66 research outputs found

    Estimation of the Postmortem Duration of Mouse Tissue by Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy

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    Electron spin resonance (ESR) method is a simple method for detecting various free radicals simultaneously and directly. However, ESR spin trap method is unsuited to analyze weak ESR signals in organs because of water-induced dielectric loss (WIDL). To minimize WIDL occurring in biotissues and to improve detection sensitivity to free radicals in tissues, ESR cuvette was modified and used with 5,5-dimethtyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO). The tissue samples were mouse brain, hart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, muscle, skin, and whole blood, where various ESR spin adduct signals including DMPO-ascorbyl radical (AsA∗), DMPO-superoxide anion radical (OOH), and DMPO-hydrogen radical (H) signal were detected. Postmortem changes in DMPO-AsA∗ and DMPO-OOH were observed in various tissues of mouse. The signal peak of spin adduct was monitored until the 205th day postmortem. DMPO-AsA∗ in liver (y = 113.8–40.7 log (day), R1 = −0.779, R2 = 0.6, P < .001) was found to linearly decrease with the logarithm of postmortem duration days. Therefore, DMPO-AsA∗ signal may be suitable for detecting an oxidation stress tracer from tissue in comparison with other spin adduct signal on ESR spin trap method


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    Efek samping kontrasepsi depo medroxy progesterone acetate adalah kejadian amenorea. Amenorea dilaporkan terjadi dalam pemakaian jangka panjang dan merupakan gangguan pola haid yang sering dikeluhkan oleh beberapa wanita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan lama pemakaian kontrasepsi depo medroxy progesterone acetate dengan kejadian amenorea di bidan praktik swasta Finulia Sri Surjati Surakarta. Tujuan :Mengetahui hubungan lama pemakaian kontrasepsi depo medroxy progesterone acetate dengan kejadian amenorea. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di BPS Finulia Sri Surjati Surakarta pada bulan April-Mei 2011. Sebanyak 83 responden diambil dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner dan kartu akseptor. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi Square dengan bantuan program SPSS 17.0. Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara lama pemakaian kontrasepsi DMPA dengan kejadian amenorea dengan nilai p (0,001) x2 tabel (3,841). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara lama pemakaian kontrasepsi DMPA dengan kejadian amenorea. Kata kunci : kontrasepsi, DMPA, amenore


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    報告Reports 本学では、2009 年の保健師助産師看護師法の改正に伴い、2012 年度入学生以降、公衆衛生看護課程の学部選択制を導入し、厚生労働省の示す、保健師学生が保健師活動に求められる一定水準の技術習得を備えることができるよう公衆衛生看護技術論演習(以下、技術論演習)並びに公衆衛生看護学実習(以下、実習)カリキュラムの改正をおこなった。 保健師の援助技術において家庭訪問は、対象である住民の生活実態に迫るという、重要かつ象徴的活動方法である。しかし学生の実習では1例しか同行訪問を経験していないため、深刻な事例を担当することへの不安や戸惑いが大きく、新卒の保健師は訪問が苦手と報告されるように、学部教育の課題といえる。そこで本研究では、個人や家族を対象とした実践能力に焦点を絞り、授業評価の一環として、学生の卒業時の到達度を分析・評価し、学生指導の今後の課題や対策を検討すると共に、今後の学生指導への示唆を得ることを目的とした。 調査内容は、全国保健師教育機関協議会が卒業時までに必ず修得する最低限の技術として作成した、保健師教育におけるミニマム・リクワイアメンツ(以下、MR)の5つの実践能力のうち、「実践能力Ⅰ」個人・家族を対象とした地域の健康課題の明確化と計画・立案する能力に着目した。さらに行動目標を、演習並びに実習で実践可能な「家庭訪問」に焦点化し、自己評価が可能な12 の大項目、38 の行動目標項目を抽出して作成し、到達度を「十分達成できた」「おおよそ達成できた」「なんとか達成できた」「全く達成できなかった」の4件法で回答を求めた。分析対象者は、本学の看護学部公衆衛生看護課程を履修し、技術論演習及び実習修了後に自己評価を提出した学生74 名のうち本研究の参加同意を得た65 名であった。 技術論演習と実習終了後のMR 自己評価の結果を比較・分析したところ、全38 行動目標のうち、12 項目に有意な到達レベルの改善が認められた。 本研究により、本学の公衆衛生看護カリキュラム改正は、卒業時到達目標に到達ができ、学生の実践力向上に繋がることが示唆された

    Rationale and Design of a Prospective, Multicentre, Stop Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Trial of Paediatric Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia with Sustained Complete Molecular Response (STKI-14)

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    Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a relatively rare disease in children, accounting for 2–3% of all paediatric leukaemia cases. Generally, children with CML can avoid hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and achieve molecular responses with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). However, CML stem cells are thought to survive in many patients, even after TKI treatment. Many aspects of the toxic effects of prolonged exposure to TKIs during childhood remain unclear, particularly those regarding growth impairment. This lack of clarity underscores the importance of the present clinical trial, which aims to clarify the feasibility of treatment-free remission (TFR) in children following TKI treatment. We aim to examine the long-term out-comes and complications of TKIs before and after cessation to better understand the unknown complications that could arise in adulthood. This trial targets patients who were diagnosed with CML at an age younger than 20 years, were in the chronic or accelerated phase at initial diagnosis and remained in complete molecular remission for at least 2 years after TKI administration. We will examine the utility of TKI cessation and assess the treatment results of patients who resumed TKI therapy after losing a major molecular response. We will also investigate factors related to the feasibility of a TFR after TKI cessation


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    報告Reports 本研究は「保健師教育におけるミニマム・リクワイアメンツ保健師教育機関協議会版(2014)(以下、MR)」を活用し、地域診断から事業化に関する技術の行動目標の達成度を、学生の自己評価を用いて実習後と総合演習後で比較し、実習・演習の教育評価を行うことを目的とする。到達割合の全28 小項目の平均は、84.4%(実習後)から、94.1%(総合演習後)と9.7 ポイント上昇した。28 小項目の到達割合を実習後と総合演習後で比較すると、実習後に9割に達しなかった小項目は22 項目(78.6%)あったが、総合演習後は全項目で上昇がみられ、28 項目すべてが9 割を超える到達割合を示した。実習後と総合演習後で到達割合に有意差があった小項目は、19 小項目(67.9%)であった。 以上の結果より、公衆衛生看護学実習後、学内で公衆衛生看護総合演習として地域診断のプロセスを再考し思考の整理をすることで、目標が達成ができ地域診断能力の向上につながったと思われる。そして実習、演習の連動した授業内容は評価を得たと考える

    保健師教育課程の教育評価 : コロナ禍における遠隔(Web)ツールを活用した公衆衛生看護学実習プログラムの実践

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    報告Reports 世界的パンデミックを引き起こしている新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大により、本学では、本来学生が実習地に赴き、地域住民との関わりの中で修得している保健師の実践力を、従来の自治体などに赴く実習(以下、臨地実習)から「学内実習」によって獲得させるための実習プログラムに急遽修正する事が求められた。 今回の公衆衛生看護学実習では、保健師に求められる実践力と卒業時の到達目標と到達度が獲得できるよう、新たに遠隔(Web)ツールを活用した実習プログラムを開発し実施したので、その取り組み内容の報告及び今後の課題と展望について考察する

    Measles vaccine coverage and factors related to uncompleted vaccination among 18-month-old and 36-month-old children in Kyoto, Japan

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    BACKGROUND: Due to low vaccine coverage, Japan has not only experienced outbreaks of measles but has also been exporting it overseas. This study aims to survey measles vaccine coverage and the factors uncompleted vaccination among community-living children. METHODS: Subjects were the parents whose children had undergone either an 18-month or a 36-month checkup publicly provided by Kyoto City during November 2001 to January 2002. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted. RESULTS: The coverage was 73.2% among the 18-month-old children (n = 2707) and 88.9% among the 36-month-old children (n = 2340), respectively. The following characteristics of mothers were related to uncompleted measles vaccination: aged below 30, working, concerned about the adverse events of the vaccine, and had insufficient knowledge. Similarly, the following characteristics among children were related to uncompleted measles vaccination: not the first-born child, interacting with other children in group settings. The coverage was the lowest among the children whose mothers were concerned about the adverse events of the vaccine without proper knowledge of measles and its vaccination. CONCLUSION: To increase vaccine coverage among children, parents' awareness about measles and vaccination against it should be promoted, especially for working mothers. Efforts to enhance access to vaccination services and to communicate with parents about changing vaccination schedules are necessary

    Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections during the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 epidemic in Japan: vaccine effectiveness real-time surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 (VERSUS)

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    Background: Evaluating COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) domestically is crucial for assessing and determining national vaccination policy. This study aimed to evaluate VE of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in Japan. Methods: We conducted a multicenter test-negative case-control study. The study comprised indivi-duals aged ≥16 visiting medical facilities with COVID-19-related signs or symptoms from 1 January to 26 June 2022, when Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 were dominant nationwide. We evaluated VE of primary and booster vaccination against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections and relative VE of booster compared with primary.Results: We enrolled 7,931 episodes, including 3,055 test positive. The median age was 39, 48.0% were male, and 20.5% had underlying medical conditions. In individuals aged 16 to 64, VE of primary vaccination within 90 days was 35.6% (95% CI, 19.0–48.8%). After booster, VE increased to 68.7% (60.6–75.1%). In individuals aged ≥65, VE of primary and booster was 31.2% (−44.0–67.1%) and 76.5% (46.7–89.7%), respectively. Relative VE of booster compared with primary vaccination was 52.9% (41.0– 62.5%) in individuals aged 16 to 64 and 65.9% (35.7–81.9%) in individuals aged ≥65.Conclusions: During BA.1 and BA.2 epidemic in Japan, mRNA COVID-19 primary vaccination provided modest protection. Booster vaccination was necessary to protect against symptomatic infections