急性膵炎の診断で入院した際の腹部CT と超音波検査で,胆嚢に3.6 cm 大の腫瘍を認めた.MRCP で膵・胆管合流異常症の合併は否定された.膵炎軽快後に胆嚢腫瘍の診断で腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術が施行された.病理診断は胆嚢癌であり,腫瘍表面は脆弱性で一部に脱落と考えられる所見を認めた.本症例は,腫瘍片が総胆管へと脱落することによって惹起された急性膵炎によって診断された稀な胆嚢癌と思われた.An 80-year-old woman was admitted to the emergencydepartment of our hospital complaining of upper abdominalpain. Acute pancreatitis was diagnosed based on increasedserum levels of amylase and lipase. Computed tomographyand abdominal ultrasonography showed a gallbladder tumor3.6 cm in diameter. Pancreaticobiliary maljunction wasexcluded based on Magnetic Resonance cholangiopancreatography.The patient underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomyafter improvement of pancreatitis, and the tumorwas diagnosed as gallbladder cancer. On pathology, the tumorsurface was fragile and defluxion of the tumor was observed.We speculated that the acute pancreatitis wascaused by a small piece of tumor breaking off and passinginto the common bile duct

    ガクセイ アンケート チョウサ ニヨル コウギ ヒョウカ ト ソノ モンダイテン

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    近年,医学教育改革が目まぐるしく行われている.その中で,学生による講義評価が行われはじめているが,まだその報告は少ない.獨協医科大学では学年委員会が主体となって,講義・実習に対するアンケート調査を第1学年から第4学年まで行った.その結果,講義に対して「十分に満足している」という学生は,どの学年においても多くはなかった.さらに,「わかりやすい講義」をしている教員の共通点は,板書・プリント・シラパスを活用しているという点であった.実習に関しては,「基礎医学」に関わる実習に対しての評価が高かった.今後の医学教育において,学生の意見の反映がよりよい講義につながるものと考えられる.Extensive innovations in medical education have been carried out in recent years in our country. Although student evaluations of lectures have been conducted, there have been few reports on this issue. Thus, our committee consisting of representatives of every grade played a leading role in making and evaluating a questionnaire investigation of the lectures and the experiments. The investigation covered students from freshmen to seniors. We found that there were few students in each grade who were satisfied with the lectures. Students gave high marks to lecturers who wrote in detail on the blackboard, distributed well-organized documents, and made practical use of the syllabus. Experiments concerning the preclinical course were also well accepted. We consider that this sort of investigation will be influential in improving the quality of lectures

    Molecular pathogenesis of sporadic colorectal cancers

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    Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) results from the progressive accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations that lead to the transformation of normal colonic mucosa to adenocarcinoma. Approximately 75% of CRCs are sporadic and occur in people without genetic predisposition or family history of CRC. During the past two decades, sporadic CRCs were classified into three major groups according to frequently altered/mutated genes. These genes have been identified by linkage analyses of cancer-prone families and by individual mutation analyses of candidate genes selected on the basis of functional data. In the first half of this review, we describe the genetic pathways of sporadic CRCs and their clinicopathologic features. Recently, large-scale genome analyses have detected many infrequently mutated genes as well as a small number of frequently mutated genes. These infrequently mutated genes are likely described in a limited number of pathways. Gene-oriented models of CRC progression are being replaced by pathway-oriented models. In the second half of this review, we summarize the present knowledge of this research field and discuss its prospects