496 research outputs found

    The strategic implications of formation of regional industrial cluster by pluralistic approaches of the regional employment analysis and the competitive development model

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    The purpose of this study is to consider the strategic implications of formation of regional industrial cluster, especially Kitami region in Japan. At present, Japanese government is wrestling with great problems as the structural reform of Japanese economy and reconstruction of public finance in Japan etc. In this situation, how to inovate the regions of Japan is very important and difficult subject. The regional innovation is complex phenomenon. Accordingly it should be use the complex approach naturally. However, only few attempts have so far been made at complex approach of regional industrial cluster. Therefore, in this study we use the pluralistic approaches of regional economics and management economics and to consider about regional industrial cluster strategically. As the result, this study lead to the below strategic implications. First, the accurate perception of development's phase on the region is very important. Second, the involvement and role of government is very important too. Third, to make the plan of regional industrial cluster on the region is necessary as the driving force towards the goal

    Economic effects analysis of public investment in road improvement works in Hokkaido. Simulation analysis based on a macro-econometric model of Hokkaido

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    The objective of this study is to clarify how public investment in road improvement projects over a given analytical period of time has affected Hokkaido`s economic structure on the whole in relation to the industrial economy, prefectural income, household consumption, and commodity prices, through a simulation analysis based on a macro-econometric model. More specifically, our goal is to model both the direct effects achieved through the use of improved roads including the reduction of time-distance coefficients, the reduction of transportation costs and market expansion, and the indirect effects such as enhancement of lifestyles and convenience and influence on other public projects including living area improvement and promotion of regional areas, and to identify these effects quantitatively. Taking data availability into consideration, this study covers a 21-year analysis period covering the years 1976 through 1996. In constructing a quantitative model, the effect flow to be modeled was examined from two perspectives: 1) an effect flow showing the effects of road improvement works on production efficiency and market efficiency; and 2) an effect flow showing the effects of road improvement works on living standards considering convenience and lifestyle improvement. Then we attempted building a model that could indicate the occurrence of these effects in both Flow and Stock contexts. As a result of the simulation analysis, it was clarified that application of road improvement works would bring about pronounced positive economic benefits in tertiary industries, particularly in the transportation-service and wholesale/retail sectors, and greatly expand the prefectural net product on the whole. It was also revealed that these expansion effects would stimulate an increase in the prefectural income and in private final consumption expenditure. Furthermore, a simulation analysis on the economic effects that the expansion of the express-highway network would have on Hokkaido`s entire economy revealed that there would be a large effect particularly on investment and production within the transportation/communication industry and also on the commercial output of the wholesale/retail industry.

    Statistics of seismic cluster durations

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    Using the standard ETAS model of triggered seismicity, we present a rigorous theoretical analysis of the main statistical properties of temporal clusters, defined as the group of events triggered by a given main shock of fixed magnitude m that occurred at the origin of time, at times larger than some present time t. Using the technology of generating probability function (GPF), we derive the explicit expressions for the GPF of the number of future offsprings in a given temporal seismic cluster, defining, in particular, the statistics of the cluster's duration and the cluster's offsprings maximal magnitudes. We find the remarkable result that the magnitude difference between the largest and second largest event in the future temporal cluster is distributed according to the regular Gutenberg-Richer law that controls the unconditional distribution of earthquake magnitudes. For earthquakes obeying the Omori-Utsu law for the distribution of waiting times between triggering and triggered events, we show that the distribution of the durations of temporal clusters of events of magnitudes above some detection threshold \nu has a power law tail that is fatter in the non-critical regime n<1n<1 than in the critical case n=1. This paradoxical behavior can be rationalised from the fact that generations of all orders cascade very fast in the critical regime and accelerate the temporal decay of the cluster dynamics.Comment: 45 pages, 15 figure

    A novel bioinformatics tool for phylogenetic classification of genomic sequence fragments derived from mixed genomes of uncultured environmental microbes

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    A Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is an effective tool for clustering and visualizing high-dimensional complex data on a two-dimensional map. We modified the conventional SOM to genome informatics, making the learning process and resulting map independent of the order of data input, and developed a novel bioinformatics tool for phylogenetic classification of sequence fragments obtained from pooled genome samples of microorganisms in environmental samples allowing visualization of microbial diversity and the relative abundance of microorganisms on a map. First we constructed SOMs of tri- and tetranucleotide frequencies from a total of 3.3-Gb of sequences derived using 113 prokaryotic and 13 eukaryotic genomes, for which complete genome sequences are available. SOMs classified the 330000 10-kb sequences from these genomes mainly according to species without information on the species. Importantly, classification was possible without orthologous sequence sets and thus was useful for studies of novel sequences from poorly characterized species such as those living only under extreme conditions and which have attracted wide scientific and industrial attention. Using the SOM method, sequences that were derived from a single genome but cloned independently in a metagenome library could be reassociated in silico. The usefulness of SOMs in metagenome studies was also discussed

    G-InforBIO: integrated system for microbial genomics

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    BACKGROUND: Genome databases contain diverse kinds of information, including gene annotations and nucleotide and amino acid sequences. It is not easy to integrate such information for genomic study. There are few tools for integrated analyses of genomic data, therefore, we developed software that enables users to handle, manipulate, and analyze genome data with a variety of sequence analysis programs. RESULTS: The G-InforBIO system is a novel tool for genome data management and sequence analysis. The system can import genome data encoded as eXtensible Markup Language documents as formatted text documents, including annotations and sequences, from DNA Data Bank of Japan and GenBank encoded as flat files. The genome database is constructed automatically after importing, and the database can be exported as documents formatted with eXtensible Markup Language or tab-deliminated text. Users can retrieve data from the database by keyword searches, edit annotation data of genes, and process data with G-InforBIO. In addition, information in the G-InforBIO database can be analyzed seamlessly with nine different software programs, including programs for clustering and homology analyses. CONCLUSION: The G-InforBIO system simplifies genome analyses by integrating several available software programs to allow efficient handling and manipulation of genome data. G-InforBIO is freely available from the download site

    DDBJ working on evaluation and classification of bacterial genes in INSDC

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    DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) () newly collected and released 12 927 184 entries or 13 787 688 598 bases in the period from July 2005 to June 2006. The released data contain honeybee expressed sequence tags (ESTs), re-examined and re-annotated complete genome data of Escherichia coli K-12 W3110, medaka WGS and human MGA. We also systematically evaluated and classified the genes in the complete bacterial genomes submitted to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC, ) that is composed of DDBJ, EMBL Bank and GenBank. The examination and classification selected 557 000 genes as reliable ones among all the bacterial genes predicted by us

    Metadata Publication and Search System in JAMSTEC

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    Poster PS6-09, 1st ICSU World Data System Conference: Global Data for Global Science (September 3-6, 2011, Kyoto, Japan

    The role of assistance in "confidence building" and "reconciliation" for Palestine

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    Since the conclusion of the Oslo Agreement in September 1993, the international community has been providing humanitarian and development assistance to Palestinian people. The assistance, amounting to $6.5 billion until 2004, aims at improving living conditions and supporting economic self-reliance and institution building of the Palestinian Authority. It is obvious that “confidence building" and “reconciliation" between Palestine and Israel are the final goal for the assistance. However, they are the most difficult and challenging issues at the same time. JICA has been implementing technical assistance for the Palestinian Authority since 1993. JICA recognizes the “confidence building" projects as a priority target, although there are some constraints that derive from its historical background and political situation. In order to tackle them, it is necessary to understand the unique situation of the region. This paper seeks to identify the difficulties and challenges for the “confidence building" and “reconciliation" and to propose possible assistance in the future