1,109 research outputs found

    Percepcija u inteligentnim prostorima: kombinirana primjena distribuiranih i robotskih senzora

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    This work considers the joint use of robot onboard sensors and a network of sensors distributed in the environment for tracking the position of the robot and other objects. This is motivated by our research on Intelligent Spaces, which combine the use of distributed sensors with mobile robots to provide various services to users. Here we analyze the distributed sensing using the extended information filter and computation issues that arise due to correlations between estimates. In turn we show how the correlations can be resolved with the use of Covariance Intersection at a cost of conservative estimates, and analyze two special cases where the issues related to correlations can be reduced.Ovaj rad razmatra kombiniranu primjenu senzora na mobilnim robotima i mreže senzora distribuiranih u prostoru za praćenje položaja robota i ostalih objekata. Rad je dio istraživanja o "inteligentnim prostorima", gdje se koriste distribuirani senzori i mobilni roboti sa svrhom pružanja različitih usluga korisnicima prostora. Analizirana je upotreba proširenog informacijskog filtra za distribuiranu percepciju te računski problem uzrokovan korelacijama u procesu estimacije. Potom je objašnjeno rješenje problema korelacija korištenjem metode presjeka kovarijanci (Covariance Intersection), koje međutim daje konzervativne rezultate, te je dana analiza dva specijalna slučaja kod kojih je moguće ublažiti utjecaj korelacija

    Intelligent Space as a Platform for Human Observation

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