759 research outputs found

    Renormalization group analysis of superradiant growth of self-interacting axion cloud

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    There are strong interests in considering ultra-light scalar fields (especially axion) around a rapidly rotating black hole because of the possibility of observing gravitational waves from axion condensate (axion cloud) around black holes. Motivated by this consideration, we propose a new method to study the dynamics of an ultra-light scalar field with self-interaction around a rapidly rotating black hole, which uses the dynamical renormalization group method. We find that for relativistic clouds, saturation of the superradiant instability by the scattering of the axion due to the self-interaction does not occur in the weakly non-linear regime when we consider the adiabatic growth of the cloud from a single superradiant mode. This may suggest that for relativistic axion clouds, an explosive phenomenon called the Bosenova may inevitably happen, at least once in its evolutionary history.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Renormalization group analysis of superradiant growth of self-interacting axion cloud

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    There are strong interests in considering ultra-light scalar fields (especially axion) around a rapidly rotating black hole because of the possibility of observing gravitational waves from axion condensate (axion cloud) around black holes. Motivated by this consideration, we propose a new method to study the dynamics of an ultra-light scalar field with self-interaction around a rapidly rotating black hole, which uses the dynamical renormalization group method. We find that for relativistic clouds, saturation of the superradiant instability by the scattering of the axion due to the self-interaction does not occur in the weakly non-linear regime when we consider the adiabatic growth of the cloud from a single superradiant mode. This may suggest that for relativistic axion clouds, an explosive phenomenon called the Bosenova may inevitably happen, at least once in its evolutionary history

    Evolution of binary systems accompanying axion clouds in extreme mass ratio inspirals

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    Superradiant instability of rotating black holes (BHs) leads to the formation of a cloud of ultralight bosons, such as axions. When the BH with the cloud belongs to a binary system and is in an inspiraling orbit, the resonant transition between the axion’s bound states can occur. We study the history of the evolution of the binary system accompanying the cloud composed of the fastest growing mode and its impact on the observational signatures, especially for small mass ratio cases. In this case, the hyperfine resonance, which has a very small resonance frequency, is relevant. Therefore, due to the long timescale, we should take into account the decaying process of axions in the transition destination mode, the backreaction to the orbital motion and the central BH, and gravitational emission from the cloud. We present a formulation to examine the evolution of the system around the resonance and useful expressions for the analysis. As a result, we found the mass of the cloud that can remain after the resonance is, at most, about 10⁻⁵ of the central BH. The maximum remaining cloud mass is achieved when the mass ratio of the binary is q∼10⁻³. In addition, we show that the resonant transition hardly changes the BH mass and spin distribution, while the associated modification of the gravitational wave frequency evolution when the binary passes through the resonance can be a signature of the presence of the cloud

    Impact of multiple modes on the evolution of self-interacting axion condensate around rotating black holes

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    Ultra-light particles, such as axions, form a macroscopic condensate around a highly spinning black hole by the superradiant instability. Due to its macroscopic nature, the condensate opens the possibility of detecting the axion through gravitational wave observations. However, the precise evolution of the condensate must be known for the actual detection. For future observation, we numerically study the influence of the self-interaction, especially interaction between different modes, on the evolution of the condensate in detail. First, we focus on the case when condensate starts with the smallest possible angular quantum number. For this case, we perform the non-linear calculation and show that the dissipation induced by the mode interaction is strong enough to saturate the superradiant instability, even if the secondary cloud starts with quantum fluctuations. Our result indicates that explosive phenomena such as bosenova do not occur in this case. We also show that the condensate settles to a quasi-stationary state mainly composed of two modes, one with the smallest angular quantum number for which the superradiant instability occurs and the other with the adjacent higher angular quantum number. We also study the case when the condensate starts with the dominance of the higher angular quantum number. We show that the dissipation process induced by the mode coupling does not occur for small gravitational coupling. Therefore, bosenova might occur in this case.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figures, 1 tabl

    Even-Odd Differences and Shape Deformation of Metal Clusters

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    The relation between even-odd difference of metal cluster and the deformation of equilibrium shape is studied in terms of two different models; (i) tri-axially deformed harmonic oscillator model, (ii) rectangular box model. Having assumed the matter density ρ kept constant for different shapes of a cluster, we can determine the equilibrium shape both for the two models. The enhancement of HOMO-LUMO gap is obtained and it is ascribed to Jahn-Teller effect. Good agreement of the calculated results on ionization potential and the experimental values is obtained

    Hyperreactivity to weak acoustic stimuli and prolonged acoustic startle latency in children with autism spectrum disorders

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    BACKGROUND: People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are known to have enhanced auditory perception, however, acoustic startle response to weak stimuli has not been well documented in this population. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the basic profile of acoustic startle response, including peak startle latency and startle magnitude to weaker stimuli, in children with ASD and typical development (TD), and to evaluate their relationship to ASD characteristics. METHODS: We investigated acoustic startle response with weak and strong acoustic stimuli in 12 children with ASD and 28 children with TD, analyzing the relationship between startle measures and quantitative autistic traits assessed with the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). The electromyographic activity of the left orbicularis oculi muscle to acoustic stimuli of 65 to 115 dB sound pressure level (SPL), in increments of 5 dB, was measured to evaluate acoustic startle response. The average eyeblink magnitude for each acoustic stimuli intensity and the average peak startle latency of acoustic startle response were evaluated. RESULTS: The magnitude of the acoustic startle response to weak stimuli (85 dB or smaller) was greater in children with ASD. The peak startle latency was also prolonged in individuals with ASD. The average magnitude of the acoustic startle response for stimulus intensities greater than 85 dB was not significantly larger in the ASD group compared with the controls. Both greater startle magnitude in response to weak stimuli (particularly at 85 dB) and prolonged peak startle latency were significantly associated with total scores, as well as several subscales of the SRS in the whole sample. We also found a significant relationship between scores on the social cognition subscale of the SRS and the average magnitude of the acoustic startle response for stimulus intensities of 80 and 85 dB in the TD group. CONCLUSIONS: Children with ASD exhibited larger startle magnitude to weak stimuli and prolonged peak startle latency. These startle indices were related to several characteristics of ASD. A comprehensive investigation of acoustic startle response, including the magnitude of startle responses to weak stimuli and peak startle latency, might further our understanding of the neurophysiological impairments underlying ASD

    Relationship of the Acoustic Startle Response and Its Modulation to Adaptive and Maladaptive Behaviors in Typically Developing Children and Those With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is associated with persistent impairments in adaptive functioning across multiple domains of daily life. Thus, investigation of the biological background of both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors may shed light on developing effective interventions for improving social adaptation in ASD. In this study, we examined the relationship between adaptive/maladaptive behaviors and the acoustic startle response (ASR) and its modulation, which are promising neurophysiological markers for ASD translational research.Method: We investigated the ASR and its modulation in 11 children with ASD and 18 with typical development (TD), analyzing the relationship between startle measures and adaptive/maladaptive behaviors assessed with the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) Second Edition.Results: Peak-ASR latency was negatively correlated with the VABS total score and socialization domain score of adaptive behaviors, while the ASR magnitude for relatively weak stimuli of 75–85 dB was positively correlated with VABS maladaptive behavior scores. Prepulse inhibition (PPI) at the prepulse intensity of 70–75 dB was also correlated with VABS maladaptive behavior. However, these relationships did not remain significant after adjustment for multiple comparisons.Conclusions: Our results indicate that the prolonged peak-ASR latency of ASD children might be associated with impairment in the developmental level of adaptive behavior, and that the greater ASR magnitude to relatively weak acoustic stimuli and smaller PPI of ASD children might increase the risk of maladaptive behavior. Future studies that have larger sample sizes will be important for further elucidating the neurophysiological factors that underpin adaptive as well as maladaptive behaviors in ASD

    Decreased Deiminated Keratin K1 in Psoriatic Hyperproliferative Epidermis

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    Citrulline-containing proteins, mainly originating from keratin K1 and formed by enzymatic deimination of arginine residues, have been identified in the cornified layers of human epidermis. We analyzed the localization and nature of the deiminated proteins in psoriatic epidermis. Immunostaining based on chemical modification of citrulline residues showed that the normal and psoriatic uninvolved epidermis contained deiminated proteins diffusely in the cornified cell layer, whereas the involved epidermis had no detectable or markedly reduced levels of deiminated proteins. Immunolabeling with polyclonal antibodies against a synthetic citrulline-containing peptide corresponding to a deiminated sequence of mouse K1 also suggested markedly decreased deiminated K1 in psoriatic involved lesions. Keratin analyses indicated that deiminated K1 present in normal and psoriatic uninvolved epidermis was not detected in the psoriatic involved epidermis. Double staining with a monoclonal antibody, 34βB4, and the polyclonal antibodies demonstrated that epidermis with low suprabasal keratin expression was negative for deiminated K1. In contrast, intralesional acrosyringia showing decreased suprabasal keratin immunoreactivity like that of the surrounding psoriatic epidermis showed strong deiminated K1 staining. This suggests that abnormal keratin deimination is restricted to the psoriatic hyperproliferative epidermis, without affecting sweat ductal epithelia

    Rapid diagnosis of lyme disease: Flagellin gene-based nested polymerase chain reaction for identification of causative Borrelia species

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    AbstractObjective: Each of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii, and Borrelia afzelii has characteristic restriction sites in its flagellin gene. The authors focused on this gene and developed a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis for rapid diagnosis of Lyme disease.Methods: External and internal primer sets were designed for nested PCR to amplify an approximately 580 by fragment of the flagellin gene that includes species-specific restriction sites. DNA extracted from tissue samples of mice and humans were used as templates for PCR. The amplicons obtained were digested with HapII, HhaI, CelII HincII, or Ddel endonuclease.Results: In mice experimentally infected with each of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. garinii, and B. afzelii, borrelial DNA was detected irrespective of differences in the causative species. However, RFLP of the amplicons was able to identify the species. Skin biopsy samples from 11 Japanese patients with erythema migrans were subjected to both PCR and culture tests. Borrelial infections were detected in seven cases (64%) by PCR and eight cases (73%) by culture. All PCR-positive samples were also positive by culture. The causative species in human infections was easily identified as B. garinii by RFLP analysis of the amplicons.Conclusion: The nested PCR-RFLP system appears to be an easy and reliable diagnostic tool for the detection and species identification of borreliae in human cutaneous biopsies