53 research outputs found

    Latest research on acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) of penaeid shrimps

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    Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) is caused by unique strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VPAHPND) and V. harveyi that have transferrable plasmid carrying the virulent PirAB-like toxin genes. The genomes of VPAHPND strains and V. harveyi from Thailand and Viet Nam, respectively, have been characterized by our group. The genome of VPAHPND strains from Mexico, Viet Nam, and China have also been studied by other groups. We have developed a conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) methods for the detection of AHPND using a primer set that targets the PirAB-like toxin genes of VPAHPND. We have characterized the toxin genes of VPAHPND strains and also constructed a recombinant plasmid (broad host range) carrying PirAB-like toxin genes. Non-VPAHPND strain N7 which does not carry the plasmid and strain FP11 which is carrying a plasmid not coding for the toxin genes were transformed with the plasmid carrying PirAB-like toxin genes. As a result, the transformed N7 and FP11 strains became virulent and killed whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) similar to or at par with the virulence of VPAHPND strain. We then fed the whiteleg shrimp with commercial feed containing the formalin-killed VPAHPND strain. After 2 days of feeding, all of the whiteleg shrimp died. These results clearly indicate that the PirAB-like toxin is the virulence factor of VPAHPND. We have been investigating the virulence mechanism of the PirAB-like toxin produced by VPAHPND strains. First, we calculated the copy number of plasmid encoding the PirAB-like toxin genes of several VPAHPND strains. The copy number of the plasmid varied, ranging from 1 to 36 copies. Interestingly, VPAHPND strains carrying low copy number of plasmid were more virulent than VPAHPND strains carrying high copy number of the plasmid. These results imply that the copy number of toxin genes is not an important factor responsible for the degree of virulence of the VPAHPND strains. We are also studying other factors associated with the virulence of PirAB-like toxin. Likewise, we are developing prevention methods against AHPND including the use of formalin-killed cell vaccine, IgY additive in feed, and nano-bubble treatment of rearing water. This paper summarizes the current R&D on the disease

    High-voltage scanning transmission electron microscopy: A tool for structural characterization of micrometer-thick specimens

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    Herein, the advantages of high-voltage scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) as a tool for structural characterization of micrometer-thick specimens are reported. Dislocations introduced in a wedge-shaped Si crystal were clearly observed by bright-field STEM operating at 1 MV. Many of the dislocations were straight and parallel to the 〈110〉, 〈112〉 or 〈113〉 directions. The widths of the dislocations in the STEM images were almost constant at 13–16 nm (i.e., 4–5 pixels) in the thickness range between 1 and 7.5 µm. The latest high-voltage STEM instrumentation is thus useful for imaging crystal defects in micrometer-thick materials, and enables multi-scale fields of view from a few nanometers squared to over 100 µm2

    Maximum usable thickness revisited: Imaging dislocations in Si by modern high-voltage scanning transmission electron microscopy

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    This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd are not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.7567/JJAP.56.100304.We have quantitatively evaluated the usable thickness of specimens in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) at 1MV using a wedgeshaped Si(110) single crystal including artificially introduced high-density dislocations. The width of dislocation images was employed as a criterion for the quantitative evaluation of usable thickness. Superior usable thickness in STEM than in TEM was found; the obtained results were 14.7μm for STEM and 5.8μm for TEM. In particular, in STEM, dislocations can be observed as thin lines with 10-15nm width in the thickness range up to 10 μm. The latest high-voltage STEM is useful for imaging crystal defects in thick semiconductors

    Misleading presentations in functional food trials led by contract research organizations were frequently observed in Japan : meta-epidemiological study

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    機能性食品の臨床試験を元にした広告への問題提起 --優良と誤認させる要素が多く含まれる--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-03-01.[Objectives] The functional food market has experienced significant growth, leading to an uptick in clinical trials conducted by contract research organizations (CROs). Research focusing on CRO-managed trials and the communication of trial outcomes to the consumer market remains underexplored. This metaepidemiological study aims to evaluate the quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) facilitated by prominent CROs in Japan and to examine the quality of the representations used to convey their results to consumers. [Study Design and Setting] This study focused on the food trials that were registered in the University Hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trial Registry or the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform by the top 5 CROs. Press releases of study results or advertisements of food products based on the study results were identified by conducting a Google search. The risk of bias in the RCT publications was independently assessed by 2 reviewers, who also evaluated the presence of “spin” in the abstracts and full texts. An assessment of “spin” in press releases/advertisements was undertaken. [Results] A total of 76 RCT registrations, 32 RCT publications, and 11 press releases/advertisements were included. Approximately 72% of the RCT publications exhibited a high risk of bias due to selective outcome reporting. “Spin” was present in the results of the abstract (72%), abstract conclusion (81%), full-text results (44%), and full-text conclusion (84%). “Spin” appeared in 73% of press releases/advertisements due to the selective outcome reporting. [Conclusion] Functional food presentations in Japan frequently contained “spin.” The Japanese government should more rigorously check whether food manufacturers report outcomes selectively

    A Novel Antigen-Sampling Cell in the Teleost Gill Epithelium With the Potential for Direct Antigen Presentation in Mucosal Tissue

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    In mammals, M cells can take up antigens through mucosal surfaces of the gut and the respiratory tract. Since M cells are deficient of lysosomes and phagosomes, the antigens are directly delivered to the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) without degradation. In teleost fish, the entire body surface (gills, skin, and intestinal system) is covered by mucus; however, specific antigen-sampling cells have not yet been identified in their mucosal tissues. Here, we show that two phenotypes of antigen-sampling cells take up antigens through epithelial surfaces of the rainbow trout gill. One phenotype of antigen-sampling cells has features of monocyte/macrophage/dendritic cell-type cells; they have large vacuoles in the cytoplasm and express PTPRC (CD45), CD83, IL-1β, and IL-12p40b. The second phenotype exhibits similar characteristics to mammalian M cells; the corresponding cells bind the lectin UEA-1 but not WGA and show expression of M cell marker gene Anxa5. In contrast to mammalian M cells, teleost M-type cells were found to exhibit small vacuoles in their cytoplasm and to express almost all genes related to the “phagosome”, “lysosome,” and “antigen processing and presentation” pathways. Furthermore, MHC class II was constitutively expressed on a fraction of M-type cells, and this expression was significantly increased after antigen uptake, suggesting that the MHC class II is inducible by antigen stimulation. Here, we suggest that teleost M-type cells play a role in the phylogenetically primitive teleost immune system, similar to bona-fide M cells. In addition, the presence of MHC class II expression suggests an additional role in antigen presentation in the gills, which are an organ with high T cell abundance, especially in interbranchial lymphoid tissue. The present results suggest an unconventional antigen presentation mechanism in the primitive mucosal immune system of teleosts, which generally lack highly organized lymphoid tissues. Moreover, the results of this work may be valuable for the development of mucosal vaccines that specifically target M-type cells; mucosal vaccines significantly reduce working costs and the stress that is usually induced by vaccination via injection of individual fish

    Clinical Outcomes and Genetic Analyses of Restrictive Cardiomyopathy in Children

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    BACKGROUND: Restrictive cardiomyopathy in children is rare and outcomes are very poor. However, little information is available concerning genotype-outcome correlations. METHODS: We analyzed the clinical characteristics and genetic testing, including whole exome sequencing, of 28 pediatric restrictive cardiomyopathy patients who were diagnosed from 1998 to 2021 at Osaka University Hospital in Japan. RESULTS: The median age at diagnosis (interquartile range) was 6 (2.25-8.5) years. Eighteen patients received heart transplantations and 5 patients were on the waiting list. One patient died while waiting for transplantation. Pathologic or likely-pathogenic variants were identified in 14 of the 28 (50%) patients, including heterozygous TNNI3 missense variants in 8 patients. TNNT2, MYL2, and FLNC missense variants were also identified. No significant differences in clinical manifestations and hemodynamic parameters between positive and negative pathogenic variants were detected. However, 2- and 5-year survival rates were significantly lower in patients with pathogenic variants (50% and 22%) compared with survival in patients without pathogenic variants (62% and 54%; P=0.0496, log-rank test). No significant differences were detected in the ratio of patients diagnosed at nationwide school heart disease screening program between positive and negative pathogenic variants. Patients diagnosed by school screening showed better transplant-free survival compared with patients diagnosed by heart failure symptoms (P=0.0027 in log-rank test). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, 50% of pediatric restrictive cardiomyopathy patients had pathogenic or likely-pathogenic gene variants, and TNNI3 missense variants were the most frequent. Patients with pathogenic variants showed significantly lower transplant-free survival compared with patients without pathogenic variants.Ishida H., Narita J., Ishii R., et al. Clinical Outcomes and Genetic Analyses of Restrictive Cardiomyopathy in Children. Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine 16, 382 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCGEN.122.004054

    System evaluation of automated production and inhalation of O-15-labeled gaseous radiopharmaceuticals for the rapid O-15-oxygen PET examinations

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    Background(15)O-oxygen inhalation PET is unique in its ability to provide fundamental information regarding cerebral hemodynamics and energy metabolism in man. However, the use of O-15-oxygen has been limited in a clinical environment largely attributed to logistical complexity, in relation to a long study period, and the need to produce and inhale three sets of radiopharmaceuticals. Despite the recent works that enabled shortening of the PET examination period, radiopharmaceutical production has still been a limiting factor. This study was aimed to evaluate a recently developed radiosynthesis/inhalation system that automatically supplies a series of O-15-labeled gaseous radiopharmaceuticals of (CO)-O-15, O-15(2), and (CO2)-O-15 at short intervals.MethodsThe system consists of a radiosynthesizer which produces (CO)-O-15, O-15(2), and (CO2)-O-15; an inhalation controller; and an inhalation/scavenging unit. All three parts are controlled by a common sequencer, enabling automated production and inhalation at intervals less than 4.5min. The gas inhalation/scavenging unit controls to sequentially supply of qualified radiopharmaceuticals at given radioactivity for given periods at given intervals. The unit also scavenges effectively the non-inhaled radioactive gases. Performance and reproducibility are evaluated.ResultsUsing an O-15-dedicated cyclotron with deuteron of 3.5MeV at 40A, (CO)-O-15, O-15(2), and (CO2)-O-15 were sequentially produced at a constant rate of 1400, 2400, and 2000MBq/min, respectively. Each of radiopharmaceuticals were stably inhaled at </p

    Consensus Paper: Neuroimmune Mechanisms of Cerebellar Ataxias

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